First-class daughter

Chapter 1546 Punishment

Chapter 1546 Punishment
Chapter 1546 Punishment
"Your Highness..." Ti Li opened her eyes and saw Feng Yunzheng's uncomfortable expression, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his head suddenly, his face flushed red, but his eyes were sharp, and he said forcefully, "There is medicine in the water..."

"What..." Tilly was taken aback, then glanced at the tea cups and soup bowls on the table, "What kind of medicine is it? Your Highness is so uncomfortable?"

"Yes, yes..." Feng Yunzheng raised his head, closed his eyes tightly, his face was getting redder and redder, his body temperature was getting higher and higher, and he couldn't control himself anymore.

"Who, what are you doing? This is the general's resting place. The general is not feeling well, so you don't want to rush in!" Wu Jie's voice suddenly came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of Night Breeze and the shadow of swords and swords were heard.

"Stop!" Tilly sternly gripped the bed sheet.

After a while, the curtain was broken, and Night Breeze walked in, holding Wu Jie by the neck, and threw her on the ground.

Afterwards, Lian Siyue also walked in, and when she saw Feng Yunzheng's red face and red ears, she was taken aback for a moment.

She walked up to him quickly, stretched out her hand...

So hot!

"Hmm..." Feng Yunzheng made an unbearable voice randomly.

Lian Siyue was taken aback, and suddenly understood what was going on.

"Night Breeze, send Your Highness to my account first." Lian Siyue ordered in a tight voice.

"Yes, princess!" Night Breeze said.

Seeing this, Wu Jie panicked. This water contains the most powerful medicine, which can make the user lose their mind and feel difficult to relieve themselves. They have to go through the affairs of men and women before they can be relieved, otherwise they will faint or even suffer from too much pain. It was sudden death.

If His Highness and this princess leave, then they will definitely...

"No, Your Highness can't go, Your Highness..."

"Crack!" Lian Siyue raised her hand, and slapped Wu Jie's face viciously with both ears, causing her cheeks to swell immediately.

"Baby maid, what are you, you dare to stop His Highness, you are so impatient! Leng Mei, take care of her!" Lian Siyue said sharply.

"Yes, Wangfei!" Leng Mei took the order and grabbed Wu Jie.

Lian Siyue's icy eyes fell on Wu Jie, and he said slowly, "Leave her a dog's life, and this princess will still interrogate her!"

"Yes, princess!" Leng Mei pressed his hands hard, Wu Jie suddenly felt a piercing pain all over his body, and howled out in pain.

Lian Siyue glanced at Ti Li again, and said, "If the general can't even control people with dirty hands and feet around him, why is he a general of Mobei? Why don't you report to Shan Yu and let him go as soon as possible!"

Her voice was cold and cruel, without a trace of leeway.

Ti Li was startled for a while, and said, "If Wu Jie offends His Highness and Wangfei, I will definitely not let her go lightly."

"Hmph!" Lian Siyue snorted coldly and walked out.

Leng Mei also carried Wu Jie out, and threw it on the ground.

"Let me go, let me go, you can't punish me, only the general can!" Wu Jie wailed loudly.

"Can't you be punished?" Leng Mei sneered, "Today, let the princess teach you how to behave!"

As she spoke, the sharp blade in her cuff brushed against Wu Jie's face.

"Ah..." Suddenly, there was a scream, Wu Jie covered her face in pain, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Wu Zhu hurried forward, "Stop!"

Turning back fiercely with cold eyebrows, she said, "If she wants to survive, she must pass my test first. I can only blame you for being so self-righteous, thinking that you can control His Highness's will, and rushing to do dirty things under the eyes of the princess." Dirty things."

Startled by Lengmei's words and momentum, Wu Zhu didn't go forward immediately.

"Heh!" Leng Mei kicked again, and Wu Jie was kicked straight into the army tent behind her, blood was vomited from her mouth immediately, and a pained expression appeared on her face.


Even outside the monthly account.

Night Breeze drove away the people around, and said, "If anyone takes a step closer, I'll let his blood splatter on the spot, even if your general comes, it's the same!"

The surrounding soldiers backed away in fright.

in the account.

Feng Yunzheng was lying on the bed, looking very painful.

Lian Siyue pinched his wrist to feel his pulse, only felt that the pulse was extremely disordered, it seemed that medicine was needed to detoxify.

"I asked Night Breeze to ask the doctor to prescribe medicine."

She turned around.

"Don't go!" He grabbed her wrist and looked at her with fiery eyes.

"Yun Zheng..."

Feng Yunzheng's subordinates pushed hard, and she fell forward, and the whole body just fell on top of him.

Suddenly, the fragrance of her body rushed into her nostrils, making him unable to control himself.

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue called softly.

Feng Yunzheng didn't say anything anymore, he held Lian Siyue's face in both hands, and kissed her lips.

Lian Siyue opened her eyes slightly, and then slowly closed them.


off account.

Night Breeze folded his arms around his chest and watched alone, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

This Wu Jie did a good deed, which facilitated the matter between His Highness and Wangfei.



a long time.

In the tent, Feng Yunzheng finally opened his eyes, Lian Siyue lay softly on his chest, eyes closed, his face was flushed, his back was covered with sweat, and his chest heaved up and down.

Feng Yunzheng was slightly stunned, the intimacy between the two just now appeared in his mind, looking at the woman hugging him, his heart felt hot.

"Are you okay?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng said.

When the two looked at each other, Feng Yunzheng looked a little uncomfortable, "I'm sorry, I'm not a gentleman, I did such a thing to you."

"Pfft." Lian Siyue laughed suddenly, wrapped his hands around his neck, raised his head, kissed his chin, and said coquettishly, "How can a husband apologize after sleeping with his wife."

"You..." Seeing her like this, Feng Yunzheng's eyes were filled with surprise.

Lian Siyue crawled up to his ear, lowered her voice, and said, "Yun Zheng, it's only just begun..."


Lian Siyue laughed and took the initiative to leave kisses on his body, she couldn't believe it, and would not be able to recall Yun Zheng's memory.

Even if she can't arouse her, she still has to exercise her power as a wife.

Although he didn't respond, he didn't stop Lian Siyue either.


"Your Highness, Wangfei, General Tilly's maid, she has almost tossed about, but Her Highness and Wangfei need to make a deal for her to convince everyone." At this time, Leng Mei said outside.

"Understood, here we come." Lian Siyue showed a look of coldness on his face, now, it's time to deal with that ignorant servant.

"I'll go too." Feng Yunzheng said.

"I'll dress you." Lian Siyue said, picked up the brocade robe beside her, and put it on for him.


Wu Jie was lying on the ground, her face and body were full of students, her fingers were drooping as if they were about to break off, her eyes were slightly opened, and there was a clear look of fear in her eyes.

"Your Highness is here, Wangfei is here..." After a while, a voice rang out, and Wu Jie shivered, as if she was about to go to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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