First-class daughter

Chapter 1557 The Man in Black Takes Him Away

Chapter 1557 The Man in Black Takes Him Away

Chapter 1557 The Man in Black Takes Him Away

The furnishings inside were still the same as before she left. She glanced around and landed on the table in front of the medicine cabinet.

In the past, the drug boys used to fetch medicine for patients here, or write about the pharmacy, and look at the medicinal materials.

Looking at it now, she also seemed to see a young man standing there in a trance, looking at the prescription seriously with his head down, grabbing the medicinal materials one by one, and wrapping them in paper bags.

Le Yan walked to the table and stood where he had stood before.

"Hey, this is..."

She saw a bag of unfinished malt candy on the right side of the table. When she opened the bag, she found that the candy had melted a little due to moisture, but it was still very fragrant.

Looking at the candy, Le Yan said to Night Breeze, "It's too late to finish the malt candy, there's still half a bowl of tea in the cup on the table over there, it doesn't look like he left after preparing, it seems like he left suddenly .”

Night Breeze looked around and said, "Miss is right, the owner of the house seems to be planning to live forever. I just found out that a lot of firewood in the backyard was chopped and arranged neatly."

"How did this happen? What happened?" Le Yan looked up at the opposite room.

Suddenly remembered that this room was used when my mother was injured.

She walked over, opened the door and looked, and was stunned.

I saw that the four treasures of the study, brushes, ink, paper and inkstones were placed on the table in this room, and there were many portraits hanging on the walls of the room, all of which were of the same person.

It's just that the portraits are so-so, the lines are even too rough and not smooth enough, if it wasn't for the word "Le Yan" written on every portrait, she wouldn't be able to see that it was herself.

With a thought in her heart, she took down these portraits and looked at them one by one.

Is this all drawn by brother Yaotong?
Why did he paint so many portraits of her?
There is also the one on the table, which has not been painted yet.

Night Breeze walked in and said, "Although the ink in the inkstone has dried up, it can be seen that there is a lot of it, and the portrait has not been finished. In other words, he actually wants to finish this painting. In other words, He really didn't intend to leave the hospital.

"My father... After the Fourth Highness and Master Wu went, the younger brother also said that he would inherit this medical clinic and learn medical skills hard. In the future, he will hang the pot to help the world and save the sick. The younger brother is a serious person, saying If you pass, it will count. He disappeared so suddenly, there must be something hidden in it. Ye Feng, I want to go back to the inn quickly, and invite my mother and father (I have already recognized him as a foster father and foster mother in front of Ye Feng Lengmei) Help find it."

"Yes, miss, let's go back first," Night Breeze said.

Le Yan also took these portraits and the wet maltose on the table.

Back at the inn, Le Yan knelt in front of Lian Siyue, and begged, "Mother, Brother Yao Tong has no father, no mother, and no other relatives. Since, since his master and master passed away, he has There is no leaning, and now he suddenly disappeared, I am worried that something will happen to him, so I want to beg my mother to help me find him, okay?"

Le Yan's eye circles were scarlet, she was really anxious, afraid that something would happen to her little brother, thinking about his life experience, she felt even more pitiful for him, and always felt very sad in her heart.

Lian Siyue reached out to help her up, and said, "Le Yan'er, if that child is kind to you, he is also kind to me. I'll let Night Breeze and Leng Mei find good clues. Don't worry."

"Okay!" Hearing that her mother would send these two guards, Le Yan's heart was half relieved.

"Go and rest first, you've been running all day today." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, mother." Le Yan got up and walked out.

After a while, Feng Yunzheng walked in and said, "Le Yan'er looks very preoccupied."

"Her best friend disappeared, she was very worried, and begged me to help her find it." Lian Siyue said.

"Since she is a good person, she will definitely be anxious when she suddenly disappears. Let's stay in Qizhou for a while and wait until we find her partner. Otherwise, it will become a heart attack. She will return to the capital with us, and I will not feel at ease." Feng Yun Zheng said.

Lian Siyue showed grateful eyes and said, "Yun Zheng, thank you for being considerate of Le Yan."

Feng Yunzheng walked up to Lian Siyue, stretched out his hand, took her into his arms, and said, "From the previous life, Le Yan'er has been my most beloved child. How can I not take her matters to heart?"

Lian Siyue nodded, "She also understands."

Next, Ye Feng and Leng Mei were ordered to find Yao Tong's whereabouts. After a day, they finally had a clue.

"We've checked. Brother Yaotong has been selling medicinal materials seriously during these days, until one day, some men in black came to the medical center," Night Breeze said.

"The man in black, what is the man in black? Are you looking for trouble?" Le Yan'er's heart skipped a beat, she stood up and asked hastily.

"It is said that after the man in black came that day, Yao Tong closed the door of the medical hall, and opened the door to leave after a full hour." Leng Mei said.

"Three hours, so long." Le Yan said.

"After the man in black left, some people went to buy medicine, but my brother closed the door and never opened it again." Night Breeze continued, "Then at night, when it was dark, the man in black came again Once, more people came this time, so Yaotong left with them and closed the door of the clinic."

"Let's go together?" Le Yan was full of doubts in her heart, "According to what you said, he was not taken away, but he was willing to leave. I went to the hospital yesterday and saw that the inside was very tidy and there was no struggle or fight. traces, indicating that he has not resisted."

"Miss, your analysis is very correct." Night Breeze said, he couldn't help admiring the lady in his heart.

"So, do you know who the men in black are? If you know their identities, you must be able to know the whereabouts of the little brother." Le Yan said.

"Miss, don't worry, we will continue to investigate." Leng Mei said.

Le Yan stood up, bowed to the two, and said, "Thank you...Thank you very much."

Night Breeze and Lengmei were also Jiuhuangshu's best right-hand men in the previous life. She remembered that the two of them failed to end well in the end and died under the sword of their father. Both of them protected Jiuhuangshu until their deaths.

Seeing her being so polite, Night Breeze and Leng Mei hurriedly bowed and said, "Miss, this is our job, you don't have to worry about it."

"It's all a matter of duty. I don't know how to repay this love, so I can only bow down to show my gratitude." Le Yan said,
Night Breeze and Leng Mei looked at each other. No wonder His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Wang wanted to adopt this child as a righteous daughter, and they were also gentlemen.

"Miss, don't worry, don't worry, we will do our best," Night Breeze said.

"Thank you." Le Yan'er nodded.

Night Breeze and Lengmei walked out.

Le Yan'er sat down slowly, with a thoughtful face.

(End of this chapter)

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