Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538

Hearing Wu Jie's words, Lian Siyue looked at her coldly like a streak of ice.

Wu Jie's heart trembled suddenly, a layer of sweat broke out on her back, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

God, this crying woman has such a terrifying aura, it somehow made her feel a wave of fear.

"No?" Lian Siyue took a step towards her, "Do you want to object?"

She swallowed her saliva and said, "Jun, the military division promised the general that he would help her, how can, how can he break his word?"

"Without faith?" Lian Siyue's lips twitched slightly, "Compared with unfaithfulness, which is more serious, forcibly arresting my Nine Emperor Uncle and placing him under house arrest."

"But... how do we know that the military advisor is the uncle of the Zhou Dynasty emperor?" Wu Jie argued.

"Princess, I really can't bear these lowly words. It's our Highness. Where did this lowly maidservant come from? How dare you scream in front of you and Your Highness? Let me kill her!" The foreign woman was rude in front of the princess, she wished she could raise her sword immediately and understand this lowly servant girl.

But Lian Siyue was not in a hurry, and raised his hand to signal Night Breeze to back down first.

It's easy to kill this maid, but the most important thing is to let Yun Zheng, who has lost his memory, understand that he was cheated.

She glanced at Tili on the couch and said, "Is it true that you don't know Yun Zheng's identity, or is it just that you don't know? As far as I know, didn't the general come to me with my portrait of Yun Zheng to look for me to court the thirteenth princess?" , Have you asked Feng Yuyao, Prince and Princess of Weilang? She told you clearly that the person you took in is Feng Yunzheng, the uncle of the Nine Emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Ti Li slowly let go of the quilt, and looked at Feng Yunzheng.

"What's going on?" Feng Yunzheng looked at her and asked.

"General!" Wu Jie quickly ran in front of Ti Li, knelt down, and shook her head quietly, signaling her not to tell the truth.

"Princess Heng is right. I knew your identity a long time ago, but because of selfishness, I didn't tell you the truth right away. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Your Highness Ninth Prince." Tilly said.

"No, it's not, General! Military advisor, this is not the whole truth..." Seeing that Tili didn't explain anything, Wu Jie confessed so directly, she became anxious immediately.

Feng Yunzheng clenched the back of the chair suddenly, and asked, then.What is your selfishness? "

"My selfishness is because I have heard about your anecdote a long time ago. After I know your true identity, I want to keep you to help me. My Mobei Army lacks a brave and resourceful man like you, Your Highness Ninth Prince. A man who speaks martial arts." Tilly said.

"Heh." Night Breeze sneered softly, "If you lack a man, go find someone else, not my Highness."

Tili looked over at Night Breeze and said, "What I want is not a man, but a military advisor."

"Heh..." Night Breeze sneered.

Leng Mei motioned him not to speak in a hurry.

Ti Li looked at Feng Yunzheng, and said: "I know, you must be very disappointed in me, so now, whether to deal with me as Uncle Nine Emperors or to leave, I accept it, it was my fault first."

"General!" Wu Jie was almost pissed off by the general, how can there be such a sincere person.

Ti Li looked at Lian Siyue again, and said, "Princess Heng, forgive me for being hurt, so I can't get up to see you."

Lian Siyue said, "I also heard anecdotes about the general's bravery and skill in battle along the way. As a woman, I admire the general very much, but my husband is definitely not someone you can force to keep. That day In the desert, I gave you a bottle of medicine, and that is the only thing I am willing to give you."

When she spoke, she spoke neither fast nor slow, neither hurried nor slow, with a sense of majesty.

Feng Yunzheng looked at her intently, this was her wife, a seemingly indifferent but actually strong person, he tried hard to recall in his mind, but, except for the shadow that appeared in the peach grove in his dream, nothing else no more.

"That's right, a twisted melon won't be sweet," Night Breeze said.

"Tilly." At this time, Prince Wei Lang came over.

Tilly nodded and said, "Prince."

"You should be punished!" Wei Lang said, "Since you know the identity of His Highness, you should report it to the prince immediately, so as not to let the princess look around, and not let His Highness stay in our barracks in Mobei without knowing your identity." .

If this matter gets out, the whole world will think that Mobei, the Xiongnu, is holding His Highness Ninth Prince hostage, and if it spreads to the ears of Emperor Ren of the Zhou Dynasty, they will definitely think that Mobei is unwilling to abide by the treaty, and there is something wrong with him. In this way, the two countries will be destroyed. Normal diplomatic relations, causing confusion. "

In fact, Wei Lang is the most nervous person, he is most afraid of the misunderstanding between His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Heng, and he has to rely on His Royal Highness Ninth Prince to help him win the final throne
"Your Highness taught me that." Tilly didn't argue.

Feng Yunzheng's eyes gradually darkened, looking at Tili.

Tilly's eyes dimmed, "I lied to you."

With hope in Lian Siyue's eyes, she crouched in front of Feng Yunzheng again and raised her head.

Feng Yunzheng lowered his head and looked at her:
"Yun Zheng, do you believe it now? You are my husband and I am your princess.

You and I set off from Kyoto together, we came here to find Le Yan, Le Yan, do you remember?

When we passed through the desert, we encountered a black storm. We were hit by the storm and scattered to various places.

I was trapped in Qizhou, and I woke up after being in a coma for several days. There I met our enemy Feng Qianyue. It turned out that he disguised himself as another person, called himself Mr. Huaixie, and opened a medical clinic. This is our Zuo I can't find the reason why I can't find him.

However, he is dead now, and the grievances and grievances between us and him can be regarded as written off.

Unbelievably, I really met Le Yan, the Le Yan we miss so much, she is now in Longcheng, Prince Wei Lang's residence.

Yun Zheng, I finally found you, Yun Zheng"

"Princess..." Feng Yunzheng slowly stretched out his hand, and the palm landed on her face, rubbing it lightly.

Lian Siyue clutched the back of his hand, tears fell on his palm, "Yun Zheng, it doesn't matter if you don't remember now, let's go home, one day, you will remember."

Tilly listened, and slowly closed her eyes, shutting off the overflowing sense of loneliness.

"Military Master!" Wu Jie suddenly knelt in front of Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Military Master, even if you are His Royal Highness Zhou Chaojiu, even if your princess comes to pick you up, you must not let the general down!"

Hearing this word, Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly.

"Wu Jie, stop talking!" Tilly opened her eyes and sternly stopped her.

"Why didn't you say it? General, you can't suffer from being dumb? That's right, it's our fault that you didn't inform the general of your real identity in time.

However, at the beginning, His Highness the Ninth Highness was rescued by you through untold hardships and overcoming all difficulties. In order to save him, you disregarded the opposition of all the soldiers and used the best medicinal materials for His Highness. Use it, search all of them for His Highness.

You also invited several doctors to treat His Highness together. You have worked so hard to save His Highness.At that time, you, like us, did not know the true identity of His Highness!
Everyone in the army knows about this. Princess Heng, if you don't believe me, you can go and inquire about it. Your husband, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince, was saved by our general.

Military division, you have also said that you will repay the kindness of our great general. It is difficult for a gentleman to follow a word, not to mention that you are still the ninth prince, how can you not keep your promises! "

"Bold and lowly maidservant, how dare you yell in front of His Highness and Wangfei! Come on, hurry up and drag her down, wait on me!" Wei Lang sternly shouted.

"Wait!" However, Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and stopped the soldiers who came to escort Wu Jie.

"Your Highness..." Night Breeze and Lengmei trembled when they saw this.

"She was right. My life was indeed saved by Ti Li." Feng Yunzheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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