Chapter 1550
Chapter 1550
"What does the concubine want to do with General Ti Li?" Night Breeze looked back at Feng Yunzheng and said.

"I don't know the lowly position, the princess just said that I don't need to follow." Leng Mei said.

"Your Highness, are you going to look for it in General Tili's tent?" Night Breeze asked.

Feng Yunzheng said in a deep voice, "No need, just wait here, you guys go out first."

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze and Leng Mei exited the tent.

Feng Yunzheng was alone in the tent. Wherever he looked, there should be something like a moon. He pushed the wooden wheelchair to the desk.

There is a white porcelain vase on the desk, and a few branches are inserted in the vase. In this northern part of Mobei, there are no delicate flowers, and a few dead branches are inserted, but there is no emotion.

Looking at the desk again, there was a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and a piece of unfinished writing was laid out. He stretched out his hand and took it over. Looking at it, her handwriting was not as graceful as ordinary women, but rather sharp and sharp. .

He whispered what she wrote on it, the names of some people:
Feng Jue, Lian Lingyue, Le Yan'er, Feng Wanjun, Feng Chengjun, Lian Yan, Feng Ye, Feng Qianyue, Liu Xiren, Lian Yanqing, Rong Xue...

He read the names one by one, and the long list came down, but his name was missing alone.

Why not write his name?

Feng Yunzheng was displeased, picked up a pen, and wrote the three characters "Feng Yunzheng" on it as if angry. These three characters were written vigorously and occupied the most space.

After he finished writing, he looked at it, looked at it, and felt a little funny again, so he stained it with ink and erased his name.

I took another pair of paintings, on which were two children, a boy and a girl, with four characters written next to the boy, "Affection for the King", and next to the girl, four words, "The Meaning of Restraining the King".

He looked carefully, is this their child?

Both children are very beautiful, especially the girl, who looks very similar to him, and he feels a little gentle in his eyes.

Inside Tilly's account.

After several days of careful recuperation, Ti Li's body has basically recovered, and now she is discussing strategies with the generals in the army, how to restrain Xianbei.

At this time, a guard came to report, "Princess Heng is here."

"What is she here for?" Wu Zhu said.

A flash of thought flashed in Tilly's eyes, and she said, "Ask her to come in."

The curtain of the military tent was opened, and Lian Siyue walked in alone.

Ti Li immediately led all the soldiers to bow and said, "Princess."

Lian Siyue looked at Ti Li, and said, "My princess has important matters to discuss with the general, can you hold back?"

"General." The death of Wu Jie made Wu Zhu see how powerful this princess was, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"You all go down first, the rest of the matter will be discussed later." Tilly said.

"Yes, General." Everyone retreated.

"Princess, please sit down." Tilly said.

"Is the general's injury healed?" Lian Siyue asked after sitting down.

"The medical skills in the Central Plains are far better than mine in Mobei. The doctor recommended by the princess has excellent medical skills and precise medication. My health is no longer serious." Tilly said.

"Dong Shen was originally a famous doctor in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and Master Ye is also proficient in medicine. The two of them are combined into one, and your injury is a skin trauma, which is not difficult to treat." Lian Siyue said.

"Thank you, Princess, for your generosity." Tilly said, her eyes never looking at Lian Siyue.

"I will help you for my husband Yunzheng." Lian Siyue said.

"..." Tilly's eyes flickered slightly, and she said, "I understand."

"After all, you are the first woman my husband regards as a benefactor. No matter what your purpose is, you did save her life. You are also my benefactor. As I said, I will repay your kindness to him. "Lian Siyue said.

"I also said that there is no need to mention the matter of kindness. Tilly is really ashamed." Tilly said.

"So, in the name of Prince Heng's Mansion, I have written a divorce letter to King Darouzhi, requesting that the other party send troops to attack Xianbei from east to west, and Xianbei will be defeated by the enemy, so naturally they will be defeated." Lian Siyue said .

"Ask for help from the Da Yue Clan? In fact, it's not that I haven't thought about this strategy. If I can get the help of the Da Yue Clan, it will be easy to eradicate Xianbei. It's just that I, Mobei, have had no contact with the Da Yue Clan in recent years. There was a misunderstanding with Shan Yu, and King Da Yueshi once said that he would never have any contact with the Mobei Huns in his lifetime." Ti Li said.

"If the people from Mobei go to lobby, of course it won't work, but speaking in the name of Prince Heng's mansion, I believe that the King of the Dayue Clan has to send troops to help, because Prince Heng once saved the life of the King of the Dayue Clan. Prince Fu said, He will obey." Lian Siyue said firmly.

In fact, it is not only the grace of saving lives, but at the same time, the King of the Dayue Clan has a secret in Yun Zheng's hands.

"If this is the case, then Mobei will be grateful to Da Zhou." Ti Li said.

"If that's the case, we'll be clean, and we'll have nothing to do with each other from now on." Lian Siyue said with stern eyes.

"Yes." Tilly said, cupping her hands.

"However, I have a request for you." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess, please tell me." Tilly said.

"Don't mention the conversation between you and me today, including my husband Feng Yunzheng. If anyone asks, you just need to say that we are just gossiping." Lian Siyue warned.

"Wangfei's words, Tilly took it to heart." Tilly said.

"That's good. I'll take my leave first. The general will take care of his body and wait to fight again." Lian Siyue stood up and said.

"Princess, please." Tilly cupped her hands.

With a faint smile on Lian Siyue's face, she turned and left.

Looking at her back, Ti Li knew what she meant, so she used this help to completely break the grievances between her and Feng Yunzheng.

Wu Zhu came in, took a look at Ti Li, and said, "General, in my opinion, the Ninth Prince is not a person who does not repay favors. If the general insists on this point, he will not stand by and watch, and the general does not need to be married." The embarrassment of the princess."

A flash of emotion flashed in Tili's eyes, and she said, "Yes, if I bite to death and refuse to let go, maybe I can achieve what I want, just like Wu Jie expected, and I will finally have someone to rely on. But, I don't want to do this. I don't want to embarrass him, force him, and secondly... I am Ti Li, the general of Mobei, if I use the feelings and methods of this little girl, how can I lead the army of Mobei for a long time? How can I convince everyone? Wu Wish, Wu Jie is dead, don't mention these things in the future."

"Yes, General, I understand, I will follow the general for the rest of my life." Wu Zhu said.

Lian Siyue returned to the tent and called out, "Lengmei..."

Opening the curtain, she did not see Leng Mei's figure, instead she saw a figure jumping into her eyes, pretending to be in her heart.

"Why is Your Highness here?" She calmed down and said.

(End of this chapter)

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