First-class daughter

Chapter 1535 Who is this

Chapter 1535 Who is this

Chapter 1535 Who is this

"General, bear with it, it will hurt a little."

The doctor used a white facekerchief to soak in the brown-black potion, which exuded a pungent smell.

Afterwards, he stuffed this tuft of handkerchief into Tilina's palm-wide wound.

"Oh!" Tilly made a muffled sound.

The pain pierced her lungs to her bones, but she couldn't make a sound, and the red gauze on her face was wet with sweat.

"General..." Wu Jie stood aside, crying in distress.

"Don't cry!" Tilly said harshly, "You don't cry until I die!"

Wu Jie quickly wiped away her tears, squatted beside the bed, and held her hand tightly.

The general's hand is not like a woman's hand, the palm is covered with calluses, as thick as bark.

The general was not so powerful at the beginning, and there were times when he was weak. To be called the great general today has suffered a lot.

"Hmm..." Tilly endured it, and finally couldn't take it any longer, and passed out.

"General, general!" Wu Jie shouted loudly.

"Miss Wu Jie, the general was in too much pain, so he passed out. It's all right, don't worry too much." The doctor said from the side.

After a while, Wu Jie came out wiping her tears.

She saw Feng Yunzheng at a glance, stepped forward and bowed, and said, "Military division."

"How is it now?" Feng Yunzheng asked, holding the wooden wheelchair in his hand.

"The general passed out, and the doctor said he would wake up in a few hours." Wu Jie said with a sob.

"Where is the injury?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Shoulders, back, arms... the general was really patient, the medicine was stuffed into the wound, and he didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end. In fact... she is also a good woman. But, it seems that everyone Forget about her being a woman." Wu Jie said sadly.

Feng Yunzheng said, "I'll go in and have a look."

"Military advisor!" Wu Jie suddenly knelt down in front of Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Wu Jie has something to do, and I want to ask you, advisor."

"What's the matter?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Can the military division stay with the general and treat her well? People only look at how she can kill the enemy and remove her armor, but they don't know that she also needs protection and help. Therefore, Wu Jie begged the military division not to leave the general, and let her have a Someone to rely on." Wu Jie said with tears in her eyes.

"It's her blessing that you are loyal to her." Feng Yunzheng said.

Wu Jie was overjoyed, raised her head abruptly, and said, "Military Master, have you promised your servant?"

"I promised to be a military adviser. A gentleman can't be chased after a word. In this battle, I will naturally accompany him to the end." Feng Yunzheng said.

Wu Jie was very pleased, and asked again, "Then... what if it's not just on the battlefield? What if it's in life? Is the military commander willing to go hand in hand with the general...?"

She is the most caring maid of the general. Although the general has never said it, she understands the general's thoughts. The general has feelings for the military adviser in his heart. It's just that she always puts the country's affairs first, and puts her children's private affairs on the back burner. in the heart.

However, wouldn't it be better if the general had someone who loved and supported her by his side?
"You have surpassed!" Feng Yunzheng said, his voice was cold.

"Military atonement!" Wu Jie hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

Feng Yunzheng rolled the wooden wheelchair and left Tili's military tent, thoughts flashed across his face.

Wu Jie looked at his back, and immediately bit her lower lip forcefully, "Oops, did it make the military division angry, or is it self-defeating?

No, no, no matter what, I have expressed it to the military adviser on behalf of the general, and the military adviser will definitely think about this issue.

The general is like a boring gourd, he only knows how to lead troops to fight, but he doesn't know how to talk about men and women. Now I have pierced this layer of window paper, and the first step has begun. "

After Wu Jie thought about it, she was very satisfied with what she did just now.

Feng Yunzheng went back to his account and sat at the table, thinking about what Wu Jie said, but he recalled the peach blossom forest and the flashing figure in his dream.

Is that his memory?

"Who are you? Who are you? Why did you appear in my dream?" He murmured.


"Princess, the Mobei Barracks is not far ahead." Wei Lang's voice came from the carriage.

When Lian Siyue heard this, her heart moved, and she suddenly opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Princess, we are finally here." Leng Mei stepped forward and said.

A smile finally appeared on Lian Siyue's face.

"Prince, prince!" At this time, the soldiers in front hurriedly rode their horses.

"Say!" Wei Lang said.

The man knelt on the ground and said, "Our army fought with the Xianbei people and ended up with a draw, but General Tilly was seriously injured."

"Is Tilly injured?" Wei Lang's face froze.

Ti Li was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, but she was injured during the battle. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Mobei Army.

"Speed ​​up and go to the barracks." Wei Lang ordered.

"Yes!" The soldiers in front immediately accelerated and rode forward.

Tilly was injured?Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes.

"Princess, it's better to be injured. Let's see His Highness and take her away. There's no need to talk to her anymore." Night Breeze said, "If that woman is pestering her, I'll be rude to her, and I'll take advantage of her. Kill her with one sword, who told her to hold our Highness!" Night Breeze said recklessly, pressing the sword on his waist with his hand, as if he was about to pull out the sword to kill someone in the next moment.

Every period of time, it is convenient for soldiers to come back and report how far away they are.

The closer it got, the more nervous and expectant Lian Siyue felt in her heart. At the same time, she also faintly felt that things might be different from what she imagined.


"As long as I can see Yun Zheng, that's the best. I'm not afraid of anything else." Lian Siyue said.

The carriage moved on.

"It's here!" Before the sun set, the group arrived at the Mobei Barracks.

When everyone saw Wei Lang, they knelt down and paid respects.

Wei Lang asked, "Where is General Ti Li?"

"Prince, I will take you there." The soldier said.

Wei Lang returns and welcomes Lian Siyue off the carriage.

"Princess, this way."

Lian Siyue walked forward under the leadership of Wei Lang, followed by Ye Feng and Leng Mei.

Suddenly such a woman appeared in the army. Her beautiful eyes were like water, with a touch of coldness, and she had a kind of wisdom that could see through everything.

And her appearance is not like a girl from Mobei, but more gentle and quiet. The ten fingers placed on the waist are slender and fair, and her skin is like creamy white.

Who is this?
Even Siyue didn't look sideways, she walked forward step by step, and every step she took seemed to be stepping on the apex of her heart.

"Military division, be careful." At this time, a voice came from the front, and a person sitting on a wooden wheelchair slowly came out from behind the military tent.

(End of this chapter)

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