Chapter 1589
Chapter 1589
"Okay, let's go down." Feng Jue raised his hand and said in a calm voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Lin Zhiran stood up, and the maid came to help her, but suddenly she had a plan

"Ah..." When she got up, her body suddenly tilted, and the maid beside her hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"What's wrong?" the Queen Mother asked with concern.

"The empress dowager, my daughter, my daughter's foot...seems to be injured." Lin Zhiran showed a painful expression on his face. Since the plan of dancing to charm the emperor failed, he simply made a plan.

"Are your feet injured?" The Queen Mother glanced at Lin Zhiran's tightly wrinkled face and said, "You also carefully prepared such a performance for the birthday banquet of Ai's family."

Lin Zhiran said with guilt on her face, "Empress Dowager, my servant girl is not good at learning, I really feel ashamed."

"Miss Lin's dance combines the lotus-picking dance and the flying swallow dance. The creativity is really rare. The dance is beautiful, the dance skills are rare, and the heart is touching. We have already appreciated the wonderfulness of this dance. You really don't need to blame yourself too much." The Empress Empress Ling Yue said, and gently let go of Feng Jue's hand.

"Since the queen also said so, let's reward it." Feng Jue glanced at Lin Zhiran lightly, and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you... Your Majesty the Empress." Lin Zhiran prostrated herself on the ground, but felt very complicated in her heart.

"When you are negligent, everyone will have it. Go down and rest first. Come and help Zhiran down, and let the imperial doctor heal you well." The Queen Mother ordered.

"Yes, thank you, Empress Dowager." Lin Zhiran left the hall with the help of the maids and imperial physicians. When leaving, Master Lin frowned slightly and looked at his daughter. Lin Zhiran nodded slightly at him, and then went out .

The lotus stand was removed, and the banquet continued.

About half an hour later, Concubine Feng sent someone to report that Miss Lin Zhiran needed rest for her feet, and she had gone to Concubine Feng's to rest.

Halfway through the banquet, the queen mother left first because she was tired, and everyone sent them off respectfully, leaving behind the two emperors and empresses, who also left together, the banquet continued, leaving everyone to continue praying for the queen mother, singing and dancing Shengping, happy and harmonious.

The two emperors and queens arrived in the imperial garden. At this time, the moonlight was just right, and a faint light shone everywhere. The magnificent palace was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

"Sijiu, tell them to back down, I want to have a look around with the queen." Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Sijiu understood, and dismissed all the servants on the left and right, leaving him alone to serve by the side of the emperor and empress.

Feng Jue held Ling Yue's hand, and the two walked forward side by side, their figures surrounded by moonlight.

"Which dance do you think is the best?" Ling Yue asked.

"Whoever gave the emerald Ruyi to the empress, that's it. I have no opinion." Feng Jue rubbed Ling Yue's hand, seemingly absent-minded, said.

The corners of Lingyue's lips curled up slightly, "Although it was prepared for the Empress Dowager's birthday, it was all intended to be shown to the Emperor. Didn't the Emperor feel it at all?"

After Feng Jue heard it, he frowned slightly and said, "I feel it."

"Did you really feel it?" Ling Yue asked.

"I feel... irritable." Feng Jue said.

Ling Yue paused, pulled Feng Jue to sit down on a chair beside her, stretched out her hand, and stroked his heart, very softly, "When you came to Prince Heng's mansion to look for me, do you still remember what you said What? You said, if you want me to come by your side, you will stand on the top of the imperial power, but if you are alone, you will feel lonely, as long as I am with you, you will feel happy."

Feng Jue nodded, "I will never forget it. When I went there that day, my steps were heavy and my heart was very disturbed, because I was not fully sure. I don't know if you will promise me, and how will you promise me, If you don't promise me, what should I do? When I walked to Prince Heng's mansion, my palms were wet with sweat. "

Recalling the uneasy heart at that time, Feng Jue felt a little funny.

"I promised you that I will always be with you. I can see all your moods." Ling Yue said close to her arms.

Feng Jue took her into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, as if coaxing a child, and said, "Hey, go to sleep."

"En." Like a lazy cat, Lingyue rubbed against her arms a few times, and then fell asleep obediently.

No matter what happened during the day, as long as Ling Yue'er lies in her arms so softly at night, everything will disappear.

"Your Majesty..." After a while, Sijiu came over with a cloak.

Feng Jue nodded, and Sijiu put the cloak on Ling Yue's body.

After a while, Feng Jue stood up, picked up Lingyue Daheng, and hugged him with a wide cloak, making it difficult for outsiders to peek at her expression in her arms.

Feng Jue carried Ling Yue'er all the way back to the dormitory. After watching her fall into a deep sleep, he got up again, went back to the imperial study, continued to review the memorial, and ordered Sijiu to go to the imperial study and bring him a pot of health-preserving soup .

And Lin Zhiran was placed at Concubine Feng's place with the help of maids and eunuchs. After the imperial doctor checked, she found that there was no serious injury, but Lin Zhiran kept humming, saying that her ankle hurt so much that she couldn't walk.

The imperial doctor pondered for a while but couldn't come up with anything, but since Lin Zhiran insisted and was on Concubine Feng's side, he prescribed some medicine for her and asked her not to move around at will and rest for two or three days.

When the imperial physician said this, Lin Zhiran was satisfied, thanked the imperial physician, and ordered Qiufeng to give the imperial physician a large sum of money in private.

The imperial physician naturally knew it well, took the money and left.

And Lin Zhiran started his own plan after meeting and listening to Concubine Feng's teachings.

Before entering the palace this time, she had already found out some of Feng Jue's habits.

She, Lin Zhiran, would not do anything she was not sure of, since she decided to start, she had to understand all aspects of the other party very clearly.

After a while, a court lady hurried in and said a few words in front of Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Miss Hui, seriously!" The maid nodded firmly.

"No mistakes?" Lin Zhiran asked again.

"My servant saw with my own eyes that Master Sijiu went to the imperial study to order to make soup for the emperor. This servant guessed that the emperor will review the memorial until very late tonight," said the maid.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhiran's face, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "The so-called arrival is worse than coincidence, just right, there is no need for Miss Ben to think of a way."

"Miss, what are you going to do? This is in the concubine's palace, will it..." Qiufeng was still a little worried, "The imperial palace is no better than the Lian family, we have to be more cautious, otherwise..."

(End of this chapter)

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