First-class daughter

Chapter 1567 Sweetness

Chapter 1567 Sweetness
Chapter 1567 Sweetness
Arrived in Menghua Palace.

The queen mother hurriedly stood up, with tears in her eyes.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue knelt down together and said, "I pay my respects to the queen mother."

"Okay, okay, get up quickly, finally came back safely." The queen mother bent down to help the two of them up, she stretched out her hand to touch her daughter-in-law's face, and said, "Yue'er must have lost a little weight after running around all the way."

"Don't worry, empress, the baby is just not used to the diet, so he has been reduced, but he is in good health." Lian Siyue said tenderly.

"That's good, that's good." The queen mother nodded repeatedly, looked at her son again, and said, "Yun Zheng, you are all right now."

This sentence reveals that the queen mother is aware of the hardships her son has gone through outside.

"The queen mother is at ease, the children are fine, everything is fine." Feng Yunzheng stepped forward to support the queen mother, and the mother and child seemed very close.

"Hurry up, wet nurse, bring Chengjun and Wanjun over here." The queen mother hurriedly ordered.

And Lian Siyue didn't wait for the nanny to walk in, she had already walked over quickly, hugged Chengjun and Wanjun, kissed and kissed their brothers and sisters' faces, her heart melted, her eyes were full of longing and love.

"My children, mother finally sees you, and will never leave you again, never leave you."

Although they haven't seen each other for half a year, the two children hugged their mother after a brief moment of stupefaction, and touched her face with their small hands. Although they still couldn't speak clearly, they still called out, "Mother..."

Even Siyue heard this, and felt like a pot of honey in her heart, no amount of happiness could match the happiness of this kind of family relationship.

Feng Yunzheng also came over, hugged Chengjun first, and said, "Well, yes, it seems that you care about your sister, very well, so that you will become a real man in the future."

When I hugged my daughter Wanjun again, she smiled so much that I could hardly see my eyes. She cared for her carefully and looked at him with incomparable tenderness, "My little darling, my little padded jacket, my favorite child, who hasn't been seen for half a year." Seeing you, I'm much more beautiful and well-behaved, did my brother grab food from you? My father will not leave you in the future, he will accompany you and protect you every day."

The rest of the people listened to it and couldn't help laughing. This Ninth Highness is a typical daughter slave. He holds his daughter in his hands for fear of falling, and holds his daughter in his mouth for fear of melting. He wished to be her knight, but he was perfunctory to his son. The existence of Daughter becomes more valuable because of the daughter repeatedly.

"Elder Sister." At this time, Lian Yan walked beside Lian Siyue. Although he was young, he had a kind of natural stability, and he had a maturity that he shouldn't have at his age of three or four.

"Yan'er." Lian Siyue looked at her younger brother, feeling distressed. This child has experienced too much. He was originally the young ancestor of the Lian family, the only legitimate son who had the most high hopes, but at a young age, he experienced family ruin and fled. Khitan.

However, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. Lian Siyue believes that Yan'er will be able to regain control of the Lian family in the future and make the Lian family flourish again.

She reached out, hugged him into her arms, and patted his back gently.

"Eldest sister..." Lian Yan leaned in her arms, tears welled up in her strong eyes.


"Princess." Qingdai and Taimao also came over, knelt in front of Lian Siyue to pay their respects.

Lian Siyue helped the two people up with her own hands, and said, "During the time I was away, you took good care of the palace, thank you for your hard work."

From her rebirth back to this point, these two people have been by her side, never leaving, they are no longer masters and servants, but like relatives
She has made a plan in her heart, she will find a good family for Qingdai, and she will also take care of Mother Tai, so that she will have no worries for the rest of her life.

Leave the palace and go back to Prince Heng's mansion.

From all the way to Prince Heng's mansion, even Siyue's attention almost never left the two children, she kept hugging this and that, reluctant to part with any of them.

After returning to Prince Heng's mansion.

Lian Siyue took Le Yan's hand, came to the room, and told her, "Le Yan'er, this is Wan Jun, this is Cheng Jun, your younger sister and younger brother."

Le Yan looked at the two children curiously, reached out and touched their faces carefully, her whole heart melted, "Cheng Jun, Wan Jun, mother, they are so beautiful."

With a smile on the corner of Lian Siyue's mouth, she said, "Le Yan'er, you are their elder sister, you are brothers and sisters, and the three of you will be mother's lifeblood from now on."

"Le Yan, no matter how many children we have, you are the most important one." Feng Yunzheng said.

He knew how much this child had suffered, and now, he just wanted to take this opportunity to make up for her and love her.

"Mother, Uncle Nine Emperors, I never thought that I would still be alive to see you again, let alone that I have a younger brother and younger sister, I have a person, and now I feel very happy." Le Yan's eyes were clouded with tears ,road.

Feng Yunzheng smiled slightly and nodded in relief.

Le Yan likes these two younger brothers and sisters very much and plays with them all the time.

She is gentle and patient,

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue retreated, walked to the door, and looked back, what a warm scene, timeless and beautiful.

I used to feel that I have suffered a lot, but now I can get such a family relationship, so what is the suffering in the past?

Up to now, even Siyue can forget about everything. Her beloved husband, the eldest daughter she misses, and the youngest son and daughter who are still growing are all by her side.

"Yun Zheng, you're finally back." She took a deep breath and said.

Feng Yunzheng turned around, faced her, held her hands, and said, "Yue'er, are you happy with this kind of life?"

Even Siyue looked at him, held his hand, saw the emotion and affection in his eyes, and slowly responded, "Yun Zheng, I am very happy, you have given me all the happiness I have never felt before, now I want to come , Those pains are gone, I am relieved, it is all a matter of my previous life.

And now, Yun Zheng, I love you, I will love you forever, in this life, in the next life, forever. "

Feng Yunzheng's heart skipped a beat, and he became more affectionate, "This life, the next life, and forever."

He lowered his head, kissed her lips, and lingered between her lips and teeth.

The warm sun shone on their bodies, sprinkled like gold, and speckled all over their bodies, like a dream.

In that room.

Le Yan held her younger brother and younger sister in her arms, and looked at the two embracing at the door, with a smile on her face:
Mother finally met someone who was sincere, and finally tasted the sweetness in this life. She will never be so wandering, and she will never be thrown away like that.

She knew from her previous life how much Uncle Nine Emperors loved her mother.

But now, no matter how long the future is, he will love her with all his life.

She was relieved.

【End of text】

(End of this chapter)

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