Chapter 1580
Chapter 1580
"Ninth Brother?" Feng Ye was even more confused, "He has never been to Yao City in his life."

Moreover, before and after Lian Siyue came back from Yaocheng, it was the time when Concubine Liang was thrown into the cold palace, Feng Yunzheng was implicated, and was put under house arrest in a disguised form.

How could he have the opportunity to go to Yaocheng?
"Yes, what the abbot said is correct, Yun Zheng has never been to Yaocheng, but we have known each other for a long time before this." Lian Siyue said.

"Long time?" Puzzled in Feng Ye's eyes, "How long was that?"

"Perhaps, I have known each other in my previous life." Lian Siyue said.

last life?Feng Ye thought that Lian Siyue was just expressing the deep love between her and Feng Yunzheng, but she didn't know that what she said was the truth.

"Besides, it doesn't matter who comes first, doesn't it? Abbot." Lian Siyue said.

Her previous husband was still Feng Qianyue.

"Does the abbot believe in causal past life?" Lian Siyue asked.

Feng Ye looked at the Buddha statue, his gaze became far-reaching, and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but after I got here, although I haven't forgotten the world of mortals, but I eat fast and chant Buddha every day, and I gradually begin to understand that everything has a cause and an effect, and the fruit of this life, It's all because of past life, I, Feng Ye, escaped into Buddhism, and the Bodhisattva has already made arrangements." He put his palms together and said "Amitabha".

Lian Siyue showed a slight smile on his face, and said, "Yes, all causes and conditions have causes and effects. I am, Yun Zheng is, and the abbot is not?"

"The poor monk understands that the princess is persuading the poor monk to be content with the status quo, accept everything now, and eat fast and chant Buddha here with peace of mind." Feng Ye said.

"If the abbot puts down his obsession and settles down here, it will actually be a happy ending. This is why I made this trip. If the abbot still can't let go of everything, I will express my feelings to the emperor. You have three choices, and you can choose again." Lian Siyue said.

Three options?

Feng Jue gave three choices at the beginning, one is to become a monk, two is to be exiled to the border, and three is to die.

At first, he chose to become a monk.

"After all, a long time has passed, maybe the abbot wants to change his choice." Lian Siyue turned around, looked at Feng Ye, and said.

That gaze was clear, without any distracting thoughts, Feng Ye looked at this gaze, just like when he first met in Yaocheng, with a power that reached directly to the bottom of his heart, his eyes flickered slightly, lowered his head, and said hurriedly:
"Amitabha, it was the poor monk who was rude, and he talked so much with the benefactor without realizing it." Feng Ye was startled, and he forgot his identity again.

Lian Siyue showed a smile on his face, and said, "If you forget it, forget it, just treat it as an old friend, and talk about the past."

old friend?

Feng Ye's heart trembled when he heard these two words, "I suspect I misheard you when you said old friend."

Are they not enemies?
She would never be on his side.

"You heard me right. To me, you are the Eighth Prince who is fighting for the throne, and the one who brought me back from Yaocheng. You are an old friend." Lian Siyue said.

Today, she has let go of everything, even the grievances and grudges with Feng Qianyue, and even set up a tablet for him, so what can't she let go of Feng Ye?

Lian Siyue came out from the hall, came forward with cold eyebrows, supported her hand, and said, "Princess..."

"Let's go." Lian Siyue said, walking towards the gate of the temple.

"Yes, Wangfei." Leng Mei looked back, "Then Miracle Doctor Dong..."

"Dong Shen and your master should stay here for three days. For three days, I hope he can figure it out and change his mind. If he can't, don't let him have any regrets." Lian Siyue said.

"The princess still misses the old love for His Highness the Eighth Prince." She said coldly, she found that since Mobei came back, the Princess has become more indifferent and peaceful. The appearance of being invincible.

Lian Siyue didn't speak, and walked out with Leng Mei.

And Feng Ye, who was wearing a cassock, walked slowly to the door, looked at the back that seemed to be going away like a moon, put his hands together, and said, "Amitabha, you are so kind, I wish the benefactor a safe and smooth life, and your wish will be fulfilled."

At this moment, it was the time when the sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun shrouded Lian Siyue's body. Looking at it, Feng Ye felt that all the kindness and resentment seemed to dissipate with the oncoming breeze.

"Master..." At this time, Linghui came over and said, "The tomato you ordered has been delivered to the princess' bodyguard, please pass it on to the princess."

Feng Ye nodded and said, "Understood."

"Also, the food is ready." Linghui said.

"Let's go." Feng Ye turned around, and the cassock fluttered in the wind.

"Master, I don't understand something." Linghui said.

"What is unknown?" Feng Ye asked.

"That woman is a princess, could it be that Master was once a prince?" Linghui asked bluntly.

"That's all in the past. There is no prince here, only the abbot and master." Feng Ye said.

"Oh, I understand." Linghui clasped her hands together.


Three months later.

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng were playing with Chengjun and Wanjun. Wanjun and his elder brother were playing hide-and-seek. They only hugged Feng Yunzheng's legs, buried their faces in his sleeves, and kept their bodies outside, thinking that no one was there. Seeing her made everyone laugh.

At this moment, Leng Mei came in and said, "Your Highness, Wangfei, Miracle Doctor Dong is back."

"Let him come in." Feng Yunzheng said, and motioned for the nurse to carry the two children in.

After a while Dong Shen came over, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Highness, Wangfei."

"How is His Highness the Eighth Prince?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Returning to Your Highness, after the concubine left that day, His Highness the Eighth Highness called Beizhi over on the third day and asked him to diagnose and treat him. Now after three months of treatment, his health is no longer serious." Dong Shen said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "It's good news."

"Not only that, according to my humble observations, it seems that His Highness the Eighth Prince has completely let go of his grievances and wants to return to Buddhism wholeheartedly. Now the temple is full of incense, and there are constant pilgrims from far and near, and the country gentry has repaired the road on the mountain." Dong Shen said, "Besides, I also heard His Highness the Eighth Highness praying for the emperor, as if wishing the country and the people peace and prosperity."

"It seems that he really let go." Feng Yunzheng nodded and said.

"In this way, the emperor can feel at ease." Lian Siyue said with a smile on his lips.

After Dong Shen explained Feng Ye's recent physical condition in detail, he knelt down.

Lian Siyue let out a sigh of relief, Feng Yunzheng walked over, took her hand, put it on her lips, kissed it lightly, and said, "Yue'er is tired, she has been beaten by two little girls just now. The guy is pestering."

Lian Siyue shook her head, covered her upper abdomen with her hands, and said, "I'm not tired, it's just..."

"Just what?" Seeing her covering her body with her hands, Feng Yunzheng immediately looked nervous, "Is there something uncomfortable? I'll let Dong Shen come back immediately."

"Hush." ​​Lian Siyue covered his lips with his hands, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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