First-class daughter

Chapter 1566 How to Love Her More

Chapter 1566 How to Love Her More

Chapter 1566 How to Love Her More

"Your Highness, Princess, we're here!" At this moment, Ye Feng's excited voice came from outside the carriage. It turned out that the carriage had arrived in the imperial city.

"The Emperor?" Night Breeze's voice became surprised, "Your Highness, the Emperor is waiting at the top of the city."

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue opened the curtain of the carriage and looked towards the city wall. On the high wall, a man in a bright yellow dragon robe was standing in the howling wind, with black hair and dragon eyes. The robe flutters in the wind.

"Your Highness, please get out of the carriage." Night Breeze and Leng Mei lifted the curtain.

Lian Siyue turned her head and said to Le Yan, "I'll ask Leng Mei to take you back to Prince Heng Fu'an first, and your uncle and I will go to see the emperor and queen mother first."

"En!" Le Yan nodded vigorously.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue got off the carriage together, Feng Jue had already walked over quickly, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face.

"Long live the emperor." Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue knelt down at the same time and said.

"Emperor Brother, Sister, please get up." Feng Jue stepped forward and helped the two of them up, "You are finally back." His eyes were clearly flickering with excitement, but due to his status, he didn't show that much in front of everyone. obvious.

"Yeah, after traveling day and night, I finally came back and caught up with the good time for the emperor to announce the marriage." Lian Siyue smiled slightly, with admiration and appreciation for Feng Jue in his eyes.

And Feng Jue understood the message in her sister's eyes, and let out a slight breath.

No matter when, no matter where he is placed, he always values ​​his sister's thoughts very much.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Jue, and nodded in relief. Back then, it seemed that it was extremely correct to secretly support this younger brother who had lived outside the palace since he was a child.

"On the way, I often heard the people praise the emperor for loving the people like a son, and the officials did not dare to corrupt the law because of the regulations promulgated by the emperor. Now the emperor is praised by everyone as a wise king, and I am very happy for the emperor." Feng Yunzheng Said.

After hearing the compliment, Feng Jue said, "I just keep in mind the four words that the emperor said to me on the day I put on the dragon robe and ascended the throne, 'upright and bright', and everything is based on this."

"If the emperor has the world in his heart, the world will also have the emperor." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, Concubine Wang, the Empress Dowager is urging you." At this time, Sijiu stepped forward and said.

"Yes, yes, let's go in quickly. The Queen Mother has been looking forward to it in Menghua Palace since early this morning. Of course, there is another person who can't even sit down for a while. She always stretches her neck to look. I'm afraid it will be later. , her neck is about to crooked." Feng Jue said with a smile.

"Let's go." Lian Siyue nodded.

Le Yan watched her mother and Uncle Huang go in together, but she couldn't see Uncle Lian Jue's face very clearly, but she could feel his extraordinary demeanor.

She kept opening a corner of the curtain of the carriage and looked at the scenery outside. All of this was familiar and unfamiliar. She had been here before, but it seemed unreal.

And when the carriage continued to move forward, she suddenly saw a familiar place.

"Stop!" Her voice trembled, and she shouted suddenly.

Ling Yue stopped the carriage and said, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"I'm home!" Le Yan said, but, looking here, there is no prosperity in the past, how can it be depressed.

With a cold eyebrow, he said, "Miss, this is not Prince Heng's Mansion, here... this used to be Prince Yue's Mansion, and Prince Heng's Mansion has to move forward."

Le Yan came back to her senses, yes, this is not Prince Heng's mansion, this is the place where that person lived.

She slowly raised her head, the plaque at the door had long since fallen off in pieces, a single character was broken, and a corner fell off, just like the ending of that person, falling silently, in the end, even Not even a face is his own.

"You found this all by yourself." She murmured, but tears rolled down her cheeks. She slowly lowered the curtain and said, "Let's go, I made a mistake. I have never been to the capital. , I thought it was Prince Heng's Mansion."

"Yes." Leng Mei continued to walk forward, she looked back at the door plaque of the Yue Palace, and then at the direction of the carriage, feeling suspicious in her heart.

Le Yan slowly closed her eyes.

Lian Lingyue was standing at the gate of Menghua Palace, looking forward to it, clutching the handkerchief tightly, and Qingdai and Mother Tai were also staring at each other.

The Empress Dowager was waiting in the hall, and Lian Yan was also waiting by the wet nurse. He was already three or four years old and knew a lot of things. "My sister is coming back."

He is usually not very lively, but now he seems very happy.

There are also two little things, Chengjun and Wanjun, sitting in the cradle, shaking their heads and the throne, they are very cute.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Lian Lingyue said.

"Miss, wait a little longer, the emperor went to greet her in person, he must be here soon." Qing Dai was also anxious, but she still did not forget to comfort Lian Lingyue.

"The emperor is here, His Royal Highness is here, Prince Heng is here..." At this moment, a shrill voice finally came from outside.

"It's coming!" Ling Yue ignored her and ran outside quickly, "Sister, sister!"

When the queen mother in the hall heard this voice, she also stood up abruptly, "Yunzheng, Yue'er!"

Lian Lingyue quickly ran outside the hall, saw Lian Siyue, flew over like a gust of wind, and hugged her tightly, "Sister, you are back, I...I miss you so much, really I miss you so much."

Even Siyue hugged this younger sister tightly, stroked her back, and said, "Ling Yueer, my sister misses you too, finally I see you."

"My sister has suffered a lot outside." Regarding the matter in Mobei, Feng Jue didn't want her to worry, so she said little, but she also knew something, "It's a pity that I'm not by your side, so I can't help you. "

"You are in the palace well, helping me to look after Yan'er, Cheng Jun, and Wan Jun have helped me a lot." Lian Siyue supported her shoulder and said affectionately.

Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue looked at each other and said, "Okay, Ling Yueer, let's go in quickly."

"Yes, Ninth Brother." Ling Yue said sweetly, holding Lian Siyue's hand, they happily walked inside together.

Feng Jue looked at her back and said, "It's rare to see her so happy these days, no one can replace her sister's position in her heart, as long as she talks about her sister, she will put me aside, as if there is no me , sometimes, I don't even know if I should be jealous."

"Hahaha." Feng Yunzheng laughed loudly and said, "I didn't expect the emperor to have such troubles, it's only because the two sisters have such a good relationship."

Feng Jue also laughed and said, "I don't know if Brother Nine Emperors has any troubles at ordinary times?"

Feng Yunzheng pretended to think, and said, "Yes."

"Oh? What are your worries?" Feng Jue always felt that Brother Jiuhuang and his sister were the most typical couple in the world. Didn't expect Brother Jiuhuang to have troubles?
"My trouble is... how to love her more." Feng Yunzheng smiled lightly.

Feng Jue was taken aback for a moment, then trembled all over.

Night Breeze shuddered at the side, the Ninth Highness was really, no matter when, the couple's love words came at his fingertips, and he didn't care if the people next to him would be tired of hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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