First-class daughter

Chapter 1559 Acquaintances

Chapter 1559 Acquaintances
Chapter 1559 Acquaintances
He is like a mouse living in a stinking ditch, never daring to be upright, and finally put on another skin, trying to start a new life, but in the end because of the deep sin, he died on the road to redemption.

Not everyone who has committed crimes will be forgiven if they start to repent before they die.

Le Yan'er's heart twitched slightly.

"Night Breeze, you go out first, I want to be alone for a while," she said.

"Yes, miss, I'll wait for you outside." Night Breeze said, and walked out.

Le Yan walked up to this chair, put her hand on the chair, stroked it gently, tears gradually came to her eyes, a look of sadness flashed across her face, and murmured, "I really hate myself, you treat me so Ruthless, but I can't hate you wholeheartedly, and now I still miss you occasionally. You can save Zhao Liuxian who has nothing to do with you, you can give her maltose, and you will turn a blind eye and let the little brother take her in , Why didn't you show me a little more pity for me at that time..."

She squatted down slowly, grabbed the edge of the chair with her hand, and said, "Father, I hate you, I wish you, but in the end... I still miss you."

Tears fell one by one and fell on the chair.

The crystal clear beads reflected her sad face.

Many things came to Le Yan's mind again, and she was also unwilling, why he refused to treat her better at the beginning.

"I don't want to hate you, I really don't want to hate you, it would be great if you could make me not hate you."

She sat alone in the hospital, letting her complex emotions submerge her until it was dark and the night wind called her outside.

She just got up, took a deep look at the medical hall, then turned and left, she knew that this would be the last time she would see this place in her life.

"Let's go." She said with a heavy sigh in her heart.

"Yes, miss, you get into the carriage." Night Breeze said, he couldn't help thinking to himself that this lady seemed to have a lot on her mind.

The carriage drove towards the inn.

"Clang clang."

After walking for a while, suddenly the carriage was hit by something, and it wobbled for a while.

She heard Night Breeze quickly running to the front of the carriage, "Who?"

Le Yan involuntarily opened the carriage curtain and looked outside, and saw a dirty young man standing in front of the carriage.

Some kind of little beggar must have bumped into it by accident. She remembered that she had been a little beggar for a while, so she took out a little bit of silver from the bag she was about to hand out, and said to the young beggar, "You take this little bit of money." Go, don't go on a rampage."

Seeing that the young lady gave money, the young man looked towards her. When he saw Le Yan's face, he was taken aback for a moment, his eyes thoughtful.

Night Breeze came over, took the silver in his hand, and said to the young man, "Miss gave it to you, take it and go, don't be rash next time, not everyone is like my family..."

"Sister Liuxian?" At this time, the young man who had been looking at Le Yan said suddenly.

Le Yan was taken aback for a moment, she actually recognized Zhao Liuxian.

She quickly said, "You're mistaken!" Then she put down the car curtain and said, "Night Breeze, let's go."

"Wait!" But the young man slid over Night Breeze's armpit like a nimble loach, lifted the car curtain, and said, "No, I'm the right person, you are Sister Liu Xian, I definitely don't I will admit my mistake!"

His hands gripped the sedan chair tightly.

"I said I'm not!" Le Yan'er tugged on the car curtain, "Night Breeze!"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person, I'm Qi Yan..." said the young man. (At the beginning, Le Yan met Qi Yan's mother as Zhao Liuxian. The Qi family really wanted to marry Zhao Liuxian as their daughter-in-law, but because Le Yan refused, Mrs. Qi went back in disappointment. The eldest daughter of the Zhao family, Zhao Minxian, even told Aunt Li However, I want to replace Liuxian and marry Qi Yan, these are mentioned in the previous article)

"If you're rude again, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Night Breeze grabbed his wrist, pulled him aside with a little force, and drove the carriage away.

"Hey..." The young man was about to catch up, but he was stopped by a person who hurried to the side.

"Young master, young master, I have found you. What's wrong with you?" The servant asked with a headache when he saw his young master's dirty appearance.

But different from the past, this time, he was silent, without saying a word, and fell into deep thought.

"Young master, young master, what are you thinking, I will take you back to the inn to wash up, you will be treated as a little beggar." The servant said.

"Xiaoyuan, did the Zhao family say that sister Liuxian was not in good health and was taken to Tianning Mountain by a Taoist nun?" Qi Yan asked.

When Xiaoyuan heard this, she yelled badly in her heart, and said, "Young master, you have been raped in Tianning Mountain more than a dozen times, and you were driven down the mountain every time, but you still couldn't see Miss Zhao's family, you still have to go ?”

"No." Qi Yan shook his head and said firmly, "She's not in Tianning Mountain, she's in Qizhou."

"What?" Seeing his young master's distraught look, Xiaoyuan shook his head dejectedly, it's over, his young master was paralyzed by fear, and began to think wildly again.

"Xiaoyuan, I want to take a shower and change!" Qi Yan suddenly gained strength and said.

"Okay, okay, young master, let's go back to the inn." Xiaoyuan said happily.

After returning to the inn, taking a shower, and changing clothes, Qi Yan walked out of the room, immediately attracting the attention of the people around him.

Everyone exclaimed in their hearts: what a handsome and handsome young man from Yushu Linlang, when did Qizhou produce such an outstanding person.

Xiaoyuan followed behind Qi Yan, felt everyone's eyes, and couldn't help puffing out her chest. His young master's appearance was notoriously outstanding, and he grew up surrounded by such eyes since he was a child.

It's a pity that the young master has an unruly personality and always does some troublesome things. Originally, the old man and his wife thought that the only person the young master showed fanatical love in his life was Zhao Liuxian, the daughter of the Zhao family, so he wanted to let the young master and Miss Zhao Marriage, who would have thought that Ms. Zhao would personally reject Madam.

The madam went back to the mansion and told the young master about the matter. The young master was in a hurry. One night, when the wind was high and the moon was dark, he sneaked out of the house, hired a carriage, and drove all the way to Qizhou.

When I arrived in Qizhou, I heard that Miss Zhao was seriously ill and was sent to Tianning Mountain to practice with a Taoist nun.

He didn't care about it, and ran to Tianning Mountain again, yelling loudly at the door of the Taoist temple every day: You old bald nun, my sister Liuxian is doing well, please release her quickly.

However, no matter how much he scolded, the nun wouldn't open her mouth.

Later, the young master started to use another trick: begging for mercy, begging for mercy hard, saying all kinds of good things, but the nun still turned a deaf ear and turned him away.

In the end, he began to take risks, forcing his way into the Taoist temple, yelling, if I don't let me see Sister Liuxian, I will let your blood splatter on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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