First-class daughter

Chapter 1529 There is a clue!

Chapter 1529 There is a clue!

Chapter 1529 There is a clue!

"Do you know what happened?" Wei Lang asked.

"I don't know exactly what happened. I only know that General Tilly rode all the way from the barracks. He held up the head in his hand, and the blood dripped all the way." The guard said.

"Who is the head?" Wei Lang asked.

"It was a guard next to the eldest prince. He said it was because he poisoned the people around General Tilly, and he was discovered by that person. General Tilly beheaded this person in a rage." The guard said.

"Poison?" Wei Lang showed a surprised expression.

"I heard that the person who was poisoned was General Tilly's best friend. I don't know who the person she rescued was." The guard said.

A person saved?

A flash of thought flashed in Wei Lang's eyes, and he quickly made a judgment in his mind, and said, "Who is worthy of her beheading the elder brother? This Tili is getting bolder, and she really didn't let the elder prince go." In my eyes, I just killed the eldest prince's concubine's relatives who violated military discipline, and this time he killed the eldest prince's bodyguard. The eldest prince obviously wanted to marry her, but she made it like this."

"Wei Lang, the eldest prince has always been dissatisfied with your acquisition of the Sixteenth City, and tried his best to sue Shan Yu and suppress you. Now, if he has conflicts with Ti Li, it would be a good opportunity to get rid of him. Yeah." Feng Tangyao said.

Lian Siyue listened quietly at the side. As early as in the Central Plains, he had heard that the eldest prince was a powerful heir to the throne. Now that things have changed suddenly, it is normal to feel dissatisfied.

Wei Lang thought for a moment, cupped his fists, and said, "Princess, I will go into the palace and find out. I will definitely do my best to find His Majesty the Ninth Prince, please rest assured."

"Alright, Prince Wei Lang, you are busy." Lian Siyue nodded slightly.

Wei Lang left in a hurry.

Feng Tangyao said, "Cousin, let me walk around with you."

"En." Lian Siyue nodded.

Feng Tangyao led her to visit the palace, she said, "Princess, it can be seen that Wei Lang cares about you very much, your choice is right."

Feng Tangyao smiled wryly, "Others don't know, cousin, don't you know? My cousin couldn't be more clear why I came here. In the final analysis, I was the one who was abandoned by the late emperor, the daughter he didn't want."

Lian Siyue walked forward with her, and said, "Now, you are not the daughter of the first emperor, but the princess of Wei Lang."

Feng Tangyao was slightly stunned, "Yes, so, I have no choice but to grit my teeth. This place is harder than I imagined, but I will endure it."

Lian Siyue nodded, and said, "If my aunt heard what you said, she would feel more comforted."

"Mother concubine..." Feng Tangyao's mother concubine burst into tears, choked up and said, "I made mother concubine sad, cousin, is my mother concubine okay? Brother is fine."

"Although my aunt is often sad because of this, she is doing well. His Highness the Fourteenth is looking very healthy and good at studying, so you don't have to worry." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, this is very good." Feng Tangyao wiped away her tears and said, "I'm afraid we will never have the chance to see each other again in this life. Hearing such news makes me feel much better. Cousin, from now on, my concubine mother and concubine will be together again." Brother, please."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Don't worry, the emperor also takes good care of my aunt."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Feng Tangyao hurriedly bowed.

"Speaking of...the Tili that Wei Lang just mentioned seems to be a strange person in Mobei." Lian Siyue said, listening to their conversation just now, this Tili was the one who killed both the prince concubine and the eldest prince. A person next to him was bullied, and he dared to go to the Xiongnu Shanyu with his head, which shows that he is really not an ordinary person.

"Yeah, it's not ordinary. She's still a woman. I heard that she followed her grandfather in the barracks when she was young. She led soldiers to fight when she was a teenager. She even used her life in front of her grandfather and all the soldiers. Guarding the Mobei Army, I won't marry in this life." Feng Tangyao said.

"In this way, she is indeed a strange woman." Even Si Yue had seen all kinds of women, but this was the first time she heard of Ti Li.

"I saw her once." Feng Tangyao said, "The last time I was in the palace, it frightened me. She doesn't have the lightness of a daughter's family, but has a bloody smell, which makes me sick to my stomach."

"Such a woman, I want to meet her last time, but it's important to find Yun Zheng." Lian Siyue said.

"Even if we see her, we still won't see her real face." Feng Tangyao said.

"Why?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I don't know if she is so ugly that she is afraid of scaring people. Her face is always covered with a red veil, and she never lets people see her true appearance. I heard that since she followed her grandfather, she has That's it, no one has seen what she looks like." Feng Tangyao said.

Covered with a layer of red yarn?

How do you feel like you have seen such a person somewhere?

where is it?
Lian Siyue couldn't remember it all at once.

"However, she is indeed very powerful. A woman is in command of the three armies. She has a very high prestige in the army. Even Shan Yu gave her face. Last time I came to the palace, I could see that Shan Yu and the Yan family attached great importance to her. .” Feng Tangyao said.

After leaving Prince Wei Lang's mansion, Lian Siyue took the carriage back to the inn, along the way, there was always a hint of thought in her eyes.

After returning to the inn room, Le Yan'er hurriedly came forward and asked, "Mother, how is it?"

"Le Yan'er, have you ever heard of a person named Ti Li?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I know, it's the female general of Mobei. I saw her once from a distance. The time I saw her, she seemed to have just returned from the desert and was injured..."

Da Mo, injured?
Lian Siyue's eyes froze!

I understand where that vaguely familiar feeling comes from!
That day, on the way to Mobei, on the yellow sand of the desert, they saw people fighting from both sides, and then the woman's subordinates came to ask for help.


Finally, she gave the masked woman a bottle of medicine.

The man's face was also covered with a red veil.

So, she is Tilly?
At that time, she had told them about the black storm. Speaking of which, she was not too far away from the outlet of the black storm. Was she not injured?

If you are not injured...

Thinking about it, Lian Siyue suddenly stood up, feeling an inexplicable excitement in her heart.

"Mother, what's the matter..." Le Yan'er was taken aback when she saw Lian Siyue being so excited.

"Le Yan'er, maybe... maybe I know where he might be!" Lian Siyue was trembling all over, and her eye circles were also red.

"Yes, where is it?" Le Yan was also a little excited, her voice trembling.

"I'm going to confirm!" Lian Siyue immediately summoned Ye Feng and Leng Mei, and ordered, "I want to see the female general here, Ti Li, but don't startle the snake."

(End of this chapter)

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