Chapter 1551
Chapter 1551
She no longer called him Yun Zheng, but called him His Highness like everyone else.

Feng Yunzheng raised his head and asked, "I'm reading what you wrote."

Lian Siyue walked over and said, "My handwriting is very ordinary, but Your Highness's handwriting is very good. Back then, many people in Beijing tried to imitate it. Oh, I forgot, His Highness doesn't remember those things, so it's not too bad." It's important."

"These names are all important people around you?" Feng Yunzheng picked up the paper with the names written on it and asked.

Lian Siyue stretched out her hand to take it, glanced slowly, and said, "Yes, they are all important people around me, each of them is very important."

"What about Feng Qianyue?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him immediately, and asked, "You... remember the other one?"

"I had a dream. In the dream, you were wearing a red wedding dress and married someone. You entered the Yuewang Mansion, not the Hengwang Mansion. I asked Ye Feng, and it turned out that there was this person. It was Feng Qianyue, my elder brother. "Feng Yunzheng said.

After Lian Siyue was surprised, she slowly calmed down and said, "It's just a dream, why does Your Highness take it seriously?"

But Feng Yunzheng looked at her and asked, "I have no memory of the past, and the dream has become a basis, and it feels more and more real."

"Your Highness came here just to talk about this dream?" Lian Siyue asked.

Who would have known that her heart was weeping blood silently, the man in front of her was her true love, after searching thousands of miles, she finally found it.

Although, he is no longer the Feng Yunzheng of the past, but he is lucky to be alive.

As long as you live, everything will be fine, she believes.

However, what if in his confused memory, he begins to have someone else in his heart?

"He used to be your love?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Lian Siyue lost her mind, recalling her distant past life, yes, it was indeed at that time.

It was a nightmare for the two of them together.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Feng Yunzheng felt inexplicably uncomfortable, so he thought she had acquiesced.

"He's dead." Lian Siyue said, there was no hatred in her voice, and there was no looking back, very calm.

Speaking of that man again, I realized that it was already so far away, so far away that the wounds that were bleeding and pus were gradually blurring.

Now, the only thing that makes her hurt and makes her happy is this man in front of her.

"...Do you feel sorry?" Feng Yunzheng asked, and heard from Yefeng that this brother Wang was the one who caused her misery.

"..." Lian Siyue shook her head, looked at the man in front of her, and said, "I got rid of him with my own hands, what a pity? I will never feel pity for others, but only for me..." She looked Xiang Feng Yunzheng said, "It's fine if you don't say anything."

The two were silent.

After a while, Lian Siyue said, "Dong Shen has told me that His Highness's leg is expected to heal, and His Highness should cooperate with his treatment and strive to walk independently earlier."

"This is what I hope." Feng Yunzheng said.

He wanted to ask Lian Siyue something, such as why he wrote so many names and why he didn't write his name alone, but he didn't ask after all.

He doesn't remember her, so why ask these questions?

"Your Highness, I'm tired. I want to rest for a while. Why don't you let Night Breeze take care of you?" Lian Siyue undoubtedly issued an order to evict you.

Feng Yunzheng suddenly felt a little suffocated, so his voice became three-pointed, and he said, "I won't bother you anymore."

Night Breeze came in and felt the tense and strange atmosphere in the account. He glanced at Lian Siyue, but saw that there was no unnecessary expression on her face, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and pushed Feng Yunzheng out.

Along the way, Feng Yunzheng tightly closed her thin lips, Ye Feng glanced at it secretly, and couldn't help asking, "Your Highness seems to be angry?"

Feng Yunzheng remained silent.

Night Breeze suddenly felt a little bored, so he didn't ask any more questions.

For several days, the two did not see each other again. Dong Shen and Master Ye came to treat Feng Yunzheng's leg disease on time every day. They received acupuncture, applied medicine, took medicine, and massaged. Feng Yunzheng's legs became more and more flexible. , although still unable to walk freely, but sometimes can walk two steps with a cane, which has improved a lot compared to being unconscious before.

Night Breeze said happily, "Based on this level, it is estimated that in about half a month, His Highness's legs will return to normal."

Feng Yunzheng was also very happy.

At the same time, Ti Li has recovered as usual, and launched an offensive against Xianbei again. This time, she received the help of the Dayue clan, and she was injured once, which taught her a lesson.

Therefore, as soon as the war started, she led the Mobei cavalry to attack Huanglong, killing the Xianbei people by surprise.

For three consecutive days, he won a complete victory.

The whole army was beaming with joy.

The red veil on Tilly's face was removed and replaced with a silver half-cut mask and a red armor. No matter where she went, her eyes were always cold and emotionless, and the sword in her hand was always stained with bright red blood.

Compared with the first time, this time she is more heroic and ruthless.

That day, when she came down from the battlefield, Wu Zhu told her, "His Highness Ninth Prince's legs are mostly healed, and he can walk with crutches."

Tilly was slightly stunned, with a flash of emotion in his eyes, and said, "This is a good thing, I hope he recovers soon, and the big stone in my heart can also be let go."

Wu Zhu wanted to say something more, but when she looked up, she saw Feng Yunzheng standing at the door of Tili's military tent, not sitting like before, but standing.

"General, I'm going to check the grain and grass." Wu Zhu said hurriedly, and then retreated.

Ti Li looked at Feng Yunzheng. He was dressed in a silver-white brocade robe, with a tall body, no different from the man she saw in the desert that day.

"Greetings to Your Highness Ninth Prince." She nodded and clasped her fists.

"There's no need to be too polite." Feng Yunzheng said, his voice was like a stream of springs, slowly flowing into the depths of Ti Li's heart.

"Your Highness's leg injury is almost healed, and Tilly is very pleased." Tilly tried her best not to look at him, no matter how deep she was hiding, just that one glance would shake her.

"I'm going back to Kyoto soon." Feng Yunzheng said.

Tilly's heart trembled slightly, but she remained calm and said, "Yes, His Highness may remember the past when he returns to his own place."

"I also hope that you will lead the Mobei Army and annihilate the enemy army in one fell swoop." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yes, I would like to borrow your Highness's auspicious words," Tilly said.


At this moment, a scream came from the other side.

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment, without any thought, leaning on crutches, he quickly walked in the direction where the screams came from.

Tilly's heart tightened, and she thought, what happened?
At this time, Night Breeze rushed over like a gust of wind, knelt down in front of Feng Yunzheng anxiously, and said, "Your Highness, Princess, something happened to Princess..."

"Help me quickly!" Feng Yunzheng felt a sense of urgency that he had never felt before, and he had never hated his foot injury so much.

(End of this chapter)

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