Chapter 1528

Chapter 1528

At this time, the door opened, and Prince Heng Lian Siyue came out. She had changed into a woman's attire, full of energy and vigor, and the little girl Le Yan was standing beside her.

Ling Yefeng and Lengmei were slightly taken aback when they saw it.

"I, Lian Siyue, want to let everyone in the world know that I am looking for my husband, and my husband is the current Nine Emperor Uncle Feng Yunzheng." Lian Siyue glanced at the two subordinates and said.

After the grief, she was the strongest Lian Siyue again.

She thought about it all night, she searched so hard, but there was no news about Yun Zheng. If he didn't die, it could only be said that he encountered some difficulties and he needed her now.

Yun Zheng once waited for her all his life, and traveled through the previous life to find her. She is looking for him in this life, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ye Feng and Leng Mei saw each other, with relieved smiles on their faces at the same time, they both knelt down and said in unison, "I hope life and death will accompany you."

"Night Breeze, this is the autographed letter written by the Princess last night. You send someone to return to Beijing to deliver it to the Emperor, and ask him to issue a reward order all over the world to find the Nine King Feng Yunzheng with all his strength."

"Yes, my concubine, I will obey you." Seeing that Lian Siyue was so firm, Night Breeze's blood boiled up.

Since the princess believes that His Highness is still there, why do they not believe it?
"Now, I'm going to Prince Wei Lang's residence to prepare the carriage." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes! Princess!" Night Breeze went to prepare the horse, but because of his leg problem, he moved a little slower than usual.

Lian Siyue got into the carriage and drove all the way in the direction of Prince Wei Lang's mansion.

"Who are you talking about?" When Princess Feng Tangyao was in the courtyard, the servant girl came to report.

"That person claims to be the concubine of Prince Chaoheng of the Great Zhou Dynasty." The maid said, handing over a token in her hand.

Feng Tangyao saw that this bracelet was given to Lian Siyue by her mother and concubine.

When she got excited, she hurriedly said, "Quickly, let her in! No, this princess wants to greet her in person."

"Yes, princess, be careful." The maid hurriedly stepped forward to help her.


Lian Siyue was sitting in the front hall and waiting, she looked around and found that the shadow of the Central Plains can be seen everywhere in the palace, the furniture and furnishings, the withered and yellow trees in the courtyard, it shows Wei Lang's intentions for Feng Tangyao.

This Wei Lang is also very wise and foolish, he knows when to make choices, although he likes Ling Yue'er in his heart, but he treats Feng Tangyao with heart when he marries Feng Tangyao, because he knows how important Feng Tangyao is to him at this time.

"Cousin!" Just as she was thinking, she suddenly heard an excited voice.

Looking back, I saw Feng Tangyao walking over quickly.

She called her cousin, not Princess Heng, so it can be seen that she was really moved to see Lian Siyue at this moment.

"Tangyao'er." Lian Siyue stood up and looked at her, although Wei Lang worked hard, she still lost a lot of weight and looked haggard.

It seemed that the life here made her very uncomfortable.

"Cousin!" Feng Tangyao actually hugged Lian Siyue, and said excitedly, "Finally, I see my relatives."

"Tang Yao'er." Lian Siyue called out, and patted her on the back lightly.

Feng Tangyao came to her senses, let go of Lian Siyue, raised her hand to touch the tears on her face, and said to the people around her, "You all go down, I want to talk to my cousin, Alan, You go and get the prince back, and say that His Highness Ninth Prince Hengqin is here to visit."

Feng Yunzheng is a person who supports Wei Lang, and he will definitely treat Lian Siyue as a guest of honor.

"Yes, Wang Zifei." Everyone retreated one by one.

Feng Tangyao hurriedly asked, "Sister Yue Cousin, why did you come here, brother Nine Kings? Did you come together?"

"The other person is gone." Lian Siyue said with a low voice.

The expression on Feng Tangyao's face froze, her heart trembled, and she asked, "It's gone? What do you mean? I don't understand."

"To be honest, I have been looking for him for almost two months. I came here from Yingzhou and stayed in Qizhou for a month." Lian Siyue said.

"What happened?" Feng Tangyao asked.

"A few months ago, we encountered a black storm on the way..." Even Siyue will experience the black storm and Feng Yunzheng's disappearance.

When Feng Tangyao heard this, she showed a surprised expression.

"So, I came to Wei Lang and asked him to help find His Highness." Lian Siyue directly explained the purpose of coming.

"Don't worry, Wei Lang will do everything to help." Feng Tangyao said with certainty.

At the beginning, it was Brother Jiu Wang who came forward to make a deal with Wei Lang, and Brother Jiu Wang was Wei Lang's strongest external support, if he found him, it would be a great achievement in front of Brother Jiu Wang, Wei Lang had no reason to refuse.

"By the way, cousin, where do you live now?" Feng Tangyao asked.

"Inn." Lian Siyue said.

"The inn?" Feng Tangyao hurriedly said, "How can it be done, you are Princess Heng, living in an inn, how decent is it, I think, just move to my place, we can be companions, things happen Wei Lang will be very happy if there is an agreement.”

Feng Tangyao has her own little Jiujiu in her heart, she is the only Han Chinese here, and she often feels lonely.

And between the princesses here, you come and go, it's not like in the harem of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they are playing tricks and tricks, they are often very straightforward, and her ideas are often useless, instead, she has been aggrieved several times, time and time again I was speechless by what they said.

If Lian Siyue stayed by her side, she would be someone she could use to frighten these rough shrews.

How could Lian Siyue not know Feng Tangyao's thoughts.

Although she was so enthusiastic, Lian Siyue did not regard her as a simple person like Ling Yueer.

"Tang Yao'er, put this matter on hold for now, let's think about your Ninth Brother." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, the matter of Brother Nine Kings is the most important thing." Feng Tangyao said.

"The concubine is here!" At this moment, Wei Lang rushed over after hearing the news, met Lian Siyue, put his hands on his chest, and bowed.

Even Siyue stood up, nodded slightly, and said, "Prince Weilang."

"The concubine came from a long way, Wei Lang failed to welcome her, it is really rude." Wei Lang said.

"It's my concubine who bothered you." Lian Siyue said.

"Wei Lang, my cousin is here to ask you to help find my Brother Nine Kings." Feng Tangyao said.

"His Royal Highness?" Wei Lang was puzzled.

Therefore, Feng Tangyao told the truth.

Sure enough, Wei Lang attached great importance to this matter, so he expressed his opinion to Lian Siyue, saying, "Since His Highness the Ninth Prince is going out in Limobei territory, the prince will definitely search for it with all his strength, please rest assured, the princess."

"Prince, prince!" At this moment, the guards outside hurried in, "Something happened!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Wei Lang said roughly.

"This..." The guard closed his mouth when he saw a stranger.

"This is the concubine of Prince Heng of the Great Zhou, there is no need to hide it, you are who you are." Wei Lang said.

"It's the eldest prince. The eldest prince was ordered by Shan Yu to go to the barracks, but someone died. Now General Tili is heading to the palace with the head in his hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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