Chapter 157
Chapter 157
There were some laughing and slapstick sounds from afar, and almost all the people who came to participate in the hunting activities had arrived.

A smile suddenly appeared on Princess Eleven's pretty face. This smile was as beautiful as the rising sun in the sky. It was sincere and warm, and it was impossible to take your eyes off it.

She said happily, "My princess also wants to hunt, and she wants to hunt many, many animals, quickly bring me a bow and arrow!"

As soon as this remark came out, the servants were so frightened that they all knelt down, their faces were as pale as paper, and begged for mercy: "Princess, don't, princess, please forgive me..."

Lian Siyue sat quietly in the tent and read a book, but she was unmoved by the bustling sounds outside, until a warm voice came from outside——

"elder sister."

The combo is here!

Lian Siyue then closed the book, with a smile on his face.

"Sister!" Lian Jue opened the tent, walked in briskly, sat down next to Lian Siyue with vigor, and said, "I ran around just now, but I didn't find you anywhere. Only after seeing Luzhi did I know that you have never been out in the tent, sister, is there something wrong with you?"

"No, I'm fine, I just don't like too many people, I want to be quiet here." Lian Siyue picked up the handkerchief, wiped off the fine beads of sweat on Lian Jue's forehead, and said.

There were a lot of noble ladies outside, they gathered together, chattering and talking lively, they were all a group of young children, discussing which His Royal Highness has the best riding and archery skills, which Highness is the most handsome, which Highness Getting married, wait, wait.

As a person who has lived for two lives, her state of mind is as old as time, and she has no interest in those romantic affairs at all, she might as well read a book for comfort.

Lian Jue felt so guilty in his heart, he said in shame, "I was too busy riding with them, but I didn't come to accompany you, and let you sit here alone."

"Silly trick." Lian Siyue saw his uneasy appearance, and said, "It's not that my sister is ignored, it's just that she doesn't want to pay attention to others."

Lian Jue just smiled, with a blush on his face, and said, "Then I'll stay and read with you." He dropped the whip and sat cross-legged beside her. For him, there was nothing more important than being with his sister. important.

"No need, I've finished reading it too, and I was about to go out for a walk, just so you're here, let's go together." Lian Siyue closed the book, stood up, and said.

"Okay." Lian Jue immediately stood up.

Jiang Xiang opened the curtain, and Lian Siyue and Lian Jue walked out. When Lian Siyue's figure appeared, she attracted a lot of attention. She knew that it was because the last time she met Princess An. The reason why her performance has been rewarded by An Guo Princess.

"Sister, that's the emperor's tent." After walking for a while, Lian Jue pointed to the tent in the center and said.

Lian Siyue raised his eyes and looked over, and saw that that tent was different from others, the other tents were white, but this one was distinguished bright yellow, surrounded by patterns of auspicious dragons flying into the sky, exuding the dignity of ninety-five breath, and the emperor is in this tent at this moment.

Lian Siyue looked at the person guarding outside the tent, and there were two nuns, she thought, Concubine Xuan must be inside, she looked at Feng Yunzheng's tent again——

Still nothing?

Why haven't you come yet?Are you not coming?Still, what happened?Lian Siyue unconsciously began to worry about Feng Yunzheng.

"Miss, young master!" Just as Lian Siyue was thinking, Luzhi walked over quickly, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice——

"Qing Dai was captured by the Eleventh Princess. She wore a lion headgear on her head and ran in the forest with others. The Princess shot them as prey. Now three people have been injured by the bow."

"What?" Lian Jue immediately said angrily when he heard this, "If someone pretends to be a prey and shoots her, this princess is so cruel."

After Lian Siyue heard this, she frowned slightly, recalling some fragments of the eleventh princess Feng Lingyue from her previous life in her mind.

She remembered that the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, was the most beautiful of all the emperor's daughters. She was "as bright as a spring flower, as bright as an autumn moon".

But it is also the most tricky one, not to mention the kind of people that Luzhi said let people pretend to be prey to shoot.Even though Lian Siyue is not familiar with her, she also knows that she has played the game of letting two innocent people attack each other, so that they must kill one of them, otherwise both of them will be killed by her. The "game" to kill.

But at the same time, her fate is also the most bitter among all the princesses. Before reaching the age of Ji, she got a serious illness and died. For unknown reasons, she was not buried in the imperial tomb after her death. Later, she became a queen and worshiped in the Taimiao , and did not find Feng Lingyue's tablet. She asked Feng Qianyue why she didn't have her tablet at the time. Feng Qianyue didn't know it very well, but said that this was once the order of the empress. .

"Let's go, let me go and have a look." Lian Siyue calmed down and said in a deep voice.

"Sister!" However, Lian Jue grabbed her and asked, "Aren't you going to tell your father? After all, that person is Princess Eleven."

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "No, the princess is arresting my maid, I just need to come forward."

"Okay! Then I'll go with my sister." Lian Siyue said that she didn't need to notify Lian Yanqing, so she didn't.

"Go!" Lian Siyue turned around, with a tense expression on her face, and walked quickly towards the direction of the grove, and Lian Jue followed closely beside her.

In front of the wooden house in the woods.

Eleventh Princess holds a bow and arrow, and the arrow is pointed in the direction of the front of the house. One of her eyes is slightly narrowed, and the arrow moves with the running of the "prey" in front of her.

And not far from her, a group of "animals" were running in panic, whimpering and crying. Looking carefully, these "animals" were all played by humans, and they wore the headgear of a certain prey on their heads. In order to avoid being shot by the princess, he ran desperately in the grove.

She has to play this kind of game every time she comes to hunt.

However, they couldn't run too far, because there were soldiers guarding all around, and no one could run far. If anyone dared to run out, he would be cut off by the guards on the spot.

And under Feng Lingyue's feet, there were already three "animals" injured by her arrows. They were not dead yet, with blood flowing from their bodies and making painful noises.

"Princess, princess, shoot that lion, that lion, look how scared she looks..." And beside Feng Lingyue, there was another person - Xiao Rou.

She was pointing at the man wearing the lion headgear, and happily said to Feng Lingyue.

And the person wearing the lion's headgear is clearly Lian Siyue's personal servant——Qing Dai, she wears a lion's headgear on her head, her face is pale, her lips are tight, she is also running around with these escaped people ——

And Feng Lingyue's arrow was slowly aimed at her!

(End of this chapter)

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