Chapter 1579 Review
Chapter 1579 Review
After walking for a while, due to the rough road, beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the benefactor. The guard stepped forward and took out a handkerchief for her. After she took it and wiped it, she continued to move forward. It looks like it is not afraid of being tired.

After half a day, they finally arrived. Linghui led a group of people into the temple. Looking around, she could see that the incense was not flourishing here, and only the chirping of birds could be heard outside. It seemed to be a rather spiritual place.

Linghui walked in front of her, clasped his hands together, and said, "Amitabha, benefactor, please wait for a while, and wait for the poor monk to report to Master."

"I'm sorry, little master, I'll go around and worship first." She said.

"Amitabha." Linghui turned and left, and went to report to Master.

After wandering around for a week, she walked in front of the Buddha statue. She raised her head and looked at the Buddha statue in front of her with long-distance eyes.

After a while, she nodded, with cold eyebrows understanding, took three sticks of incense and lit them, and presented them in front of her with both hands. She held the incense in her hands, bowed three times, and cold eyebrows took the incense away and put it in front of the altar .

Lian Siyue bent her knees and knelt down, clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and bowed down.

"Amitabha, the poor monk didn't expect to meet a benefactor here." At this time, a quiet and calm voice came from behind.

Hearing this voice, Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, and she straightened up slowly.

Feng Ye raised his foot and walked in, clasped his hands together and walked to Lian Siyue's side, Lian Siyue turned around, saw him in front of him, bald, wearing a monk's cassock, he was much thinner than before, His face was as pale as paper, his hands and ten fingers were thinner than before, and there was no arrogance in those eyes anymore.

Faint, faint eyes, faint expression, the whole person is faint.

If he didn't know that he was Feng Ye, maybe even Si Yue would not immediately connect the monk in front of him with the once mighty Eighth Prince Feng Ye.

Feeling her gaze, Feng Ye also turned around, looked at her, and said, "The benefactor came here to pray for the emperor? Or..."

"Master Jingkong, are you okay?" Lian Siyue asked.

Feng Ye, who was originally expressionless, felt his stagnant heart rippling after hearing these words. He turned his head slowly, looked at the woman in front of him, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly, " The poor monk is fine, how about the princess?"

"I'm fine." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Ye was slightly startled, and then smiled lightly, "The poor monk asks too much, so how can you be bad?"

Finally, his gaze was no longer stagnant, and slowly revealed a bit of bitterness, as if the emotions that had been pent up for a long time were finally released slowly.

"The emperor also knows about your illness." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Ye coughed twice, his pale face turned red, he suppressed his uncomfortable feeling, and said, "People who are about to die are not worth worrying about."

"I brought Miracle Physician Dong, and he will diagnose and treat your body." Lian Siyue said.

"Is this what the emperor meant, or what you meant?" Feng Ye asked, his eyes were clear and far away, as if he had already disregarded life and death.

"It's what the emperor meant." Lian Siyue said.

The corners of Feng Ye's lips curled slightly, and he clasped his hands together and bowed, "Amitabha, the poor monk would like to thank the emperor for his kindness. However, the poor monk is alone and has nothing to worry about. He has already put life and death aside, so there is no need to waste Dong Shen's medical skills. Please go back and return to your life, princess."



Lian Siyue's lips moved slightly, and she wanted to say that the abbot asked people to pass the news of his serious illness back to the palace, so that they all know, isn't it just so that someone will come over?
In the past, she would have said that, but now, when the words came to her lips, she only put them back in her heart.Now she has learned how to be soft.

"I don't know if the abbot still remembers that in order to protect the abbot's life, His Royal Highness sacrificed his life to save the abbot's life, and died tragically in the capital. If he knew that what he bought with his life was just a person who didn't want to live, would he regret his original decision?" What about the decision? When he knows that the abbot is wasting his life, will he feel distressed?" Lian Siyue said.


"A few days ago, the emperor told Yun Zheng that he had dreamed of the days when he and His Highness the Sixth Highness were discussing poems and songs in the bookstore, drinking and tasting tea. The Emperor said that he had a deep friendship with the Sixth Highness when he was young. The Sixth Highness He is very unrestrained, and he also confided to the emperor that he is tired of the endless battles for imperial power. He only wants luminous wine, poetry and wine, and has no attachment to power, but he was born in the emperor's family. Unwilling to face all these things, he could only desperately escape from these disputes.

So, I was also surprised later that His Highness the Sixth Highness would willingly get involved in these disputes because of you, the abbot. Death deserves more than guilt.It can be seen that the Sixth Highness's affection for the abbot is not insignificant, which is really rare in the emperor's family. "Lian Siyue casually talked to Feng Ye about Feng Yu's past, as if chatting about family matters.

Feng Ye was stunned, that's right, Brother Six is ​​the eternal pain in his heart.

"Brother Liu Wang..." He closed his eyes deeply, suppressing his tears, and when he talked about Feng Yu, his voice was trembling.

"Feng Ye." Lian Siyue called his name.

The indifferent look on Feng Ye's face finally disintegrated, and he slowly turned his head to look at Lian Siyue, those eyes like dry lakes gradually turned red.

"I didn't expect that you would still call me by my first and last name. It's been a long time since I've heard someone call me like that. No one here knows who I am, and I almost forgot who I am." Feng Ye trembled. soundtrack.

"At that time in Yaocheng, I still had to take action from the Eighth Prince before I could return to the Prime Minister's Mansion. I remember this." Lian Siyue said.

"Yeah, among all the people, you met me first. I thought we would be together. Later, you were not with me. I thought we would at least be friends, but I didn't expect that we were not even friends in the end. I have always wondered why the Ninth Prince also seized the throne, why you choose to be with him and never leave him, why not me, why not?" This is what Feng Ye can't let go of.

Lian Siyue walked in front of the Buddha statue, raised her head, looked at the face of the Bodhisattva, and said, "The person I met first was not you, Your Highness the Eighth Highness."

"It's not me, obviously..." Feng Ye didn't understand, did anyone else go to Yaocheng before he went?

"The first person I met was Yun Zheng. I thought it wasn't him. I thought it was Feng Qianyue, but it was him, Yun Zheng." When talking about Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue's eyes flickered. Different light.

"Ninth Prince?" Feng Ye was even more confused, "He has never been to Yao City in his life."

(End of this chapter)

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