First-class daughter

Chapter 1533 Thank God

Chapter 1533 Thank God
Chapter 1533 Thank God
"Who are you?" He was taken aback for a moment, then followed quickly.

However, seeing this figure walking very fast, he couldn't catch up with her, and quickly disappeared into the peach forest, without even having time to see her face.

"..." Feng Yunzheng opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his heart was pounding, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

He looked around, this is the tent where he fell asleep.

It's just that he was dreaming, it was still the peach blossom forest, who was the figure in that dream...

A woman, dressed in blue, has a light figure, laughing...

But just a flash of back has left a deep shock in his heart.

Since he woke up, he couldn't remember anything about the past.

And now, a woman finally came to dream.

Who is she?
Why did it appear in his dream.

Is it his relatives?

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Feng Yunzheng suddenly felt dizzy. He held his head tightly in his hands, closed his eyes, and tried to think of the woman again.

However, after a quick glimpse, all he could remember was that blue figure.

Who is she?
Feng Yunzheng's forgotten world finally began to feel uneasy.

He got up and moved to the wooden wheelchair, which he has been able to use by himself these days.

After lighting the candle, he married the peach blossom grove hanging above the bed, and picked up the brush again. In this painting, deep in the peach grove, he drew a dark blue figure.

This figure is like a breeze, but it is the finishing touch of the peach forest, and the whole painting becomes more distant.

In the second half of the night, Feng Yunzheng didn't close his eyes anymore, he kept looking at the painting, the yellow light of the candlelight reflected on his body, it was quiet, cold and full of reverie.

In the opposite account.

Ti Li didn't fall asleep either, she woke up when the lights in Feng Yunzheng's camp came on.

She silently looked at Feng Yunzheng's figure reflected on the tent, thinking of the peach blossom forest in his dream.

She untied the veil from her face, revealing her true face.

He took out the portrait from his bosom and looked at it carefully. It seemed that this portrait was not put up for the purpose of finding someone, but was made with exhaustion of emotion. It was so vivid that even the demeanor between the eyebrows was drawn.

Lian Siyue has already arrived in Dragon City, so sooner or later he will find him.

They will meet again sooner or later, will Feng Yunzheng remember the past when they meet?

When the time comes... will he leave?
As Tilly thought about it, a flash of determination flashed across her face, and then she took the portrait and quickly walked out of her tent.

Show him, show him this painting, since he has already proposed to be her military adviser, it doesn't hurt to give him this painting.

So, without any hesitation, give him the painting and let him reunite with his loved ones.

For her, she is General Mobei, everything is only for the sake of the barracks, and she needs someone to help her.

As if she was afraid that she would regret it, she walked very fast, her face tensed.

"Report!" Just as she was about to approach Feng Yunzheng's barracks, a soldier came in a hurry, rolled and jumped off the horse, knelt in front of her, and said out of breath, "Daddy!" General, the general is not good, the Xianbei people launched a surprise attack, and our army suffered heavy losses!"

"What!" Tilly's eyes froze, and before she had time to think about anything, she stuffed the portrait into her jacket, quickly jumped on the horseback of the man, and said loudly, "Send the order and prepare for battle immediately!"

In the blazing flames, against her red armor, behind the red veil, a pair of eyes exude fortitude and tenacity, which is the determination to win.

The soldiers who were resting heard the sound of the horn and got up one after another, put on their armor in the shortest time, and were ready to go.

"General, the preparations are complete!" Wu Zhu hurried forward, holding a long sword, and knelt on the ground with one shoulder.

At this time, Feng Yunzheng also came out, and Wu Jie pushed the wheelchair.

Tilly turned her head, glanced at him, raised her hands, and said loudly, "Let's go! We won't return!"

"set off!"

In the middle of the night, the flames soared into the sky.

Under the leadership of Ti Li, the mighty army set off quickly, and Feng Yunzheng also accompanied them.


on the battlefield.

In the shadow of the sword, the thick blood filled the eyes, one by one the soldiers fell to the ground, and the painful groans filled the battlefield.

That bright red figure, like the most eye-catching landscape, is fighting on the battlefield.

She is brave, sharp, and deadly, and the enemies fall one by one at her feet...

In the distance, Feng Yunzheng was sitting on the chariot, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the battlefield in the distance, holding a military formation map in his hand.


And this moment.

Wei Lang had just arrived at the barracks, and even Siyue dressed up as a bodyguard accompanied Ye Feng and Leng Mei.

"What did you say?" Wei Lang was taken aback.

The soldier kneeling on the ground said, "Last night, the Xianbei people launched a surprise attack, and the general has led all the soldiers to resist. This time, the Xianbei's attack is fierce, and the situation of the battle is not optimistic.


Lian Siyue's heart tightened, and he immediately took out the portrait from his bosom, and asked, "Have you seen this person before?"

The guard glanced at the portrait and said, "Hey, isn't this the young master rescued by our general?"

"Where is he now, take me to find him!" Lian Siyue said immediately, her voice trembling, and tears even appeared in her eyes.

Yun Zheng, I'm finally going to see you.

"The young master volunteered to be the military adviser for this time, and he has already gone with the general." The soldier said.

"Military division?" Wei Lang and Lian Siyue both froze for a moment.

Why did Yunzheng serve as a military adviser to the Mobei people?Since I can be a military adviser, why didn't I find a way to find her?

Lian Siyue's eyes narrowed, and she asked, "How did your general rescue this young master?" She always felt that something was wrong.

"This..." The officer's face showed embarrassment.

"Say!" Wei Lang snapped.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, in fact, I don't know the situation very well. I just remember that day, when the general and the death camp came back, there was an extra person covered in blood. The doctor said that person would not live for a few days."

Lian Siyue's heart trembled suddenly, Yun Zheng was seriously injured, no wonder he didn't come to them.

When Night Breeze and Lengmei heard this, they also felt a twinge in their hearts.

"But the general issued an order to save the young master at all costs. Later, she tried her best to find the best medicinal materials, and asked people to find a Han doctor. It took more than a month of treatment before she survived. Come here, but the young master's legs...can still walk, and now he is sitting in a wheelchair specially made for him by the general," said the guard.

Lian Siyue stepped back two steps, and it took more than a month to come back to life, her legs were not good enough to walk...

What Yun Zheng suffered was much more serious than her.

But, thank God, he was actually alive at last.

(End of this chapter)

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