First-class daughter

Chapter 1556 Re-chapter Qizhou

Chapter 1556 Return to Qizhou
Chapter 1556 Return to Qizhou
After a few days.

The group set off for Kyoto.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue had already discussed with Le Yan'er, and when they returned to the capital, they said that Le Yan was the adoptive daughter of their husband and wife. Le Yan'er was only eight years old, and she only grew up so fast Like teens.

In this way, others will not doubt anything.

Le Yan only said to this arrangement, "I listen to Uncle Nine Emperors and Mother."

Feng Yunzheng showed warm eyes and said, "Le Yan'er
Before leaving, Le Yan walked up to Lian Siyue and combed her hair.

"Mother..." Le Yan called out.

"What's the matter, Le Yan'er..." Lian Siyue asked.

"I..." Le Yan hesitated to speak.

Lian Siyue turned around, held her hand, and said gently, "Le Yan'er, what's on your mind, just tell your mother, she will do everything possible to achieve what you want thing."

Le Yan lowered her head and stroked the red string on her wrist. It was the day she left the Zhao family due to a fake illness. The drug boy caught up with the carriage to send him off. He had nothing but this red string.

"Mother, do you still remember the medicine boy in the hospital?" Le Yan asked.

Even Si Yue saw the red string on her wrist and the look in her eyes, she understood a little bit, she said, "Of course I remember, it's a pity that the child was originally a good one, but he followed the wrong master and admitted his mistake Master."

"Back when my daughter was living outside, fortunately my younger brother helped her. Later, she became her playmate and comforted her everywhere. When she left that day, she didn't tell him the truth, but she never forgot that she lied to him. I think, this time The next time I go back, can I make a detour to Qizhou so that I can meet him." Le Yan said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Speaking of which, things in this world are mostly cruel, and there are very few people who can achieve perfection. Some people only see it once in a lifetime, and when they turn around, they will say goodbye forever. While they are still young, there is still a chance. , do what you want to do, and meet whoever you want to see, so that you can live in this world for a while.”

Le Yan was very happy when she heard this, "Mother, thank you for your compassion."

Lian Siyue pulled her into her arms and said, "Le Yan'er, you have been lost and found again, and you are the most precious treasure in mother's heart. What do you want to do, what do you want to do, don't be timid, just be bold if you can do it." If you can’t do it, tell your mother, she will do everything possible to help you, mother only wants you to be happy and happy.”

After hearing this, Le Yan said with tears in her eyes, "Mother, I'm already very happy."

"Me too." At this time, Feng Yunzheng's voice came from the door, and he looked bright. He could walk without crutches, but his movements were a little slow.

Le Yan hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, are you here?"

Feng Yunzheng came over and said, "We are about to go, let's see if you are ready?"

"You can go, but let's take a detour to Qizhou." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at Le Yan, understood in his heart, and said, "Okay, tell Night Breeze."

About half an hour later, the carriage officially set off.

When the wind blows, the curtain of the carriage blows up, and the yellow sand outside is long, quite desolate.

Feng Yunzheng took Lian Siyue into his arms, and whispered in her ear, "I finally went back, I miss Chengjun and Wanjun very much, I haven't seen you in half a year, I think I have grown up a lot."

"Yeah, I miss you very much too." Lian Siyue said with a smile, "There are also the emperor and Ling Yueer, Yan'er. Counting the days, it should be time to get married."

"They must also miss us very much." Feng Yunzheng said.

The carriage kept going,
During the running around, Lian Siyue gradually felt tired, so she leaned on Feng Yunzheng and fell asleep.

Feng Yunzheng looked at her sleeping soundly, and said in his heart, "Every day in the future, I only hope that you can sleep so soundly, every day in the future, you will be the one who is happy, sad is you, honor and disgrace are all yours. "

Thinking about it, I couldn't help holding her hand, holding it tightly, just wanting to hold her hand like this for the rest of my life.

After traveling for a few days, when we arrived in Qizhou, without disturbing the local government, we quietly found an inn to stay.

Feng Yunzheng patted Ye Feng and accompanied Le Yan to find Yaotong. In order not to be recognized, Le Yan changed into dark clothes and covered her face with a veil, so no one could recognize her.

After a few words from Siyue, Le Yan'er and Night Breeze went out together.

Le Yan walked directly towards the medical hall, and on the way, she met an old man selling maltose, so she bought a bag of maltose.

Walking into the crowd, they are all familiar and exquisite.

But, all the way to the hospital, Le Yan was stunned:

The medical hall has closed the door, and there is a broken cobweb knotted on a lock.

How is this going?Why is the hospital closed?Isn't this already given to the drug boy?He also said that he would study medical skills well and restart the business of the medical center.

Le Yan couldn't accept it for a while, feeling sad in her heart.

Seeing this, Night Breeze stopped a person passing by, and said, "Brother, may I ask, when will this medical center close?"

"It's been almost two months." The passer-by said.

two months?Not long after she left, the drug boy left.

"Do you know where the little brother in the medical hall went? Why did you close the door?" Le Yan asked eagerly.

"I don't know where I went, and I don't know why the door is closed. It's just that one morning, someone came to grab the medicinal materials and yelled for a long time, but I didn't see my brother come out to open the door, so I realized that he had gone. However, I didn't give the store to others. .” The passer-by said.

He left suddenly, why?
There is no time to set up the store, and nine times out of ten it is an emergency.

What the hell happened?Le Yan couldn't understand it.

"Hey, at a young age, there is no one more experienced to take care of them, so they will always suffer some disadvantages." The passer-by said.

She walked to the door of the medical hall, reached out, and picked up the key above.

"Miss, do you want to go in and have a look?" Night Breeze asked.

Le Yan turned around and asked, "Is it okay?"

Night Breeze nodded and said, "I have a way, come with me."

"it is good!"

Le Yan left the main entrance with Night Breeze, went around to the backyard, Night Breeze squatted down, and said, "Miss, come on my back, and I will take you in with light work."

"Okay!" Le Yan lay on Ye Feng's back, and Ye Feng easily jumped into the medical hall.

"Miss, you can come down now," Night Breeze said.

Le Yan opened her eyes, only to realize that she had arrived at the familiar backyard, and her heart throbbed suddenly.

She slowly took off the veil on her face, walked along the path here, and looked at the scenery here, nothing changed, but she seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Le Yan walked to the side of the well, and in her mind, the appearance of the medicine boy sitting here sorting the herbs was still in her mind.

As soon as he turned his head, he smiled at her. The simple and warm smile made people feel at ease, as if he had never gone far.

She smiled, raised her foot and walked in. Night Breeze hurriedly stepped forward and pushed the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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