Chapter 1561 Homecoming

Chapter 1561 Homecoming

Three days later.

In the inn, everything is ready and ready to go back to Beijing.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue came out of the room, Le Yan also came out of the room after a while.

"Le Yan'er, is breakfast available?" Lian Siyue took her hand and asked.

"It's already been used." Le Yan said.

A smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and said, "Then you get on the carriage first, wait a moment, Uncle Nine Emperors will have breakfast in time."

"Okay, mother, I'll go out and wait in the carriage." Le Yan'er turned around and walked to the carriage at the entrance of the inn.

She lifted the curtain of the carriage, and when she was about to go up, she stopped again, thoughtful.

"It's the smell of malt sugar." She sniffed the smell and said.

She turned around and was going to buy some malt candy to take with her in the car, but she also thought about it along the way.

"So you are really here!" At this moment, an excited voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Le Yan was startled, and when she looked back, she saw a handsome young man standing in front of her. She was taken aback, this is... the beggar she met on the street that day.

"Qi Yan, I am, Sister Liuxian, do you really not remember me?" Qi Yan stepped forward and said.

Le Yan turned her face away, with an indifferent expression, and said, "Young master, you have really misunderstood the person, my name is not Liu Xian, I am Le Yan."

"Le Yan?" Qi Yan looked her up and down, and said, "Sister Liuxian, why did you change your name, why didn't you stay in the Zhao family? Where are you going? Who owns this carriage?"

Unexpectedly, this Qi Yan was extremely persistent, and he must have identified Le Yan as Zhao Liuxian.

Le Yan had no choice but to say, "I don't know you, so I don't need to answer your questions. If you keep pestering me for no reason, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Sister Liuxian, you have a reason, don't you?" Qi Yan looked into Le Yan's eyes and asked.


"I don't have any grievances. I'm not who you think I am. Please leave immediately and stop being self-righteous." Le Yan said, and walked into the inn.

When Qi Yan saw this, he was taken aback for a moment, then hurried up and said, "My feeling is not wrong, just now your eyes and your expression have answered me, you are sister Liuxian, you..."

"Le Yan'er, who is this?" At this moment, Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng walked over together.

Le Yan immediately walked to Lian Siyue's side, gestured to her with her eyes, and said, "This person insists that I am a little sister of Liuxian, and I say he made a mistake, but he doesn't believe it, and keeps pestering me, it's really unbearable It's annoying."

Looking at Le Yan's eyes, Feng Yunzheng knew it in his heart, so he said seriously, "Le Yan is my daughter, if you pester me, I will definitely not let you go."

Feng Yunzheng warned with a cold voice.

He was very imposing, and with just one sentence, Qi Yan already felt the natural majesty of this man.

"Who are you?" Qi Yan asked.

"Who am I, you are naturally not qualified to know, Ye Feng, drive him away, let's go." Feng Yunzheng gave the order.

"Yes." Night Breeze walked up to Qi Yan, with a cold light in his eyes, and said, "Let's go."

"Young master, young master, let's not get entangled here, let's go, these people are not easy to mess with." Seeing this, Xiao Yuan worried that his young master's stubborn temper would come up again, so she hurriedly pulled him and said.

"Le Yan'er, let's go." Lian Siyue took Le Yan's hand, walked past Qi Yan, and walked to the side of the carriage.

Seeing that they all got into the carriage and left this place.

Qi Yan kept looking at their backs.

"Master, that person's name is Le Yan. He has a name and surname. I think it's not Ms. Zhao. Let's forget it and go home. The master is waiting at home." Xiaoyuan said.

"No." Qi Yan said.

"What..." Xiaoyuan was taken aback, an ominous premonition welled up in her heart.

"Go and see where they are going, let's follow quietly, that is sister Liuxian, she must have been hiding something, she is my unmarried wife, I can't just let her go like this." Qi Yan said, extremely firm .

"Master, you..." Xiaoyuan began to sweat coldly.

His young master, is it Miss Zhao who doesn't want it?

"Master, you Yushu Linlang is personable, handsome and outstanding. There are countless girls who like you. Why do you have to guard Miss Zhao? She is also 13 years old." Miss Zhao went back and forth like this.

"You don't understand." Qi Yan's eyes became far away, as if he had returned to the year when we first met, "You don't understand the feeling of falling in love at first sight and buried in my heart from now on. Although she is thirteen, in my heart, she is already I am the wife Qi Yan wants most in his life."

When Xiaoyuan saw his young master's serious appearance, she realized that he had really been in love for a lifetime.

But I don't know if it is Miss Zhao's girl, and can the young master get what he wants?

Looking at the current situation, the young master may have to suffer a lot.

Xiaoyuan went to the inn to find out, only to find out that this group of people was going to the capital.

Qi Yan was silent for a moment, then said, "Let's go, hire a carriage, and we'll go to the capital too."

"Go to the capital?" Xiaoyuan's eyes widened, "Master, what can you do in the capital?"

Qi Yanyu shook his feather fan and said, "My young master brings enough money and silver. I will see what I do after I go. If I want to be an official, I will take the imperial examination. If I want to do business, I will go and see what business is available. In short, I The young master has already made a decision, you should retire immediately and go home, and talk to the old lady."

"But...young master, did you make your decision too hastily? It's the capital city, not to mention it's thousands of miles away, and we don't have any relatives to take care of us there. If the master and wife know about it, they may not agree." Xiaoyuan was cautious. persuading.

"It's okay, Xiaoyuan, just follow the young master and I will." Qi Yan stretched out his hand and patted Xiaoyuan's shoulder, and said confidently.

"..." Xiaoyuan knew that his young master would not turn back even if he broke through the south wall, so he obeyed the order and hurried to prepare.

on the carriage.

Le Yan sat beside Lian Siyue.

"That person is the young master of the Qi family who was married to Zhao Liuxian?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Yes, but that day I had already told Madam Qi that the marriage contract was annulled due to physical discomfort, and Madam Qi also agreed. I never thought that Qi Yan would still refuse to give up." Le Yan said.

"Looking at him like this, he is not the master who will give up easily." Lian Siyue said, "There is no need to worry, we are not in Qizhou anymore, and when we return to the capital, we will not be afraid of others saying your identity."

Le Yan nodded, leaning on Lian Siyue's arm, and said, "Mother, we are finally going back."

(End of this chapter)

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