Chapter 1578
Chapter 1578
After the man in black left, the man stood in front of the Buddha statue, staring at the Buddha, his eyes seemed to penetrate, his whole body exuded a lonely and arrogant aura, like an iceberg, which made it impossible to get close to.

The little monk was very curious. This person seemed to be either rich or expensive, and he didn't look like he was dissatisfied with the world. Why was he sent here to become a monk?

And if he didn't want to, why didn't he resist?
He stood like this for two full days and two nights without saying a word. The little monk once thought that he couldn't speak?

During the period, the little monk occasionally walked to the door of the Buddhist hall to take a look inside, and finally brought a vegetarian meal for him silently, but he never moved.

Until two days later, when the little monk went in to deliver the vegetarian meal again, he suddenly stopped him and said, "Shave my head."

The little monk put the vegetarian food on the ground, clasped his hands together, and said, "My lord, it seems that the mortal fate has not been broken, and the world of mortals has not seen through it. In my opinion, there is no need to force yourself, everything has its own Buddha karma."

But there was a desolate smile on his face, and he said, "You are talking about the fate of Buddha, but I am talking about life and death. If you delay it, I am afraid that this head will be gone. At that time, what's the use of hair?"

The little monk was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Someone wants to kill you? Is it the man in black from that day? You, don't be afraid, let's think of a way, we can definitely escape."

"Hehe." He smiled bitterly, "Where can I escape to if I'm the king's land in the whole world?"

Wang soil?

The little monk was taken aback, could it be that this person has something to do with the emperor when he comes here?
"Besides, someone sacrificed his life for me. I will end the world of mortals for him and chant sutras for him for the rest of his life, so that he will be born in an ordinary family in his next life, and live his life in peace and happiness. He will never have to meet someone like me again. I'm willing too." He said, a look of pain flashed in his eyes.

Only then did the little monk realize that this person had a complex identity and was extremely painful in his heart, and that he was forced to become a monk. He even saw unwillingness and dissatisfaction in his eyes!
"Bring the knife." He knelt down in front of the Buddha statue.

After the little monk paused for a moment, he took a knife and cut off his hair bit by bit. He closed his eyes deeply.

Strands of black threads fell down on his brocade robe and on the ground, and the strands were cut off one by one as he passed by.

When Feng Ye slowly opened his eyes, the little monk came over with the bronze mirror, and he saw the bald himself in the mirror, with two lines of tears slowly sliding down from his eye sockets.

The little monk took the cassock again, and said, "They said that I want to call you Master, and you will be the abbot of this temple in the future, and you will be my Master."

Feng Ye got up, removed the brocade robe on his body, and replaced it with a cassock. Since then, he has nothing to do with pomp, and has converted to Buddhism.

From this day on, he began to learn to chant scriptures, knock wooden fish and so on.

He is extremely talented, and this young apprentice has not recited all the thick Buddhist scriptures for a year, but he can already recite them fluently in ten days.

He would get up before dawn to chant scriptures every day, and would not rest until noon.

The little monk looked at him, he was originally a rich man, he usually eats delicacies from mountains and seas, and eats fine clothes and fine clothes, but he didn't expect that he hardly had to get used to it, and he could eat simple food such as vegetarian food and vegetarian food in peace, and the hard board bed in the temple was rough and thin The quilt is also the habit of sleeping.

What has this person experienced in the past?

Seeing that he seems to be doing great things, but was forced to become a monk, he is really a mysterious person.

Although the little monk had many questions in his mind, he never asked them, and he stayed silently with him in the temple.

Day after day, I watched his originally strong body gradually lose weight, and watched his originally handsome and ruddy face gradually pale. In the end, the whole person seemed to have changed compared to when he came here of.

Until three months ago, he suddenly fell ill, and now it has become more and more serious, and he can often be heard coughing in the middle of the night.

The little monk felt anxious, but he couldn't talk to him.


Just as the little monk was thinking, he suddenly saw a carriage driving slowly in front of him, and there were two guards around the carriage.

He was taken aback, and thought, "Look at this carriage, it's going to the mountain. Is this the last pilgrim?"

He hurriedly put the basket of vegetables on the ground, clasped his hands together, and said, "Amitabha."

The carriage stopped, and the horse was pedaling on the spot, when the guard with an indifferent expression came over, bowed slightly, and said, "Little master, is he from the temple on the mountain?"

He bowed and said, "Little monk Linghui is right, but the benefactor wants to go up the mountain?"

"My wife wants to go up the mountain to worship Buddha." He said to the female guard.

Linghui looked at the carriage, then looked back at the road on the mountain, and said, "Madam, if you want to go up the mountain to worship Buddha, you have to get off the carriage here, and walk up there on foot. You can't get on the carriage ahead."

After hearing this, the female guard walked back to the carriage, leaned close to the curtain of the carriage and said, "Madam, the carriage can only stop here, I will carry you up."

"Help me out of the carriage, I'll go up by myself." The little monk heard a cold voice, and then the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a female benefactor came down. She was dressed low-key, except for a hairpin in her hair. There are no other accessories, but the whole body still exudes a noble aura that cannot be underestimated.

She walked towards Linghui and said respectfully, "Little Master, can you guide us?"

Linghui said, "Yes, but the benefactor will wait for a while, my master told me to deliver this basket of vegetables to the farmer's home at the foot of the mountain."

"Okay, we'll wait for you." The woman nodded and said.

Linghui originally thought that the woman would go back to the carriage and wait, after all, the weather is not too good.

However, when he came back after delivering the food, he found that she was still standing where she was, and the guards accompanying her were also waiting quietly, and no one had any displeasure on their faces. He said in his heart, um, it seems to be a People who are honest to Buddha.

"Benefactor, please follow me." Linghui clasped her hands together and led her and a group of people up the mountain.

The reason why the incense here is not prosperous is that the master did not intend to promote his own fame, and the other is that the road is too difficult. The road up the mountain is twists and turns, and there are gravels everywhere under the feet, so it is easy to fall.

However, these few people have been walking behind quietly, especially this woman who looks like a lady, every step is very steady, it doesn't seem like someone who has never suffered.

After walking for half an hour, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and her face became rosy. She covered her heart with her hands and panted slightly.

Linghui wondered, who is this person, how could he come here to worship the Buddha?It seems that they are from other places, how could they come here specially?

(End of this chapter)

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