First-class daughter

Chapter 1577 Do You Remember

Chapter 1577 Do You Remember

Chapter 1577 Do You Remember

"Okay, you all go down." Ling Yue asked everyone around her to retreat first.

As soon as everyone left, she immediately held Lian Siyue's hand and said, "Sister, you are here. I saw you just now, and I thought about it for a while."

"Knowing that the Empress would like to see the courtier's wife, I found the opportunity to come." Lian Siyue said.

"Sister!" Ling Yue stomped her foot lightly and said, "It's fine for outsiders to be here, now there are only you and my sister, and you are still so polite, so what do I want?"

"Pfft." Lian Siyue laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I understand, Ling Yue'er."

Lingyue took Lian Siyue's hand, and the two walked inside together.

"Are you still used to it?" Lian Siyue patted her hand and asked.

"Those things outside can be handled with ease." Lingyue said, "It is not difficult for the time being, and the Queen Mother is very kind to me, and will teach me personally."

"After going through all kinds of hardships, it is finally rewarding." The two walked into the inner hall together, sat down, and talked about homework.

"By the way, sister, I still remember His Highness the Eighth Highness." Lian Lingyue said suddenly.

His Highness the Eighth?
That face appeared in Lian Siyue's mind, and said, "Of course I remember."

"I heard from Feng Jue that a while ago, people from that temple came and said that His Highness Eighth Highness was in poor health and seriously ill, but he didn't want to be cured, so he just ate fast and recited Buddha's name every day." Lingyue said.

Although Feng Ye has become a monk, there are actually people around him watching him.

Seriously ill?Lian Siyue was slightly taken aback, "How long have you been sick?"

"I heard from the people there that it's been half a year since the beginning, but it's been three months since it became serious. If you don't treat it properly, I'm afraid... it won't last long." Ling Yue said, frowning slightly .

Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and said, "Since the emperor knows, he will take measures."

"Actually, the original eighth brother was not such a vicious person. At that time, I was in prison and when I was bullied in Changchun Palace, he also secretly took care of me. Although he didn't say anything, I knew about it. Now that I hear that he is like this, I don't feel very comfortable, I hope he can survive this test." Lingyue said.

"Yeah." Lian Siyue nodded slightly, didn't say anything more, picked up the tea, took a sip, her eyes flickered slightly.


Lush trees and an ancient temple are hidden among them, the smoke is lingering, and the sound of wooden fish seems to come from a distant and empty place.

This temple is remote, and the incense is not strong. After a whole day, there are no good men and women who come to worship Buddha, but the birds in the forest seem to like this place very much, chirping and stopping in front of the door.

"..." After a while, the bell in the temple rang.

A young monk came out of the vegetable field cautiously, with a basket on his wrist, in which were vegetables grown by himself, which were very tender.

In a blink of an eye, he saw the tomato shelf again, and suddenly saw a red tomato, he was suddenly overjoyed, ran back, picked it off carefully, held it in his hand, and walked quickly to the meditation room.

When he reached the door of the meditation room, he first put down the vegetable basket, then knelt on the ground, opened the door of the meditation room, and called softly, "Master..."

I saw a monk sitting cross-legged in this Zen room, with a Buddhist bead strung in one hand, and the other put in front of his face, eyes closed, and he was muttering righteous thoughts in his mouth. Although he was called out by a young disciple, he was not disturbed by anything.

His facial features are cold, his face is pale, and his expression is calm and far away, as if he is going to sit here forever, the sound of his hand stroking the beads makes him look even more distant, everything in the world is getting closer to him, and there is only one person left in the whole world people.

Seeing this, the little apprentice silently waited by the side.

After a long time, the master finally opened his eyes, put down the beads in his hand, and said Amitabha.

"Master." The little apprentice called out.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his voice clear.

"The tomato tree that was dead has quietly come back to life, and a tomato has grown. Look, it's red and bright." The little apprentice opened his hand.

The master glanced at it, a smile appeared on his pale face, and said, "Take it as an offering."

Although things have changed, the handsome face of the past can still be seen on his face.

"Yes, I'm going right now, and I picked some fresh and juicy vegetables," said the little monk.

"The two of us couldn't finish these dishes. We sent some to the farmer's home at the foot of the mountain. His son had been ill for a while, so we took some from the sesame oil money and sent them together." Master said.

"Master, our incense is not very prosperous in the first place, and there is not much money for the incense oil. If there is any more..." The little monk showed embarrassment.

The master raised his eyes and said, "The monks are compassionate, and as a teacher, you don't need to eat so much. Go."

"Okay, then I will send it later." The little monk had no choice but to agree.

Made picking vegetables with fresh vegetables, and after eating, the master walked to the gate of the temple, wrapped in cassock, but could not hide his handsomeness, after all, he was also the original Prince Rong Feng Ye!
He looked into the distance, and there was a trace of distantness in his calm eyes.

At this time, the birds staying on the treetops flew to his side and stopped at his feet. His hand spread lightly, and some rice fell out, and the birds happily began to peck the rice.

"Amitabha." He clasped his hands together and muttered something.

The little monk went down the mountain with a basket in his hands, and there were vegetables in the basket. When he looked back, he saw the master closed his eyes and muttered something in the air.

He sighed, shook his head, continued to walk down the mountain, and said, "Although Master is a monk, he has not let go of the deepest obsession in his heart. Hey, I only hope he can take care of his body."

As he walked, he recalled the situation of that day.

This temple was originally guarded by her and her teacher's father. Although the temple is small, the incense is still strong. Until one day, the teacher's father passed away. He originally planned to leave this temple, but looked for a place to take him in elsewhere.

But when he was about to leave, a man came suddenly. He was not a monk. When strands of black hair fell to the ground, how beautiful it was. At that time, along with the hair fall, there were two lines of tears from him.

At that time, the master did not come alone, and was escorted by a man in black with a stern expression. After he was sent, he stayed for a day and then left. Before leaving, he told him that this temple was managed by the government, and he was responsible for taking care of the master. Daily life.

He asked the man in black, and said, "It's not impossible to ask the poor monk to take care of him, but let me know who he is? Why does the government take care of it?"

The man in black's expression darkened, and he said coldly, "You don't need to know."

(End of this chapter)

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