First-class daughter

Chapter 1576 The Queen

Chapter 1576 The Queen
Chapter 1576 The Queen
"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone in the hall retreated one by one.

Feng Jue lowered her head, looked at the person trapped in her arms, stretched out her hand, and slowly pulled the hijab off her face.

Immediately, a beautiful face appeared in front of him, with creamy skin, slender eyebrows, a pair of red lips, charming and glamorous, and the sleeping appearance, charmingly naive.

He smiled, and stretched out his hand to gently paint the facial features on her face. She probably felt itchy in a dream, so she rubbed against his arms, and hugged his waist like a bird, trusting him wholeheartedly.

After a while, Lingyue suddenly opened her eyes in a dream, and shouted in a low voice, "Oops, why did I fall asleep?"

When she looked up, she saw the face in front of her that fascinated her, "Your Majesty... I, I fell asleep."

Feng Jue, however, had a doting look on her face, and said softly with a smile, "I let you sleep."

Lingyue blushed, and said, "The emperor won't wake me up, let eldest sister watch the joke."

"I allow it, who will see your jokes?" Feng Jue looked at her shy and anxious look intoxicatedly, and said.

Lingyue's face became even redder, and she patted his chest lightly, and said, "I didn't know enough about the rules, Mother Tai also said that I have to learn more after entering the palace, and now you are manipulating me like this." , Am I going to become even more ignorant of the rules?"

"It doesn't matter what I pet." Feng Jue said again.

"You..." Lingyue blushed almost to the point of bleeding, "I've never heard you say such a thing, my heart is beating so fast."

Feng Jue smiled, "Then you have to get used to it, I will say it often in the future."

Ling Yue bit her lower lip, summoned up her courage, leaned forward, and suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

Feng Jue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a burst of heat all over his body, and his heart was elated, "Ling Yue'er, you..."

"Don't you like it?" Ling Yue said with a blushing face and twinkling eyes.

"Hi... like..." This time it was Feng Jue's turn to blush, and even looked a little helpless.

The two of them are like children, you look at me and I look at you.

After a while, Feng Jue stretched out his hand, put it on her neck, and slowly approached her. His lips pressed against hers, and kissed her slowly, bit by bit, making Yue feel her heart pounding. Bang and jump.

"Your Majesty, it's time to salute." Just as Feng Jue was about to go further, an old mother's voice suddenly came from outside.

Feng Jue was a little frustrated immediately, and said, "These people..."

But Lingyue reached out and patted his chest, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, just bear with it, it will be fine soon."

Originally he was displeased, but after Lingyue soothed him, the depression in his heart dissipated immediately, and he said, "Forget it, let's all come in."


The door of the sleeping hall opened, and all the nuns and maids entered one by one and lined up one by one.

Lingyue had covered her head again, she gently tugged at Fengjue's sleeve, Fengjue straightened her back and sat up straight.

Then the nanny came forward and handed the golden scale in her hand to the emperor, and the emperor lifted Lingyue's hijab.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the smiles were extremely beautiful.

Then, drink a cup of wine, eat raw dumplings, etc., after a series of complicated etiquette, it finally ends.The servants withdrew one by one.

There was only one newlywed couple left in the dormitory.

Feng Jue stared at Ling Yue for a long time, stretched out his hand, and untied the heavy phoenix crown on her head, Ling Yue felt his breath approaching, his hand back and forth by her side, and her body felt hot.

After Feng Jue's hand paused, she came to her lapel and unbuttoned the buttons one by one, making Yue's heart pound wildly. Before entering the palace, the teaching nun told her Something happened, so her natural way means what's next.

She was a little scared, but she didn't flinch, and even felt a little bit of anticipation.


As the night gradually deepened, the unusual voice gradually stopped.

With her upper body bare, Feng Jue held Ling Yue in his arms and patted her on the back lightly. He looked down at her, and she had fallen asleep unknowingly. Her body and face were red, and there was a peaceful smile on the corner of her mouth. .

He smiled, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "Sleep, my queen."


The second day of the wedding.

Emperor Zhou Ren immediately promulgated the decree of Lilian Lingyue as the queen, announced it to the world, informed the world, celebrated the whole country, and amnesty the world.

He tried his best to let everyone know how much he valued this queen.

After all, Lingyue is the eleventh princess who has lived in the palace for many years, and was raised by her queen back then.Therefore, he is no stranger to the status of queen, so once he ascends to the position of queen, he looks like a queen.

Even Feng Jue was secretly surprised by the posture of her sitting on the phoenix seat. Looking at her, a doting smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

"My lord, my lord, pay attention to your expression, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs is here." Seeing his emperor looking at the queen in a daze with the expression of a newly married infatuated man, Sijiu hurriedly called out from the side.

After shouting several times, Feng Jue finally heard it, and then he corrected his expression and regained his majesty.

The ministers saw each other and looked at each other, thinking to themselves that the emperor really loves the queen, otherwise how could he show such an expression.


After the canonization of the Queen's position was completed, she finally returned to Rongyuan Hall.

"Empress, Prince Heng is asking to see you." After a while, the eunuch outside the door reported.

When Lingyue heard this, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Quickly ask her to come in."

"Yes." After a while, Lian Siyue walked in.

"Empress Wanan." Lian Siyue knelt down and said.

"Sister...Princess Heng get up quickly, there is no need to be too polite." Ling Yue said hurriedly, but she should not be too intimate in front of others, so as to lose the majesty of the queen.

"Yes, thank you Empress." Lian Siyue raised her head, with a smile on her face, and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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