First-class daughter

Chapter 1532 Peach Blossom Forest in Dream

Chapter 1532 Peach Blossom Forest in Dream

Chapter 1532 Peach Blossom Forest in Dream

Back at the barracks, Wu Zhu ran over, took the reins, and Tilly jumped off the horse.

"General, are you all right, did Shanyu make things difficult for you?" Wu Zhu asked worriedly.

"No problem, this general has already thought of a way to make Prince Wei Lang fight Wei Ning." Tilly said.

"But why is there still a lingering worry in the general's eyes?" Wu Zhu asked.

Tilly was silent for a moment, then asked, "How is he?"

"I was writing something just now. General, I have something to say, I don't know how to say it." Wu Zhu hesitated.

"If you don't know how to speak, don't speak." Tilly said coldly, and walked towards Feng Yunzheng's barracks.

"..." Wu Zhu was unable to refute what was being said, so he quickly trotted up and said, "General, general, I said, I said. I just think that we still can't offend other people because of that Han Chinese, especially It is those princes and nobles, we are leading the army to fight, and leading the army to fight is our business."

Tilly pursed her lips and said nothing.

"General, what's wrong with you?" Wu Zhu felt that Tili had something on her mind.

But Ti Li didn't say anything, she stood outside Feng Yunzheng's tent and asked, "Are you asleep?"

"No, come in." His deep voice came from inside.

Tilly paused for a while, then opened the curtain and walked in.

Feng Yunzheng was writing something, saw her come in, put down the pen in his hand, and said, "How is the matter handled?"

"According to what you said, don't waste time on Wei Ning, throw this hot potato to Wei Lang and let them fight." Tilly said, glanced at the writing in front of him, and asked, "What is this?" ?”

"In yesterday's dream, there was such a peach blossom grove. There was no one in it. It was close to me, but it was somewhat familiar. I thought it might be related to my memory, so I drew it according to the scene in the dream (in this life, Feng Yun It was the first time that Zheng officially expressed his palpitations to Lian Siyue, and Lian Siyue also responded a little bit, it was in Peach Blossom Forest)." Feng Yunzheng turned the paper in his hand.

Only then did Tili see clearly that this was indeed a peach blossom forest, with peach blossoms flying around and falling flowers in abundance, her heart trembled slightly, and she asked, "Do you remember the past?"

Feng Yunzheng looked far away, shook his head, and said, "Only this peach grove that has disappeared, and the rest, I have never recalled half of it."

"Perhaps memory is a gate, and this peach grove will be the memory of you opening this gate." Tilly said, but the gaze of that cold and proud woman flashed in her eyes.

That gaze made her unforgettable for a long time, even in Mobei, she had never seen a woman so stubborn.

"I hope." Feng Yunzheng said.

"I lived in Mobei since I was a child. I have never seen such a scene. It must be beautiful. If I can see it with my own eyes, it will be a beautiful thing." Tilly looked at his painting and said.

"You want to go?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Tilly paused, then regained her calm and rational eyes, and said, "In my world, there are only deserts and yellow sands. The soldiers here also have strong cattle and horses. Peach blossoms are more suitable for flowers before the moon and under the moon, and for children to love each other. And these , I haven’t, and I haven’t seen a peach blossom forest either.”

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng said, "It's harder for a woman to live in this world than for a man. You have sacrificed a lot for your current prestige. I admire you."

When Tilly heard this, her indifferent eyes turned into two crescents. She smiled and said, "Do you know why I am always willing to talk to you? Because you never asked me to let go of my current life and act like an ordinary woman." live the same."

"You have gone through many experiences to this day. If you want to let go, you don't have to wait until now, let alone persuade you. Therefore, to persuade you to let go, it is better to encourage you." Feng Yunzheng said.

After hearing this, Tilly was moved and said, "Thank you."

After a pause, he said again, "I'll push you to go outside for a walk."

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng put down the pen and ink in his hand, and was pushed out by Tili.

The vast sky was silent, with the occasional sound of insects chirping.

The entrances and exits are guarded by guards, and the defenses are so strict that even a mosquito rarely flies in.

There was always a hint of thought in Tilly's eyes.

"I heard that the Xianbei people have been making frequent moves recently, intending to invade Mobei." Feng Yunzheng said.

"I have reported to Shan Yu that I am going to lead the army to attack Xianbei and catch them by surprise," Ti Li said.

"When?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Just these two days." Tilly said.

Feng Yunzheng was silent for a moment, and said, "I can help you as a military adviser."

Tilly was surprised and asked, "Really?"

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "Recently, I have thoroughly studied the situation in the north, especially for this Xianbei."

"However, if you are a military advisor, you will follow me on the battlefield." Tilly said.
"I owe you my life, this is my repayment to you." Feng Yunzheng said.

"But..." Tilly remembered the picture posted in Dragon City.

"Why, you don't believe me? Although I don't know anything about the past, I'm sure I can help you." The certainty and confidence in his eyes will not be lost as the memory fades away.

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, looking at Tilly's eyes, he had the feeling of seeing a starry sky.

"No, I believe it." Tilly said in a low voice, with unprecedented tenderness in her voice, "I knew you were extraordinary the first time I saw you, and I believe in you."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he said, "The first time you saw me, I should be unconscious, but you can see that I am extraordinary. When I wake up, I don't even know who I am, you Trust me so much."

Tilly's heart trembled slightly, she lowered her eyes, and said, "It's windy, I'll push you in and have a good rest."

Feng Yunzheng returned to the tent, the portrait of the peach blossom forest was still on the table, he pushed the wooden wheelchair over, picked it up, and hung it on the wall.

That night, he dreamed again, still dreaming of this paradise.

He was wearing a white brocade robe, a golden jade crown on his head, and black hair, and he walked in this forest.

The wind blows.

Peach petals fell, and pieces fell on his hair and clothes.

With a little confusion in his heart, he walked into the depths of the peach forest, as if he was looking for something, but it wasn't exactly what he was looking for.

He continued to walk forward, but when he looked back, he found that the road he came on had disappeared, and there were only peach blossom trees.

How is this going?

"Hehe...hehe..." At this moment, there was a burst of low laughter from ahead.

He looked towards the place where the laughter was, and saw a dark blue shadow flashing past his eyes, and then ran to the depths of the peach forest.

(End of this chapter)

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