First-class daughter

Chapter 1590 Rest

Chapter 1590 Rest
Chapter 1590 Rest
"If you are as cowardly as a mouse, you are not qualified to be my maid! I must do what I have already decided to do, otherwise I don't need to work so hard. Picking lotus and flying swallows has failed. If you just leave the palace in such a disheartened manner, all the previous efforts will be in vain! If you are timid, then leave the palace immediately, and don't go back to the Lin family. I've dismissed you, go home and get married. " Lin Zhiran reprimanded in a low voice.

Qiu Feng was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, "Second miss, please forgive me. It's not that I'm afraid, and it's not that I don't want to stand by your side. I'm just worried. The palace is heavily guarded, and we have no influence here. Concubine Feng is just in control now." The emperor's caretaker can live in the palace for a long time, but he can't be your backer, young lady, so I just said a few more words."

A look of indifference appeared on Lin Zhiran's face, "Sometimes being weak is not necessarily better than having a lot of people. People think that I am weak, so they don't care about me so much."

"Yes, Second Miss. Then, what are you going to do?" Qiu Feng asked.

Lin Zhiran looked at the court lady in front of her and said, "Zi Xing, I helped you back then, and you were worthy, and now you are the palace maid of the imperial dining room."

The maid known as Zixing hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Second Miss, at that time, Zixing was being angered in the palace. It was the Second Miss who showed mercy and gave the servants money, so that the servants could manage their relationship. After that, life will be much better. Oh, if it wasn't for you, this servant would still be cleaning the bucket. This servant is always grateful to Second Miss, please give orders."

Lin Zhiran nodded in satisfaction.

At that time, in order to keep eyeliner in the palace, she fell in love with Zixing and helped her, but she did not expect that she would
"Now is the time to need you, Zixing." Lin Zhiran said solemnly, with serious eyes.

"Second miss, please tell me." Zixing said.

"I want to send meals to the emperor's study." Lin Zhiran said.

"..." Zixing was startled, "Second, Second Miss, this..."

"Is there any difficulty?" Lin Zhiran asked.

"Servant, this servant is in charge of delivering meals for the emperor, so it's okay to go to the emperor, but how do you go, miss, so that you won't be suspected?" Zi Xing said.

"Simple, give me a set of your clothes, and then lead me to the Imperial Study Room. You go to the emperor first, and give him his soup. I will go in when the time is right." Lin Zhiran said.

Zi Xing struggled for a moment, but in the end, according to Lin Zhiran's request, he quickly found a set of palace maid's clothes.

After Lin Zhiran asked for Zixing's clothes, he immediately changed into them, and asked Qiufeng to change into them too, then split up and went to the imperial dining room by himself.

When they arrived at the imperial dining room, Sijiu was not there. When the imperial cook inside said that the soup was ready, Zixing walked in quickly with his head down, took the soup cup and walked out quickly, Lin Zhiran He hurriedly bowed his head to meet him.

He Zixing was carrying this bowl of soup on the way to the Rongyuan Hall, when she was looking around and no one was around, she took out the medicine powder that had been hidden on her body for a long time.

Zixing was shocked when she saw this, she quickly protected the bowl, and said, "Second Miss, what are you going to do? This is the soup that the emperor wants to drink, so don't add anything randomly."

A faint smile flashed across Lin Zhiran's lips, and said, "Don't worry, I will go too, so I won't harm the emperor."

"Second Miss..." Zixing still didn't dare.

Lin Zhiran's face darkened, and she said, "Do you not trust Miss Ben? Miss Ben wants to spend some time alone with the Emperor, so how could she harm him?"

"Yes, yes, Second Miss calm down." Zixing finally let go, and Lin Zhiran sprinkled the powder into the soup.

"Let's go, don't let the soup get cold." Lin Zhiran handed the soup cup back to Qiufeng, and the two continued to walk forward together.

Originally, her heart was beating thumping at first, but she gradually calmed down. She walked on the road calmly, under the cover of Purple Star, she lowered her head to avoid the occasional people who came by .

In the end, they finally reached the place not far from Rongyuan Hall.At a glance, he saw that the Rongyuan Hall was lit up, and Feng Jue was processing the memorial inside.

However, there were guards and Sijiu at the entrance of the hall.

Lin Zhiran frowned, the guards had never seen her, it was fine, but Sijiu might not be easy to deal with.

and so……

She bit her lower lip, and said to Zixing who was following her, "Follow the original plan, and remember not to show your feet."

"Yes, Second Miss." Zixing was still a little nervous.

After walking a few steps, he looked back at Lin Zhiran, and then went to the entrance of Rongyuan Hall.

Lin Zhiran let out a sigh of relief, and stood not far away to wait.

Zixing walked all the way to Sijiu, bowed and said, "Master Sijiu, this servant has brought soup to the emperor."

"Sijiu took out the silver needles in his hand, tried them one by one, and made sure that there was nothing to let Zixing enter the palace.

Seeing Zixing go in, Lin Zhiran's eyes flashed coldness, as long as the emperor drank the bowl of soup, things would be easy

After a while, Qiu Feng walked over and saluted, the panic on his face had disappeared, "Master Sijiu, Concubine Feng has a request."

Sijiu was slightly taken aback, "Concubine Feng?"

"Yes, Concubine Feng sent me here. Please Sijiu to come over. The concubine has something for the emperor, and I want to ask Sijiu to go and get it." Qiu Feng said with his head down.

Sijiu took a look inside the hall, the emperor was still reviewing the memorial, so he ordered the guards beside him, "I'll go to Concubine Feng, you guys watch carefully."

"Yes." The guard replied.

Then Sijiu followed the autumn wind and walked to Concubine Feng's palace.

Seeing this, Lin Zhiran heaved a sigh of relief, with a relieved expression on his face.

But after a while, Zixing didn't come out, Lin Zhiran waited anxiously, and his calm heart gradually became unstable.

After a while, Zixing still didn't come out, Lin Zhiran suddenly thought, the emperor would feel the soup after drinking it, so would Zixing?
Zixing, if you dare to take the opportunity to throw yourself into the embrace of the emperor, this lady will definitely tear your body to pieces!

But just when Lin Zhiran was relieved, the woman she hated the most, Ling Yuequ, suddenly appeared again, and accompanied by the court lady, she entered the imperial study.

Lin Zhiran clenched her fists tightly, what should she do now?Did this woman deliberately oppose her!

It happened at this time.

She was afraid that she couldn't stay any longer, otherwise it would arouse suspicion.

So, she had no choice but to prepare to leave, but at this moment, Zixing came out, she stopped immediately, looked down at Zixing walking quickly.

"How is it? Has the emperor had the soup?" Lin Zhiran asked.

"...I drank it." Zixing panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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