First-class daughter

Chapter 1530 A flash of light

Chapter 1530 A flash of light
Chapter 1530 A flash of light
Holding the bloody head in her hand, Ti Li held it up high and galloped on top of the steed. Where the steed stepped, a thick cloud of dust was raised.

People on the street, seeing the red armor and the fluttering red veil, knew that it was the steed of General Ti Li, and all retreated and knelt on the ground respectfully.

There was a deep chill in Tilly's eyes, and there was an indomitable determination in her eyes.

In front of the eldest prince, she personally cut off the person who poisoned Feng Yunzheng. The eldest prince never expected that she would kill his person in front of him. Besides, he represented Shan Yu.

The eldest prince lost all face and claimed that she was rebellious, but without saying a word, she picked up the man's head and rushed all the way to Longcheng.

Her cold and haughty eyes casually scanned both sides of the street.

Suddenly, she was taken aback, and her legs clamped the horse's belly. The horse neighed, raised its hooves high, circled on the spot, and stopped.

She looked at the notice next to her. It was a missing person notice. On it was a portrait of a man. This man was the man in her barracks, Feng Yunzheng, the uncle of the Nine Emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Thoughts flashed in her eyes, and after a while, she swung the rein with one hand again, and headed towards the palace, but along the way, she saw more than one portrait, but there was no expression on her face.

The portrait just now shows that the person looking for Feng Yunzheng has arrived in Longcheng.

Then, this portrait must have been made by that woman.

The image of that indifferent woman appeared in Tilly's mind.

She is coming.


Tilly rode her horse all the way to the gate of the palace, jumped off the horse, took out the token at her waist, and asked the guards guarding the gate to let her in.

Her token was given by Shan Yu, and she can enter and leave the palace freely.

In front of Shan Yu, Ti Li knelt down on one knee and begged to be stabbed first!

Shan Yu was stunned, and asked, "Tilly, what is your crime that you begged me to stab you to death?"

Tilly saw that the head behind her was taken out and placed in front of her.

"Ah!" Even Shan Yu was shocked when he saw this head.

Immediately, the guard at the side stood in front of Shan Yu and said, "Bold!"

"Shan Yu, I saw the head of the eldest prince's bodyguard. The general deserves death. Please punish Shan Yu." Ti Li said still calmly.

"You looked at Wei Ning's guard's head, you should know that Wei Ning went to inspect the barracks instead of me." Shan Yu said with displeasure after hearing this.

"The last general knows, so the last general has come to beg for death!" Tilly said.

"I want to know what happened." Shan Yu said.

"The eldest prince ordered someone to poison him, the evidence is conclusive, and he deserves death!" Tilly said.

"Since he deserves death, why do you come to beg for stabbing?" Shan Yu asked.

"Because..." Tilly raised her head slowly and said, "Because the eldest prince represents Shan Yu, although the last general does not regret killing him, he offended Shan Yu and should be punished."

Shan Yu nodded, with a look of approval on his face, he said, "You are just like your grandfather, you are upright, you are upright, and you are rewarded and punished. I am very pleased. If it is found out that what you said is true, not only will I not punish you, but I will reward you." you."

"Thank you Shanyu, Tili is leaving!" A smile flashed in Tili's eyes, and she left the hall of Shanyu.

When she was leaving, she met Prince Wei Lang who came in a hurry halfway, her eyes were slightly condensed, she lowered her head and said, "Prince."

Wei Lang stepped forward, showing concern, and said, "Tili, this prince heard about what happened to the eldest prince in the barracks, so he came here in a hurry, are you okay?"

"Shanyu understood the righteousness and did not punish the junior general." Tilly said.

"That's good." Wei Lang sighed, and said, "The eldest prince has become more and more domineering in recent years. I'm afraid that you will be too upright and suffer from him."

"Thank you, Prince, for your concern." Tilly said.

"Who is the eldest prince's people going to poison to kill, and you are so brave to come here?" Wei Lang asked.

"Yes..." Tilly opened her mouth, recalling the portraits she saw on the streets of Longcheng in her mind.

Nine Emperor Uncle Feng Yunzheng is the person behind Wei Lang, Wei Lang surrendered to him, the girl came to Longcheng to find someone, presumably the first person to go to ask for help was Prince Wei Lang, and Prince Wei Lang would definitely Go all out.

Maybe, they have met by now.

If Prince Wei Lang knew of Feng Yunzheng's whereabouts, then that woman would know soon too.

Feng Yunzheng was a treasure to her in fighting, and in just a short time, she had already silently seen how powerful he was.

Seeing his marks on the formation map that day, she was also secretly surprised for a long time.

Tili raised her head, looked left and right, stepped forward slightly, and said, "Ming people don't talk about An Hua, Prince Wei Lang can get rid of the obstacle at once."

Wei Lang was taken aback for a moment, and said in a low voice, "What does the general mean, the eldest prince is my elder brother..."

"In that case, then I will leave." Tilly said, turning around and leaving immediately.

"Wait!" Wei Lang stopped her and said, "How to do it?"

There was a smile in Tilly's eyes, and she said, "It's inconvenient to talk here, I won't rush back to the barracks today, the prince can come to me after he leaves the palace."

"Okay." Wei Lang said, slowly lowering his hands, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, this time, we must join forces with Ti Li to get rid of this thorn in his side.

Wei Lang hurried out of the palace, and when he returned to the Prince's Mansion, he learned that Princess Heng had already left.

"Wei Lang, no matter what, you must find a way to find me, Brother Jiuwang. You may not know it, but I have been in the capital for many years, and I understand that the current Emperor and Brother Jiuwang have a deep relationship. Friendship, this cannot be replaced by anyone. Once you find Brother Nine Kings, it will be a great achievement." Feng Tangyao said.

"Don't worry, I will, but before that, I have to go to Ti Li first, and getting rid of Wei Ning is imminent." Wei Lang said.

"Well, be careful, Tili is not a simple person." Feng Tangyao said.

When Wei Lang was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something, "Wait, Wei Lang."

"Princess, what else?"

"I remembered something." Feng Tangyao said.

"what's up?"

"That day, when Shanyu held a banquet for me, I went out to get some fresh air because I couldn't stand the smell of raw meat. As a result, I met Tilly, she, she showed me a portrait! It's the portrait of my Brother Nine Kings." Feng Tangyao felt excited in her heart.

"There is such a thing?" Wei Lang was also surprised.

"Yes, she also asked me, who was the person in the portrait, and I knew it was my Brother Jiuwang at a glance. Lian Siyue just came to Dragon City, but Tilly took out Brother Jiuwang's photo before she came. Portrait, what does this mean?" Feng Tangyao became more and more excited as she spoke.

"You mean that Tilly may know the whereabouts of His Highness Ninth Prince?" Wei Lang said tightly.

"Or, she has met Brother Nine Kings?" Feng Tangyao said.

(End of this chapter)

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