Chapter 1583
Chapter 1583
"Although I want my daughter to enter the palace as a concubine, I naturally value her happiness more." Lord Lin sighed, "But since she first saw the emperor, she has fallen in love with him at first sight, thinking about it day and night. , wrote a lot of poems for the emperor, and the female workers who did it all said that they would be given to the emperor, and the emperor was still King Ming An at that time."

"Ling Ai is really infatuated with the emperor, but it's a pity that the emperor only has the empress in his eyes, and he can't tolerate anyone else." Mr. Liao said humanely.

"Actually, this is secondary. The most important thing is..." Master Lin looked around and said in a low voice, "The empress is the adopted daughter of Princess An, so she naturally treats her mother in everything. Moreover, the late Emperor Anguo The princess has all the power in the government, but at the beginning she ignored the danger and strongly supported the emperor to ascend to the throne, if this continues, I am afraid that Princess An Guo will interfere in the government in the future, such a historical lesson is not without, think about Princess Taiping of Tang Dynasty."

"But in my opinion, the more important thing to worry about is Prince Heng's Mansion. After all, Princess An Guo is a woman, and she is no longer young, and has no children. Prince Heng's Mansion is different. The empress and Princess Heng have a deep relationship. Prince Heng already has a son and a daughter, and now that Princess Heng is pregnant again, it is inevitable that Prince Heng's mansion will dominate." Lord Liao said worriedly.

"However, now is not the time to continue persuading the emperor to accept the concubine, let's wait for the opportunity." Daren Lin said.

"Look, the only excuse to wait is whether the Empress is pregnant with a dragon fetus." Lord Liao's eyes darkened slightly.

"It's been half a year, but there is no movement in the Empress's belly. It's really suspicious, but I privately asked the imperial physician who was familiar with the empress's hospital, and the imperial physician Rong who was in charge of the empress's body showed him the empress's list. All right, no problem."

"Let's wait and see, the old man always thinks there is something wrong with the empress."

After the two said these words, they each returned to their mansions.

As soon as Mr. Lin returned to the mansion, the daughter Lin Zhiran came over in a hurry, bowed to her father and asked, "Father, what does the empress dowager say? The emperor is filial, so he will listen to the empress dowager."

Master Lin raised his hand and said, "I'm a bit tired of being a father."

"Father, can it be said that... the empress dowager can't talk to the emperor?" Lin Zhiran's heart sank.

"Zhiran, stay safe and don't be impatient, there will be a chance when the time is right..." Mr. Lin said,
"Hmph, what kind of sorcery did the empress do? Even the empress dowager can't do anything about her. Father, think of a way. My daughter will go to the palace to see and see. I don't believe that her admiration for the emperor will be so strong." More than my daughter." Lin Zhiran was dissatisfied, so she begged her father.

"No, the meaning of the empress dowager and the emperor is very obvious now. They are all protecting the empress. If you accidentally cause trouble, there is no way for your father to guarantee you. You must not act rashly." Lord Lin immediately rejected her daughter's idea.

Lin Zhiran failed to fulfill her wish, so she went back to her room angrily, and threw all the vases in the room to the ground, and the maids stood at the door, not daring to approach.

She smashed it and said, "Which emperor in the past dynasties did not belong to the Sangong and Sixth Courtyards, but now this queen empress has the emperor alone. It is really against the training of the group, and it is too domineering."

She didn't stop until she was tired from falling. The maids hurried in to clean up after seeing this. She sat on the chair, her whole body heaving with anger, and a way to relieve her anger gradually appeared in her mind.

"Qiufeng, go and get me some white cloth and cotton wool."

"Bai Bu, Second Miss, what do you want Bai Bu to do?" Qiu Feng asked, startled.

"Don't ask so many questions, just go." Lin Zhiran said displeased.

"...Yes, Second Miss." Qiufeng hurriedly turned around and went to fetch white cloth, cotton batting and needlework.

Lin Zhiran picked up the cloth and the needle, his eyes gradually revealed a trace of coldness, then he lowered his head and began to sew stitch by stitch. When the finished product was sewn, Qiu Feng was startled.

"Second miss, this is..." This second miss is clearly a witch and a villain.

"Bring a pen and ink." Lin Zhiran ordered, "I want to write the queen's name and birth date on it."

Qiu Feng hurriedly knelt down and said, "Second Miss, you must not force her to do so. You can use other methods to calm down. If the news of this matter gets out, it will be bad if it gets out."

"No, other methods are hard to reduce the hatred in my heart. Don't worry, I'm just doing it for fun. When the anger subsides, I will throw it away." Lin Zhiran said.

"...Second Miss, you should destroy it quickly and throw it away." Qiu Feng said tremblingly.

"Understood, you go." Lin Zhiran raised his hand and said.

When the autumn wind was gone, Lin Zhiran's eyes flashed a coldness. He took a pen and ink and wrote his name and date of birth on the white doll. After fixing the position of the heart and veins, he slowly took the sharp embroidery needle and stitched it one stitch at a time. stabbed the little white man's eyes and heart, and muttered in his mouth, "Lianyue, stab you to death, stab you to death! If it wasn't for you that time, the person the emperor loves would be me. Now I Why wait here for him?"

It turned out that about two or three years ago, Lin Zhiran and Ling Yue'er had formed a relationship, but Ling Yue didn't know it.

After stabbing the villain hard everywhere, she finally felt relieved.

However, this is nothing, she must think of a way to get close to the emperor, so that the emperor has no choice but to accept her as his concubine.

Under what circumstances would the emperor have to accept her?

A thought flashed in Lin Zhiran's eyes.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Princess An Guo visited in person and gave Lian Siyue rare supplements.

"Now that you are pregnant, it is inconvenient to go to the palace frequently." An Guo Princess looked at Lian Siyue's unprotruded abdomen and said.

"It's not advisable to move around in the first three months. Now three months are still a little bit short. When I stay for four months, I plan to go to the palace to pay my respects to the Queen Mother and Empress Dowager." Lian Siyue said.

"In Ling Yue'er's heart, besides the emperor, you are the elder sister. Knowing that you are pregnant, she wants to come here. It's just that she and the emperor have only been married for half a year, so it's not suitable to leave the palace, otherwise she would have come here long ago." Princess An's cup lid slid over the cup and said.

"The princess is the empress's mother. Apart from the emperor, the most important person in your heart should be you, the princess. When the princess adopted the empress as a righteous daughter, I told my empress in the same way. She also listened to it at that time." Go in." Lian Siyue said.

An imperceptible smile swayed from the corners of Princess An's eyes, "You and I are the Queen's backing, and if we keep it together, she can enjoy the queen's position in peace."

"But... not everyone hopes so." Lian Siyue's tone became cold.

(End of this chapter)

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