First-class daughter

Chapter 156 Princess 1

Chapter 156 The Eleventh Princess
Chapter 156 The Eleventh Princess
"What, the lone star of the devil, possessed by ghosts..." After hearing this, Xiao Rou was stunned. The last time my aunt came to Xiao's house for help, she was fine. The lone star of Tiansha can still possess ghosts?
Do not!impossible!There must be a mystery in this.

"This must be your fault. My aunt is a member of Fuze. How could she be the lone star of Tiansha? You must have caused this. Lian Siyue, you are so vicious. In order to exclude their mother and daughter, you actually thought of This kind of trick comes."

"It must be my fault? Xiao Rou, do you have evidence?" Lian Siyue really admires these people, because she is Lian Siyue, so she must have done everything?

"I..." Xiao Rou swallowed guiltyly, but immediately said, "Although I have no proof yet, I'm sure it's you, it must be you, the lone star of the devil, possessed by ghosts, it must be You came up with it!"

"Xiao Rou!" At this moment, a majestic and indifferent voice suddenly came from behind, Xiao Rou shivered in fright from the voice, and when she looked back, she saw Lian Yanqing standing there with a cold face, frowning tightly, His face was icy cold.

But Xiao Rou didn't notice Lian Yanqing's displeasure, as if she saw a savior, she hurried to him and said:

"Uncle, aunt can't be the lone star of Tiansha. It must be Lian Siyue's trick. Uncle must be clear and give justice to aunt and cousin."

"When is it your turn to meddle in the family affairs of my prime minister's mansion? Did General Xiao teach you this?" Unexpectedly, Lian Yanqing's attitude was very indifferent, and his tone even seemed cold.

"I...I didn't...mean..." Xiao Rou didn't expect Lian Yanqing to have such a reaction, and even dragged her father into it, she suddenly panicked.

After all, Xiao Rou was just a little girl who hadn't experienced much in the world. In front of the majestic prime minister, she lost all momentum in an instant and swallowed nervously.

"This is where the royal family hunts. Today, the emperor, queen, princes and princesses, as well as important court officials all came, and all of them attach great importance to hunting.

You come here to discuss the family affairs of my prime minister without shame, you are really a yellow-mouthed child, arrogant and ignorant.If you think about it, why don't you discuss it with the emperor! " Lian Yanqing's eyes sank, and with a straight face, he reprimanded sharply.

"I was wrong, I, I don't dare anymore, I was wrong." Xiao Rou was frightened immediately, and hurriedly admitted her mistake, then turned around and ran away in fright.

"Father..." Lian Siyue bowed to Lian Yanqing and greeted him.

Lian Yanqing glanced at her and said, "Go and rest first, stay away from the Xiao family."

"Yes, thank you father."

After Lian Siyue entered his tent, he sat down on the low couch. Ever since Mrs. Mo An said that she was an extremely precious life, Lian Yanqing's attitude towards her has changed significantly.

The corners of her lips raised slightly, with a trace of sarcasm.

"Miss, the kettle has been spilled, and the servants went out to get some water." Qingdai went out to fetch water as she spoke, and even Siyue knew that the people outside must have expired now, so she didn't want to go out to annoy her, so she simply let her Jiang Xiang brought her a book to read.

After Xiao Rou ran out of Lian Siyue's tent in a hurry, she ran all the way back to her own tent, her heart beating non-stop.

Xiao Shan, who was dressed in a blue brocade robe and had a jade pendant around his waist, was waiting there. When he saw Xiao Rou, he rushed up to him and asked, "How is it? Have you taught her a lesson?"

"Don't mention it, not only did she not teach her a lesson, she was also scolded by the prime minister and told me not to take care of the family affairs of the prime minister's house." Xiao Rou was extremely frustrated, her slapped face wrinkled into a ball, said.

"The prime minister scolded you?" Xiao Shan had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Yeah, in the past my uncle always favored my aunt and cousin, and I don't know what kind of tricks that little bitch like Siyue used, but now my uncle favors her." Xiao Rou said angrily, her face flushed red. .

Now not only His Highness the Eighth Prince will smile at Lian Siyue, even the Prime Minister is helping her, the more Xiao Rou thinks about it, the more unlucky she is!
"Hmph!" Xiao Shan snorted coldly and said, "

"Princess Eleven is here!" At this moment, a voice came from the gate of the camp, Xiao Rou hurriedly turned her head to look over——

I saw a maroon horse galloping forward, and a young girl in fiery red riding attire stood on top of the horse, holding a long whip, her skirt fluttering in the wind, and the hair ribbon fluttering on her head, looking heroic. , There is a tendency for a woman to not give way to a man.

Behind her are dozens of serving servants, the real star-studded moon.

"The princess is a thousand years old." Everyone on the side of the road knelt down and bowed.

She glanced at the people around her with haughty eyes, then stepped on the back of her followers and jumped off the horse, and the servants immediately followed up tremblingly.

But she didn't say a word, walked through the crowd indifferently, looked at the tents in front of her, and asked expressionlessly:
"Where will the princess live this time?"

"Princess, your residence... is on the other side. The slave will lead the princess there." The servant in charge of the eleventh princess's residence hurriedly bowed down and said timidly.

Princess Eleven glanced at the piles of tents, her eyes became more indifferent, and she said, "The queen mother always understands my thoughts so well, this princess doesn't like to be disturbed, and prefers to live alone, quickly take me there. "

"Yes!" The servant in charge heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly led Princess Eleven to her resting place.

Here is the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, who is notoriously tricky and willful.She would come for every hunting event, but she never lived in a tent, and the queen would arrange another, more spacious residence for her.

And Xiao Rou looked at Eleventh Princess's back, a smile gradually appeared on her face, she said to Xiao Shan, "Brother, I have a way to teach Lian Siyue a lesson, this time, no one can help her."

"Princess, we are here."

A group of dozens of people stopped in front of a well-built hut in the forest, the servant who led the way said.

Feng Lingyue glanced at it. This house was built in the woods. Although the sparrows are small and complete, surrounded by towering trees, you can hear the melodious calls of birds. It is not too long or short from the tents of those noble women. It will be neither too lively nor too quiet. There are guards around the house, and they all knelt down when they saw her.

Feng Lingyue threw the whip in her hand to the nurse next to her, and walked in, followed by all the servants.

"Where's my mother?" she asked.

That Nanny Fang stepped forward, bowed, and said, "Go back to the princess, just now the Nanny Lin who was in front of the empress came, the empress is not feeling well, so she will not see the princess, let the princess make arrangements for herself."

"Understood." A trace of loneliness flashed across Feng Lingyue's indifferent face, and the speed of that disappearance was almost undetectable.

(End of this chapter)

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