First-class daughter

Chapter 1558 End these remnants

Chapter 1558 End these remnants
Chapter 1558 End these remnants
The passage of time was a torment for Le Yan'er, she really didn't know what happened to her little brother.

At the same time, there is another thing that makes Le Yaner worry.

She also heard a story in Qizhou that Mrs. Zhao fell ill because of her longing for her daughter, and her life was hanging by medicine every day.

The news disturbed her.

Zhao Liuxian was dead, and she was alive because of her soul, but because of her, she had to leave the Zhao family.

Except for Aunt Li and her two children, everyone in the Zhao family dotes on him very much. Other families are patriarchal, but the Zhao family is just the opposite, loving and paying more attention to her as a girl.

Especially Mrs. Zhao, although she has a younger brother, she hurts Zhao Liuxian's daughter to the bone.

Although she was not the real Zhao Liuxian, she was also worried when she heard that Mrs. Zhao was ill.

However, according to what he said when he left, Zhao Liuxian went to Tianning Mountain to practice with his teacher, and the result would not be known until three years later.

How to do it?

this day.

With a veil covering her face, she stood at the entrance of the inn for a while, and when she was about to go back, she happened to find that the sedan chair of the Zhao family happened to pass by the opposite street.

She stopped immediately, and judging from the maid beside the sedan chair, the person sitting in the sedan chair was undoubtedly Mrs. Zhao.

When the sedan chair was closest to him, even though it was across the road, she still heard coughing from inside the sedan chair.

It seemed that Mrs. Zhao was seriously ill.

Le Yan returned to the room with a heavy heart, and stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside, with a thousand knots in her heart.

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng looked at each other, turned and left together.

After entering the room, Feng Yunzheng said, "Le Yan'er has a lot of thoughts, I'm afraid she's thinking of something again."

"This child attaches great importance to feelings. He used to be like this. After so many things, he hasn't become as hard-hearted as you and me." Lian Siyue said.

"The Zhao family, arrange for her to meet Mrs. Zhao?" Feng Yunzheng said.

"It's not too difficult, just talk to the teacher and find a reason to come back once, but I'm afraid..." Lian Siyue paused.

"Mother, there's no need." At this moment, Le Yan pushed the door open and said.

"Le Yan'er..." Lian Siyue hurriedly stood up and pulled her to him, "When were you outside?"

"I just came here, I have something to discuss with my mother, Uncle Nine Emperors, it's unthinkable, and you are also talking about it." Le Yan said.

"Le Yan'er, have you made a decision?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Le Yan nodded, "Yes, I have already made a decision."

"Then what are you going to do? Le Yan'er." Lian Siyue asked.

"It's gone. Maybe seeing Mrs. Zhao once can relieve Mrs. Zhao's longing, but it will increase her expectations and miss her in the future, and will make her miss it even more. In fact, Zhao Liuxian died long ago. It might not be in line with the ethics to use my life to cut ties with the Zhao family, so I can only pray for Mrs. Zhao day and night, and hope she can see it sooner." Le Yan said.

"Alright." Lian Siyue said, "I will let Dong Shen use another capacity to go to the Zhao family to treat Mrs. Zhao, and then think of other ways to cure her heart disease."

"Well, mother." Le Yan'er threw herself into Lian Siyue's arms, a stone in her heart fell slightly.

And Ye Feng and Leng Mei brought news to Le Yan'er two days later.

"How?" Le Yan'er asked when she saw the two people who had returned.

"Miss, the whereabouts of those men in black have been found out," Night Breeze said.

"Who are they?" Le Yan'er asked tightly.

"Look." Leng Mei took out a token from her sleeve and handed it to Le Yan'er.

Le Yan looked down and saw the word "Li" written on it.

"Li?" Le Yan frowned slightly, where did the "Li" token come from.

"Miss, this is owned by the lord of the Li Dynasty. The medicine boy you mentioned was brought back by the lord of the Li Dynasty." Night Breeze said.

"The lord of the Li Dynasty?" A thought flashed in Le Yan's eyes, "Is it possible that my brother is from the Li Dynasty?"

She remembered that her younger brother once said jokingly that she was discovered by Wu Yong when she was picking up dog poop on the ridge in the countryside, and took him home to be his apprentice.

"Miss, you said that little brother Yaotong has no father or mother, and he doesn't know his own life experience. Now the leader of the Li Dynasty sent someone to pick him up. Obviously, he is undoubtedly from the Li Dynasty, and he has a close relationship with the leader of the Li Dynasty. Moreover, according to I investigated and found that those men in black were very polite to my little brother, respecting him like a master, it can be said that they obeyed..." Night Breeze said.

"I heard that the Lord Li Chao is 39 years old this year. Is it possible that the young lady who is talking about the drug boy is the son of the Lord?" Leng Mei boldly guessed.

"It's not impossible for the son of a ruler to live among the people, but we need to continue to investigate the specifics," Night Breeze said.

"Since those men in black respect him so much, it means that he is not suffering, nor was he kidnapped by bad guys, I just need to confirm that he is safe.

Li Chao is about a month's journey back and forth from here. We have already stayed here for almost ten days. The prince and princess still have young children waiting in Beijing, so there is no need to go to Li Chao to look for it. Let's go back to Beijing. " Le Yan'er said.

"Yes, Miss, let's go report to His Highness and Princess." Night Breeze and Leng Mei walked out at the same time.

Le Yan walked to the window and looked at the afterglow of the setting sun outside, but felt a burst of loss and sadness in her heart.

"Brother, from now on, it will be the ends of the earth, and the sea will be filled with vicissitudes. It is good to meet again if there is a destiny. If there is no possibility of meeting again in this life, I only wish you peace of mind, peace and health."

As she spoke, two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks.

Later, he walked to the desk, prepared a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, wrote something on it, and then asked Night Breeze to take her into the medical hall again.

After taking a look around the medical hall full of memories, she put the letter she wrote on the table and pressed it with an inkstone.

For some reason, she felt that maybe the little brother would feel a little bit reluctant to leave here and would come back.

When she turned around and was about to leave, when she looked at the opposite chair, she stopped again and stared at the empty chair for a long time.

The shadow of another person appeared in my mind.

At that time, he was always wrapped in black brocade clothes, sitting there like a heavy existence.

His side face seemed to have been carved, and his whole body exuded a cold aura. His deep eyes were always thoughtful, making people shudder when they looked at them.

(End of this chapter)

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