First-class daughter

Chapter 1560 Stubborn Donkey

Chapter 1560 Stubborn Donkey

Chapter 1560 Stubborn Donkey

However, that Taoist nun is also a tough person, no matter how much young master Qi Yan threatens, it is useless.

In the end, the young master didn't care about it, and climbed into the Taoist temple when it was dark. As soon as he jumped up the wall, he was knocked down by a row of little nuns with bamboo poles, knocking a bag at one end.

However, he was not reconciled, and wanted to see if there was his sister Liuxian who was missing in that row of little nuns.

So, he rubbed his head and climbed up again.

This time, he learned a lesson, so he found half a grapefruit peel and put it on his head, and when he climbed up, he shouted loudly, "Sister Liuxian, I am your fiancé-in-law, where are you?"

But this time, more than a dozen bamboo poles beat the drum again. Although he dodged and stayed longer, he was still stabbed.

In this way, he tried his best, repeated more than a dozen times, but failed to enter this Taoist temple.

He also disguised himself and entered with other pilgrims, but was recognized by the teacher at a glance and expelled.

In the end, he had to leave the Taoist temple in disgrace.

When he arrived in Qizhou, he planned to go to Zhao's house again, asking them to bring Liuxian back to be his wife. In the end, he got into a fight with Ling's gang of sons and sons, and went out all day clean and came back dirty.

Until today, he said that he saw Miss Zhao Jiasan and wanted to go to the Zhao family to ask for an explanation, thinking that the Zhao family had deceived him.

"Young master, young master!" Xiaoyuan caught up with Qi Yan and asked, "Would it be inappropriate to go hastily? After all, after all, the Zhao family also agreed to Miss Zhao's divorce, and Madam knew about it. "

After hearing this, Qi Yan was silent for a moment, and said, "Everyone agreed, but I didn't agree, so this divorce is nothing."

"But...Young Master, you are 17 years old and have passed the age of marriage, and Miss Zhao is only [-] years old, which seems to be a little younger. Now that you come to the door in person, will you scare her? Maybe she is afraid of you. She was in the carriage yesterday. It's the one who refuses to admit his Miss Zhao." Xiaoyuan said.

"There is some truth to what you said." Qi Yan said.

Xiaoyuan heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Then what do you think the young master should do?"

Qi Yan said, "Then, in the name of visiting Mrs. Zhao, let's visit Sister Liuxian."

"Yes." Xiaoyuan said.

So, Qi Yan prepared generous gifts and went to Zhao's house.

The Zhao family was surprised by the arrival of this young master, after all, the marriage had been called off last time, and Liuxian was no longer at home.

"Nephew, I didn't expect you to come." Zhao Liuxian's father Zhao Yan ordered his servants to serve tea and said.

"Uncle, I was ordered by my father to come to Qizhou to handle business. I heard that my aunt was unwell, so I prepared a small gift and came to visit." Qi Yan cupped his hands and said.

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Qi is good at teaching children. You are so polite at such a young age. Thank you for your heart."

"It should be. I wonder if Auntie is feeling better?" Qi Yan asked.

"Recently, Dong Shen, a famous doctor in Qizhou City, came to see him. He has improved a lot in the past two days." Zhao Yang said.

"That's good, that's good." Qi Yan said, but his eyes had already started to look around secretly, thinking, how could he see Sister Liuxian.

"Since my nephew is working in Qizhou City, don't stay in the inn, but stay in the house. Although you and Liuxian have countless marriages, the friendship between you and me is still there, and you will be like me." It's like my own child." Zhao Yang said.

Speaking of this, Qi Yan finally had a breakthrough, and asked, "Shibo, actually, I would like to have a chance to ask Sister Liuxian personally why she resigned from my marriage, and whether it is true what my mother said, and stay here?" Sister Xian is not in good health."

Speaking of Zhao Liuxian, Zhao Tang's expression turned gloomy, and he said, "Nephew, Liuxian went to Tianning Mountain to recuperate a few months ago, and he won't know if he can survive until three years later. You are too late."

"Tianning Mountain?" Qi Yan was taken aback and asked, "Shibo, do you mean that sister Liuxian is not in the mansion?"

"It's been more than three months, and your aunt got sick because of missing her daughter." Zhao Yan said with a sigh.

Qi Yan glanced at Xiaoyuan, suspicious in his heart.

After having lunch at Zhao's house, Qi Yan left Zhao's house after secretly observing again.

Out of the gate of Zhao's house.

Qi Yan looked suspicious, and said, "Looking at the appearance of Zhao Yan and the Zhao family, it doesn't look like they are being deceived. It seems that sister Liuxian is indeed not in the mansion."

"The Zhao family looks really sad, even the servants. It doesn't look like they are deceiving the young master. Besides, the Zhao family still keeps the young master at home, let alone lying." Xiaoyuan analyzed.

"Then who was the person I saw yesterday?" Qi Yan's eyes flashed doubts.

"Could it be that it's just someone who looks similar to Miss San?" Xiaoyuan said.

"No, it's not similar, it's exactly the same." Qi Yan recalled the meeting yesterday, and said, "It's exactly the same person."

"Exactly the same?" Xiaoyuan said, "I've never seen such a thing."

"No, I think that person must have something to do with Sister Liuxian, I'm going to look for it again." Qi Yan made a decision.

"But Qizhou city is so big, where do I go to find it all at once? Could it be that she just passed by and has already left Qizhou." Xiaoyuan said.

"No matter what, I have to find that person." Qi Yan took out the money Le Yan gave yesterday from his bosom and said.

"Then what is the young master going to do?" Xiaoyuan asked.

Qi Yan pursed his lips and walked straight forward.

Madoka was puzzled and followed behind.

Qi Yan walked all the way to the place where he met Le Yan yesterday, stood where the carriage was, and stood motionless.

Seeing that the people passing by looked at his young master with strange eyes, Xiaoyuan hurriedly whispered, "Young master, young master, why are you standing here all this time? Many people are watching, you..."

"Shh..." Qi Yan put his finger to his lips, thinking, completely ignoring the weird eyes when others looked at him, and turned to this position for a while, then that position for a while.

Seeing this, Madoka had no choice but to stand aside and wait quietly.

"Yes!" Qi Yan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"What?" Madoka asked hurriedly.

"Their carriage must have gone this way yesterday." Qi Yan pointed to one of the roads and said with certainty.


"Go, follow this road, you can always find clues." Qi Yan's confidence increased greatly, "Go, Xiaoyuan, we will search from house to house, and we may not find it."

Xiaoyuan saw Qi Yan's stubborn ass temper come up again, and suddenly felt that her brain started to hurt again.

"Master, slow down, I'm coming soon." However, he could only follow up.

(End of this chapter)

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