Chapter 1591
Chapter 1591
Lin Zhiran heard this, clenched her fists, and said, "So and so, but the queen took advantage of it! But she is here at this time!"

"Second miss, I'm worried now, whether the emperor will find out the strangeness in the soup, doubt, suspicion, suspicion on the servants, after all, the emperor is wise and powerful, and can see everything clearly, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes." Zi Xing nervously Say.

"You don't have to worry about this." Lin Zhiran said confidently, "It is colorless and odorless, and the idea came up slowly. I studied it for a long time before I chose it. It is different from ordinary medicines, and it is not easy to detect. Your Majesty does not care." I will notice it, I just thought I was interested."

"That's good!" Zi Xing calmed down and said, "Then let's go quickly, after all, this is under the eyes of the emperor, and I'm afraid people will notice it after a long time."

Lin Zhiran gritted her teeth unwillingly, looked at the door of the imperial study room, and said, "Let's go first!"

Zixing and Lin Zhiran hurriedly left with their heads down, but...

"Second Miss, Master Sijiu is here. If he sees you, it will be terrible. Quickly, come here first." Zixing's eyes were sharp, seeing Sijiu walking over there, he quickly pulled Lin Zhi Ran hid in the side hall beside her.

Lin Zhiran probed to look, but was blocked by Zixing.

"Miss Er, I think you should go inside to hide for a while. I will lure Mr. Sijiu away. He and the guards seem to be coming this way." Zi Xing looked out and said.

"Hurry up, Miss Ben can't be discovered until she becomes the Emperor's woman." Lin Zhiran took a step into the side hall and explained.

If she was discovered now, she might not be able to hold her head up.

"Yes, Second Miss, you will wait for a while, and I will lure Lord Sijiu away." Zixing immediately walked out quickly.

Lin Zhiran felt resentful, and said firmly in a low voice: "One day, Miss Ben will walk in this palace openly, and she won't need to be so sneaky anymore."

Lin Zhiran was standing next to an osmanthus tree. The osmanthus was in full bloom at the moment, and the small yellow flowers were all over the whole tree.

Lin Zhiran took two steps forward, and the sweet-scented osmanthus on the tree fell on her skirt.

After waiting for a while, but Zi Xing never came, Lin Zhiran felt upset, stretched out his hand to brush away the sweet-scented osmanthus branches, and wanted to go out, but just as he took a step forward, he suddenly felt dizzy in his head, his feet were floating, and his whole body was extremely uncomfortable , as if a whole body of ants were crawling, and the ants gradually penetrated into the skin and flowed into the blood vessels.

Her footsteps became more and more vain, and she gradually couldn't stand still. She was in a daze, so she had to lean on the stump of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, stretched out her hands and grabbed at her body vigorously, wishing to stab her hands into the flesh and poke the flesh away inch by inch.

She rolled to the ground and tore the clothes vigorously. After a while, the clothes were torn apart by her, and her naked body was exposed.

How is this going?

Why is it so itchy all of a sudden?

Lin Zhiran recalled with what little remaining willpower, but the itch turned into a strange, addictive feeling.

"Go here."

At this moment, the voices of maids and eunuchs walking and talking came from outside.

Someone is coming here!

Lin Zhiran tried to get up from the ground and hide quickly, but it was useless, she couldn't even move a step.

How to do?
How to do?
"Ah!" Just as Lin Zhiran was trying to leave, several servants had already walked in.

The maid walking in front saw the man lying on the ground with tattered clothes, his face was scratched too hard, and bloodstains appeared on his face. The bloodstains were densely covered on his face, his face was unclear, and he looked extremely terrifying.

The maids screamed in fright and took a few steps back again and again. The rest of the people heard the scream and hurried forward.

The itching on Lin Zhiran's body became more and more severe, and it was so uncomfortable that she finally couldn't help it, and let out an unbearable cry.

"Hey, who is this person? Why are the guards in the emperor's side hall?" The leading maid asked with a pale face when she saw the terrifying scene on the ground.

"I don't know who it is, but she actually appeared in the emperor's side hall, we should arrest her quickly and interrogate her carefully." Someone said.

"Okay, quickly, let's go and inform the empress, you tie her up." The leading maid ordered, and hurried out of the side hall to find the empress.

And Lin Zhiran was rolling on the ground, howling, her hands continued to grab and pull, her nails were stuffed with flesh, and her fingers were covered with blood. Seeing the blood on her hands, she was frightened all over. Forbidden.

"Quick, tie it up, don't let the Queen's eyes be dirty!" Someone saw that the Queen was coming, and hurriedly ordered.

"Yes!" After a lot of effort, several servants finally tied up Lin Zhiran's hands and feet, and covered her face with a cloth bag.

Her wailing became louder and she rolled quickly on the ground, trying to relieve the pain in her body.

"The empress is here!" At this moment, a voice came from outside.

When Lin Zhiran heard this, she bit her lower lip tightly to stop herself from screaming.

"The empress is a thousand years old." Everyone knelt on the ground and said loudly.

Ling Yue walked in, saw the person with the head covered, and asked, "It's so noisy that it disturbs the emperor's review of the memorial, what happened?"

"Go back to Empress, the slaves and others just came in, and saw this person lying on the ground in such a strange way, with all his clothes removed, his face was bloody and bloody, and he looked like he had been poisoned."

An imperceptible emotion flickered in Lingyue's eyes, and she said seriously, "Hurry up and ask the imperial physician to come over."

"Yes, empress." The little eunuch hurried out to find the imperial doctor.

But Lingyue stared at the person who was rolling around on the ground with her face covered, and said, "This is the emperor's side hall. The guards just left. How could this person hide here? Take the cloth on her head Come, Bengong to see if it is someone from Rongyuan Palace."

"Yes!" The two eunuchs stepped forward.

But when Lin Zhiran heard it, he held on tight. Although the cloth on his head tried his best to restrain himself, he opened his mouth and made a painful sound.

"Take it away!" Ling Yue ordered.

"Yes!" Several other court ladies stepped forward together, and after torn with Lin Zhiran, they finally tore off the cloth from her head.

"Ah!" Lin Zhiran screamed.

Seeing that her face was full of scratches, Lingyue was also taken aback. After taking a closer look, she exclaimed in shock, "It's Miss Lin!"

Lin Zhiran hugged her body tightly with both hands, and couldn't help but grab it.

"What's going on here? Why are you here? Didn't you hurt your foot and rest at Concubine Feng's place?" Ling Yue said with a surprised expression.

(End of this chapter)

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