First-class daughter

Chapter 1537 It's Me

Chapter 1537 It's Me
Chapter 1537 It's Me
"No, I'm here!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came, with a hint of determination!
Immediately afterwards, the curtain of the military tent was lifted.

Lian Siyue walked in, her eyes kept looking at Feng Yunzheng, the hands in her sleeves trembled slightly, and her heart beat violently.

Yun Zheng, here I come, Yun Zheng!
Hearing this voice, Feng Yunzheng was slightly startled.

Turning her head slowly, she looked towards the door, and saw a woman standing there, like a bunch of orchids in an empty valley, with a little yellow sand on the corner of her dress, and tears in her eyes, full of tears. With enthusiasm and excitement.

Suddenly, he suffered a sudden blow to the heart and an inexplicable shock, and he clenched the chair tightly.

"Are you..." he asked, with a look of confusion and incomprehension on his face.

"Yunzheng..." With a trembling voice, Lian Siyue called out the name that had been called thousands of times in her heart, tears rolled down her cheeks, and the circles of her eyes were flushed.

Sure enough, Yun Zheng didn't remember her, that's why he didn't come to look for her.
Yun Zheng?This is his name?
"Yunzheng, I finally saw you." After searching for two or three months in a row, with the feeling in her heart, she finally met the person she had been thinking about day and night.

"Humble job Night Breeze!"

"Humble and cold brow!"

"See Your Highness!"

Night Breeze and Leng Mei also knelt on one knee and said in unison.

Your Highness?him?
As for Tili, who was lying on the couch, when she saw someone who appeared suddenly, she immediately motioned to Wu Jie, and took the gauze to cover her face.

This woman, Princess Hengqin, actually came here?
She looked at Lian Siyue, only to see that her eyes looking at Feng Yunzheng were full of eager anticipation, completely different from the indifference she saw for the first time.

Her heart trembled slightly, and she looked at Feng Yunzheng again. Obviously, he really couldn't remember this person.

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue walked towards Feng Yunzheng, tears kept falling.

Looking at her tears, Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled slightly.

"Who are you? The general and the military adviser are discussing in secret. Anyone who trespasses will die!" Seeing this, Wu Jie quickly stood up and said loudly,
However, only a sound of "shua" was heard, Ye Feng and Leng Mei flashed their cold swords at Wu Jie's throat, and Wu Jie backed away in fright, his face turned pale, "You guys, how dare you..."

"We are a serious husband and wife, and we are the first-class bodyguards of His Highness and the princess. If you don't want to be killed by my sword, get out of here immediately, and don't disturb the reunion of Your Highness and the princess." Night Breeze's voice sounded like a gust of cold wind. , Wu Jie felt a chill all over her body, and she looked at Tilly who was lying on the couch.

"How dare you deceive my Highness, Your Highness is Your Highness, what military advisor, Your Highness is the most honorable Uncle Nine Emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the damned person is you, a lowly servant girl!" Leng Mei's sharp sword exerted a little force, and Wu Jie's neck twitched With a trace of blood spilling out, she was always indifferent and never spoke much.

But when he saw that this servant matched His Highness with this great general, he was furious.

"You... general, general..." Wu Jie asked Ti Li for help.

"Back off." Tilly said.

"Yes, yes..." Wu Jie glanced at Ye Feng and Lengmei cautiously, covered her neck with her hands, wiped it, blood was all over her hand, and there was a chill down her spine.

Night Breeze immediately took a step forward, his eyes were murderous, Wu Jie staggered, and hurried to the side to stay.

She thought to herself, these two are just one bodyguard, yet they are so rampant!
Night Breeze and Leng Mei looked at each other, and looked at Lian Siyue distressedly, what's wrong, His Highness loves the princess so much, and even forgets her!

Night Breeze said in a voice that only Lengmei could hear, "If these people harm His Highness, I will kill them all!"

"Let's kill together." Leng Mei said coldly.

"Yunzheng, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?" Lian Siyue walked up to Feng Yunzheng, looked at his legs, squatted down slowly, took the initiative to hold his hands, raised her head, and asked , "Does it hurt?"

Feng Yunzheng looked at the woman in front of him, looked into her eyes, and felt the touch when she held her hands tightly.

"Who are you? Do you know me?"

Even Siyue's heart was broken when she heard him ask this sentence in person, she never thought that her Yunzheng would forget her.

Even standing in front of him, he didn't know her anymore.

"Yunzheng, I'm Yue'er, I'm your's your wife, Yunzheng...don't you remember me?" Lian Siyue grabbed his hands and pressed her face into his palms , closing his eyes to feel the familiar feeling, tears slipped down his palm one by one.

"Yun Zheng, I'm Yue'er, your favorite Yue'er, your wife..." she said
Feng Yunzheng held her face in both hands, looked into her eyes, his heart trembled slightly, "Wife? Are you my wife?"

It turned out that he already had a wife.

"Yes, yes! I am your wife, I am Yueer Lian Siyue, I am your wife, your only wife, you are my husband, the person I love the most, Yun Zheng..." Lian Si Moon's eyes were red and tears kept falling, which was heartbreaking.

"Your Highness!" Night Breeze and Leng Mei came over, knelt in front of Feng Yunzheng, with earnest eyes.

"You are..." Feng Yunzheng's eyes showed confusion.

"He is your most loyal bodyguard." Lian Siyue said.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, it's all the fault of my humble official. It's my humble official's failure to protect you. It's all my humble official's fault. Even if I die a thousand times and ten thousand words, I can't absolve myself of the blame. Your Highness..." Night Breeze was very sad, very sad guilt.

"Your Highness, these Mobei people deceived you. You are not a military adviser here. You have a noble status. You are His Royal Highness Ninth Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You are the most respected elder brother of the current emperor. The princess is your favorite woman. You and the princess still have children. Don't you remember Xiaojunwang and Xiaojunzhu?" said Leng Mei eagerly.

"Your Highness, I am Night Breeze..."

However, no matter what Ye Feng and Leng Mei said, Feng Yunzheng couldn't think of these two people.

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue stood up slightly, held Feng Yunzheng's face in both hands, and said, "It's okay, it's okay if you don't remember now, let's go, let's go home, one day, you will remember... "

When Ti Li heard what Lian Siyue said, her heart trembled, her hands on her sides tightened, her eyes looked at Feng Yunzheng, and her hands slowly clenched the quilt under her body.

"Go home?" Suddenly someone came over and told him his real identity, telling him that he was a husband, a father, or a prince, which he never expected.

"Yes, let's go back to Kyoto, our daughter and son must miss us... Also, I found a very, very important person, I will take you to meet her..." Lian Siyue raised the back of her hand and rubbed Drying the tears on his face, he said.

Wu Jie glanced at Tili nervously, she saw the flash of loneliness in the general's eyes, she gritted her teeth, came out and said, "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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