First-class daughter

Chapter 1531 Contemplation

Chapter 1531 Contemplation

Chapter 1531 Contemplation

"It must be so!" Wei Lang said with excitement in his heart, "This is great! This is really hard to find, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

"Yes, yes, then you should go to see Ti Li quickly, and we can proceed with the matter of getting rid of the eldest prince and finding Brother Ninth Prince." Feng Tangyao arrived.

"Good!" Wei Lang was overjoyed.

"Wait!" Wei Lang was about to go out, but Feng Tangyao suddenly stopped him, "No!"

"What's the matter, princess?" Wei Lang stopped and asked without knowing what it meant.

"Tili is a bit strange." Feng Tangyao said, "That day in the palace, General Tili came to me with a portrait of Brother Nine Kings and asked me who was in the portrait. I was surprised and asked why she had She has Brother Jiu Wang's portrait in her hand, but she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Tell me, is she trying to hide this matter?"

"There is such a thing?" Wei Lang felt strange when he heard it, "Could it be that Ti Li has other plans?"

"So, we have to find out about her." Feng Tangyao said.

"The princess is right. Fortunately, you reminded me, otherwise I would have been fooled by Ti Li. I'm going to tell Princess Heng about this first." Wei Lang said.

"Okay, let's find Lian Siyue first. But, Wei Lang, I've always wanted to ask you why Ti Li has to cover her face. Could it be that she is so ugly that she doesn't want to show her true face?" Feng Tangyao asked.

"This... I don't know. I haven't seen her since I saw her. She was only ten years old at that time. Over the years, many people have wanted to see her true face, but none A success." Wei Lang said.

"What about Shanyu and Yanshi? Don't they know what she looks like?" Feng Tangyao asked curiously.

"I've never seen Shanyu and Yan ask her to take off her silk scarf to reveal her true face," Wei Lang said.

"She is really a mystery. But let's not talk about it, you can go to Lian Siyue." Feng Tangyao said.

"it is good."

Wei Lang went out, saw Lian Siyue, and talked about it.

Lian Siyue had a look of coldness in his eyes, and said, "That's really the case."

"Does this mean that His Highness the Ninth Prince is currently in Tili's barracks?" Wei Lang asked.

Lian Siyue thought about it, and said, "Wei Lang, I want to go with you to meet Tili once, and find out her details. This person is extraordinary, so don't take it lightly. If Yun Zheng is held hostage by her, you must first ensure that Yun Zheng safety."

"However, will it startle the snake?" Wei Lang asked.

"This princess has her own way." Lian Siyue said.

After a while, Wei Lang left the inn and went to Tili's General's Mansion, but there was an unfamiliar guard beside him, and this guard still had beards on his cheeks.

"Come on, get up the sedan chair." Wei Lang got into the carriage, glanced at the guard, and ordered.

Huns in Mobei are generally short, so even Siyue's height doesn't look obtrusive. She also deliberately wears two more clothes inside, so her figure is not necessarily thin.

Arrived at Tilly's General's Mansion.

Wei Lang ordered someone to inform, and soon, someone came out to welcome Prince Wei Lang in.

"You go in with me, and the rest of you can just wait outside." Wei Lang instructed.

"Yes, Prince." Everyone said.

After Wei Lang looked back at Lian Siyue, he walked in as if nothing had happened. Lian Siyue lowered his head, holding the sword at his waist, and followed behind Wei Lang.

She found that although General Tilly was a woman, the decoration of the mansion was not at all bright and soft, but all dark and cold.

Walking in along the way, guards practicing sword and boxing can be seen everywhere, and there are also maids with titles passing through.

She looked around with keen eyes, but from the outside to the inside, she didn't feel Yun Zheng's existence.

It's more like the mansion has been uninhabited for a while.

"See Prince."

Just as she was walking into the courtyard, Tilly had already stepped forward, bowed, and said.

Even Siyue took a look at the red armor, red veil, and those slightly indifferent eyes. This was undoubtedly the woman in red she and Yun Zheng met in the desert that day!
Feng Tangyao said that Tili once took Yun Zheng's portrait to ask her...

"Ti Li, Ming people don't speak dark words, I want to get rid of the eldest prince, your idea is..." Wei Lang said straight-forward.

Tilly's gaze slowly fell on the "guard" beside her.

Wei Lang glanced at Lian Siyue, and after getting some kind of message from Lian Siyue's eyes, he said, "You go down first, I have something important to discuss with the general in secret."

Lian Siyue bowed, turned around, and walked out.

Tilly's eyes fell on Lian Siyue's back, her calm gaze didn't see any waves.

"Speak." Wei Lang's voice brought her back from her thoughts.

"..." Tili took out a token from her bosom, put it in front of Wei Lang, and said, "This one will do."

Wei Lang looked over and was taken aback, "You..."

Lian Siyue went out, she just went in just to confirm whether Ti Li was the woman she saw in that day and the desert, now it seems that she is indeed.

Holding Yun Zheng's portrait, ask people...

So, Yun Zheng... knows where to look for it.

Like a real guard, she stood outside the general's mansion and waited for about an hour before Wei Lang came out of the general's mansion.

"Go home!" Wei Lang ordered, and quickly got into the carriage.

When they arrived at the Prince's Mansion, Wei Lang ordered everyone to retreat, leaving only Lian Siyue, then resumed his respectful attitude, bowed and cupped his fists and said, "Princess, I have reached an agreement with Ti Li. Get rid of Wei Ning."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I've also heard about the eldest prince Wei Ning in the past two days. This person has been rotted for a long time, so it's not difficult to get rid of him."

"What is the princess' plan for His Highness the Ninth Highness?" Wei Lang asked.

"I will continue to be your bodyguard. If you go to the barracks, I will find out." Lian Siyue said.

She thought about it, if Yun Zheng was by Ti Li's side but didn't come to look for him, something might have happened.

In order not to startle the enemy, she can't act recklessly now, and continues to stay by Wei Lang's side as a bodyguard, making it easier to investigate some things she wants to know the answer to.

"Yes, Princess, I will make arrangements." Wei Lang said.
"Thank you." Lian Siyue said.

"This is what I should do." Wei Lang said.

Feng Tangyao came over and said, "That's great, let's also look at Ti Li, what the hell is going on."

After Wei Lang left, the expression in Tili's eyes gradually became serious, and the hand holding the teacup gradually tightened, and finally, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

Immediately after that, he got up and hurried out.

"General..." The maid brought the dinner, but Tilly had already left in a hurry.

She stepped on her steed and galloped towards the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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