First-class daughter

Chapter 1545 What did you download

Chapter 1545 What did you download

Chapter 1545 What did you download

"Your Highness, this servant has gone out first, you can accompany the general here." Wu Jie said, turned and walked out of the military tent, leaving Ti Li and Feng Yunzheng alone.

Wu Jie looked back at the military tent, and whispered to the guards beside him, "No one is allowed to enter the general's tent without my permission. Remember, it's anyone!"

"Yes, Aunt Wu Jie." The guard took the order.

Wu Jie quickly walked towards Huotouying.

Even in the monthly account.

She ate her breakfast and stopped suddenly.

Leng Mei stepped forward and said, "Princess, what's the matter?"

"Wu Jie is Ti Li's personal maid. Seeing that she cares so much for Ti Li, how could there be something wrong with the most important food for the wounded?" Lian Siyue put down her chopsticks and said.

"It's strange for the concubine to say that." A flash of thought flashed in Leng Mei's eyes, and said.

"Go to Huotouying to investigate and keep quiet." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes." Leng Mei walked out quietly.

"Princess, why don't I go to Tilina to guard His Highness." Night Breeze asked for instructions.

Lian Siyue raised her hand and said, "Not for the time being, so as not to startle the snake, just wait and see."

"Yes, princess." Night Breeze said, cupping his hands.

Lian Siyue picked up the chopsticks, picked up the pastry from years ago, and slowly put it into the mouth, a faint coldness flashed in his eyes.

If something does happen, it can be grasped and used.

Seeing the expression in Lian Siyue's eyes, Night Breeze felt bright in his heart, and thought, "Hehe, your princess will always be your princess, if that lowly servant girl wants to play tricks in front of her, there are only two words: court death."


When Wu Jie got there, the soldier from Huotouying came over and asked flatteringly, "Miss Wu Jie, why are you here?"

Wu Jie glanced at the stove, saw a bowl of soup on the stove, and asked, "What is this, and who is it for?"

"Oh, this, this is the dessert that I gave to the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty according to the order." The gang leader replied.

A flash of thought flashed in Wu Jie's eyes, and he said, "Give it to me, I'll send it there, just in time to meet the princess."

"Then I'll trouble Aunt Wu Jie." Little Bing didn't know that Wu Jie had other plans, so he said.

Wu Jie walked over, asked for a spoonful of salt with a spoon, and put it into the soup.

"Hey, Miss Wu Jie, isn't this too salty?"

"I've heard people around the princess say that the princess likes salt. Just leave it alone and do your own thing." Wu Jie walked out carrying the bowl of salted soup.

Outside Huotou Camp, an indifferent figure flashed past, avoiding Wu Jie's sight.

Leng Mei walked out slowly, eyes narrowed slightly: The princess is very thoughtful and powerful, this lowly servant girl really has a plan.


She turned around and quietly returned to Lian Siyue's tent, explaining what she had just seen.

"They said they were bringing soup to the princess, but they added salt to it. Are you trying to punish the princess?" Night Breeze said.

"But according to the time, she should have brought the soup by now, why is there no one there?" said Leng Mei.

"Then there is only one possibility. She didn't bring this soup for the princess to drink at all, but gave it to others. Then only the general and Tilly were left. Tilly's injury relapsed, so it was obviously not for her. Then It's just..." Night Breeze's eyes froze, "It's for His Highness! But, for His Highness, why do you need to add salt?"

Lian Siyue said, "Go and have a look, remember, don't scare the snake ahead of time, but wait and see what happens."

"Yes, princess, let's go now, and don't let anyone hurt His Highness." Night Breeze left in a hurry. Although his legs were not very good, it didn't affect his actions too much.

"Princess, what about us?" Leng Mei asked.

Lian Siyue got up and said, "Nature will appear when it should appear.

Wu Jie carried the bowl of soup and went all the way back to the door of Tili's military tent, then asked the two guards, "Has anyone been here?"

The guard shook his head and said, "No, I have been watching well all the time, and no one has entered."

"That's good, keep guarding, no one is allowed to enter." Wu Jie ordered again, then bent down and walked in.

Seeing that His Highness Ninth Prince was still sitting there, she let out a sigh of relief, walked over, put the bowl of soup in front of him, and said, "Your Highness, this is specially made by Huotouying, please drink some."

Feng Yunzheng reached out, brought the soup over, and took a sip.

Immediately, he frowned and said, "Why is it so salty?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Jie said quickly, "Your Highness redeemed, it's because of my servant's negligence, this servant deserves to die, please drink some water."

She hurriedly brought the tea to Fei Fengyunzheng.

Feng Yunzheng took it and took a sip of water.

Seeing this, Wu Jie said, "This servant pours out the soup now, and goes to question the people in Huotouying."

She took the bowl and left in a hurry.

When she got outside, she closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Zhu hurried over, she nodded to him, and said in a low voice, "Watch out, don't let anyone in, and break the door again when it's about time." and enter."

"The general's injury..." Wu Zhu asked.

"I added something to the general's food." Wu Jie said.

"So it's really you..."

"There is no other way to do this. Now that we have reached this point, we can only do something wrong." Wu Jie said.

"However, if the general finds out, he will definitely reprimand you and me, and even drive us out of the Mobei barracks. As a general, he doesn't like to come here." Wu Zhu said.

"Extreme times, extraordinary means, as long as the general can get what he wants, I will have no regrets even if I get driven away. I only hope our general is well." Wu Jie said awe-inspiringly.

Wu Zhu shook his head and said, "I really don't know whether this is good or bad for you. You have given your heart and soul to the general."

"Stop talking, listen carefully to what's going on inside." Wu Jie signaled Wu Zhu to stop talking, walked back to the commander, and pressed her ears tightly to the curtain.

inside the military tent.

After taking a sip of water, Feng Yunzheng just felt that the taste in his mouth was a little weaker.

However, after a while, he began to feel a little hot all over his body, and his neck was very uncomfortable.

He froze for a moment, and looked warily at the soup and tea in front of him.

This soup, this tea... have a problem?

My body felt more and more hot, my head gradually felt dizzy, and I couldn't even breathe.

A look of coldness flashed in his eyes, he closed his eyes, tightly grasped the wooden wheelchair with his hands, and pressed his feet against the edge of Tilly's bed. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he kicked hard, and the wooden wheelchair moved backwards and left the wheelchair. Beautiful bedside.


He was getting more and more uncomfortable, as if there was something in his body that urgently needed to be relieved, otherwise, his whole body would be on fire.

(End of this chapter)

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