Chapter 1536

Chapter 1536

This person, this person just fell into Lian Siyue's eyes so defenselessly.

Lian Siyue stopped abruptly, tears fell down uncontrollably, trembling all over, his mouth trembling, "Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng..." His brows were as indifferent as water, his eyes were as deep as the night, although he was not good Yu Xing, but his whole body exudes a dignified and indifferent atmosphere, which cannot be ignored.

"It's Your Highness! It's our Highness." Night Breeze couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, he held Leng Mei's hand tightly, and tears fell down uncontrollably.

"Yun Zheng..."

Suddenly, hearing a woman's voice, Feng Yunzheng turned his head. When the wind blew, his black hair fluttered, exuding an unparalleled beauty.

When his eyes fell on Lian Siyue, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes...

"Yun Zheng..." Lian Siyue walked towards him quickly.

Yunzheng, her beloved Yunzheng, finally met after overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

"Military Master, the general is awake." At this time, a maid came over, bowed to Feng Yunzheng, and said.

"Well, push me in." Feng Yunzheng retracted his gaze, and asked Wu Jie to push him into Tili's military tent.

He never looked at Lian Siyue again, as if what he saw was just a stranger.

how so……

Lian Siyue ran halfway, seeing Feng Yunzheng turning away indifferently, she was stunned, stopped abruptly, and watched him go to Tili's military tent, with a look of worry on her face color.

"What's going on? Your Highness clearly saw us, why did he leave?" Night Breeze asked in a puzzled manner.

"Your Highness did see Wang Hao just now, and even looked at Wang Hao, but he left again." Leng Mei also said.

What's going on here?

Lian Siyue staggered forward, and suddenly a feeling of dizziness came over her.

She thought about it day and night, and fantasized about meeting Yun Zheng countless times, but no matter what, she never thought of this scene of meeting and not knowing each other.

It seems that what I have been guessing in my heart has been confirmed.

"Princess!" Leng Mei hurriedly stepped forward and supported her.

Lian Siyue covered her head with her hands.

"Princess, I'll go in and find Your Highness right away, and tell him that the princess is here! Prince Wei Lang, take me in." Night Breeze said eagerly.

Things are different from what they thought, and there are really too many places that need to be answered.

However, Lian Siyue grabbed Night Breeze and said:
"If Mobei has done anything to my husband, I will definitely let me step down on the emperor's cavalry!"

Hearing this, Wei Lang trembled all over, and a chill came down his spine.

Casually, Lian Siyue walked to the front of Night Breeze by herself, and took a step forward, with an expression of tenacity and an aura of never turning back.

Yun Zheng is her husband, she has no reason to stand outside the tent and dare not go in.

This is the world, no one is more legitimate than her.

No matter what happened to Yunzheng, she would never run away and face it together with him.

She thought and walked to the military tent.

Immediately, two guards held swords and blocked her way, saying, "Bold, this is the place where the general rests, don't hurry up..."

"Go away!" Before they finished speaking, Night Breeze had already chopped off the sharp sword in their hands, and said sharply, "Do you know who this is? How dare you stop my princess from leaving or staying!"

"This is Prince Heng of the Great Zhou Dynasty..." Wei Lang said.

"Prince and Concubine Heng of the Nine Emperor Uncles of the Great Zhou Dynasty!" Leng Mei added.

"Yes, it's the Princess Heng of the Ninth Highness! Why don't you hurry up and get out of here and welcome Princess Heng!" Wei Lang reprimanded sharply.

He didn't dare to offend the princess in the slightest.

"Yes." The two guards hurriedly opened the curtain of the military tent.

Lian Siyue shook the hand placed by her side, then bent down, lowered her head and walked in——



Before that, in the military tent.

Feng Yunzheng was sitting in front of Tili's couch, her face was still covered with a veil, but from her eyelids, it could be seen that her complexion was very bad at the moment, and the gap between her eyebrows was still stained with blood.

After a while, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Feng Yunzheng in front of the bed. Her eyes trembled slightly, and her eyes fell on him without blinking for a long time.

"Are you awake?" Feng Yunzheng said.

Tilly nodded.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

Tilly shook her head, and only said two words, "No problem."

She was seriously injured, but she still spoke out.

"Have a good rest, don't worry, I've promised you, I will help you." Feng Yunzheng said to the lifesaver in front of him.

"Actually, I have something for you." Tilly said, raising her hand with some difficulty.

"General!" Seeing this, Wu Jie quickly called out, trying to stop Tilly.

"What?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Tilly raised her hand first, and slowly unbuttoned the red veil on her face, and immediately, the veil slowly slipped off her face.

Her face finally appeared completely in front of Feng Yunzheng.

"It's so beautiful, General." Wu Jie looked at Ti Li's face and let out an exclamation. She hadn't seen the general's true face for a long time.

Different from her pair of persevering eyes, probably due to the fact that she has been covered with a veil all the year round, her face is as skinny as snow, her complexion is crystal clear like jade, and she is unrivaled in beauty. It looks like a person from Mobei, but more like a person from the Central Plains.

The two styles mixed together have a wonderful feeling.

Tilly paused, seeing that Feng Yunzheng didn't respond, said, "Did it scare you?"

Feng Yunzheng shook his head and said, "No, of all things in the world, appearance is the least important."

After Wu Jie heard this, she pouted and said in her heart, this military advisor is really an idiot, how could he remain indifferent when he saw such a stunning beauty as the general?Besides, what do you say that appearance is not important?I really doubt how he became the military adviser.

"What do you want to give me?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Oh." Tilly replied softly, took out a portrait from her bosom, and said, "I saw this when I went to Dragon City to talk to Shan Yu, and you always said that no one was looking for you. Your people are not far away from you."

"This is..." Feng Yunzheng took his portrait, and his heart trembled suddenly, "My portrait? It's so realistic, so vivid, it's simply a magic brush, who painted it?"

He looked at the place where the seal was stamped, and saw that it said: I hope you will return, like the seal of the moon.

Like the moon?Looking forward to your return?

The blue figure that appeared in the dream suddenly appeared in Feng Yunzheng's mind.

"I should have given it to you earlier, but there has been no good chance, so I have left it to you now. You can go find her, she should still be in Dragon City." Tilly said.

"She's in Dragon City?" Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled slightly, so he will know his identity soon?
(End of this chapter)

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