First-class daughter

Chapter 1582 Let Your Majesty Do It

Chapter 1582 Let Your Majesty Do It
Chapter 1582 Let Your Majesty Do It
Menghua Palace.

The Empress Dowager was trimming flower branches in the backyard, the flower branches grew lushly, and many rare flowers and plants were collected by Princess Heng and Siyue and specially sent to the palace.

Nurse Wen and the ladies in the palace waited on him wholeheartedly.

"How is the queen's diet recently?" asked the queen mother.

"Going back to Empress Empress, this servant has visited the Imperial Dining Room. Empress Empress prefers sweets recently. She always adds a dessert after each meal. The Emperor also specially ordered the Imperial Dining Room to make different patterns for each meal every day to satisfy Empress. Appetite." Nanny Wen replied.

After the Queen Mother heard this, the hand holding the scissors paused for a while, and said, "The emperor really cares about the queen."

"That's right, the emperor and the empress are the role models of couples in the world, and everyone envies such a relationship." Wen Momo said.

"Such feelings are really rare in the emperor's family, and it's really rare for the emperor to stay on the throne without forgetting his true heart." The Queen Mother said.

Which woman does not want to be loved wholeheartedly by her husband?
It's a pity that if everything can't be perfect, if there is no movement in the queen's belly for a day, it's hard to let this breath rest in her throat.

"The emperor is a wise king, a blessing to all people." Mother Wen arrived.

After a while, a servant came in to report, saying, "The Empress Dowager, Lord Lin, and Lord Song are waiting to see you."

Master Lin, Master Song?
After hearing these two names, the queen mother knew the reason for their visit. She frowned slightly and said, "Let them wait, the flowers of Ai's family are important."

The servant was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Seeing this, Sister Wen said, "The empress dowager is going to prune the flowers and branches now, why don't you hurry up and answer, and let the two adults wait."

"Yes, yes." The servant hurriedly retreated.

"If I want my daughter to marry into the palace, I will do everything possible. I will always be able to wait for the time to mourn the family." The queen mother said lightly.

"Yes, what you said is right, Queen Mother," said Mother Wen.

After the Empress Dowager pruned the flowers and branches, she took a rest for a while. After working for about two hours, she slowly went to meet the two ministers, Lin and Song.

"The Empress Dowager is here..." The two courtiers waited until they were drowsy, and finally heard this invigorating voice, and hurriedly stood up and knelt down.

"The Empress Dowager."

The Queen Mother glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said, "The flowers in Ai's garden are too lush now, and it took Ai's a lot of time to prune recently, but the two adults have been waiting for a long time."

After hearing this, Lin and Liao hurriedly knelt down and said, "The Empress Dowager is serious, I don't dare, I don't dare."

A slight smile appeared on the Queen Mother's face, and she said, "My lords have waited for so long, why do you come here?"

That Master Lin glanced at Master Liao, Master Liao stepped forward, bowed and cupped his hands, and said, "To the Empress Dowager, Wei Chen and others are here for the affairs of the harem."

"Oh? Does the emperor know that you care so much?" The queen mother asked calmly.

Lord Lin stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager, it is precisely because the emperor does not allow the ministers to mention this matter, and the ministers have no choice but to come to the Empress Dowager to find a solution, and you have the final say on this harem." .”

"You mean that the emperor must immediately fill the harem?" the queen mother said.

"It has been almost half a year since the emperor and the empress got married. Even now, there is still only the empress in the harem without any concubines. This is really not good." Lord Lin said.

"Yes, empress dowager, the emperor has not had a harem for a long time. One outsider thinks that the empress is arrogant and domineering and does not allow the emperor to accept a concubine. The other thinks that the emperor is in poor health. It will damage the royal prestige." then said.

The Empress Dowager understood that, in fact, the two of them had almost failed to say the phrase "The empress has not given birth for half a year".

The Empress Dowager regained her composure and asked, "My lords, what has your Majesty done since he took the throne?"

"Your majesty is wise and martial, with a gentle and military strategy, with a heart for the world, outstanding political achievements, and worrying about the worries of the past. He is my emperor, who is admired by the civil and military officials of the court, and loved by the people of the world." Lord Lin said.

The queen mother nodded and said, "Fengjue is the emperor, almost impeccable. Since he ascended the throne, the treasury has been full, the world has returned to one, all countries admire, there is no war at the border, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Although the Ai family is the queen mother, the Ai family It must also be said that the emperor's style of governing the country is much better than that of the previous emperor. He solved the problems left by the late emperor one by one, and he devoted himself to every day, which made the world peaceful and the country peaceful and the people safe."

"Yes, what the Empress Dowager said is very true." The two courtiers nodded repeatedly.

"Since the emperor has worked so hard for state affairs, why can't the ministers follow the emperor's wishes? The emperor's wishes are good for the court, aren't they?" the queen mother said.



"The emperor and the empress knew each other when they were young, and they were connected with each other. Later, they shared weal and woe. The emperor remembered his promise to the empress. He only wanted to favor the empress alone. It's a blessing." The Queen Mother continued.

Lin and Liao looked at each other.

"Actually, not all the men in the world like three wives and four concubines. There are also some people who only fall in love once in this life, only love one person, and are only loyal to one person. Our emperor is like this. People." The Queen Mother said emotionally.

Lin and Liao listened and fell silent at the same time.

The Queen Mother stood up, and Nanny Wen hurried forward.

"Aijia is also tired and needs to rest. Aijia will convey the meaning of the two adults to the emperor. However, although the emperor is the emperor, he was once a poor child. Aijia has always loved him. Aijia will not persecute him. My own son, please, my lords, don't force Ai's son hard."

What the Queen Mother said made Lin and Liao stunned.

"Respectfully send off the two adults." Wen Momo stepped forward and bowed.

"I will take my leave, the empress dowager take care." The two knelt down at the same time and said.

Out of Menghua Palace, walked all the way.

"The meaning of the Empress Dowager today is also very clear. She is on the side of the Emperor and Empress." Lord Lin said.

"The empress dowager is amazing. She moved out of the emperor's way of being a king one after another, and in terms of the relationship between mother and child, it seems that we, the courtiers, are not dedicated enough to think about what the emperor thinks." Lord Liao said.

"In Lord Liao's opinion, what should we do now? It's really not good to force the emperor to take a concubine. After all, we are all ministers, and the emperor is the emperor." Lord Lin said, and worried about his daughter.

"My lord Lin, forgive me for speaking bluntly. If the emperor only favors the empress and the empress alone, even if you let her enter the palace as a concubine, it will be the same as being in the cold palace. Is lord Lin really going to ruin your daughter's life?" Lord Liao said .

(End of this chapter)

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