First-class daughter

Chapter 1592 Injured

Chapter 1592 Injured
Chapter 1592 Injured
But Lin Zhiran couldn't say a word, she couldn't figure out why she suddenly became like this, she didn't want to show such an ugly face in front of the enemy, besides, she was surrounded by so many people, seeing her unbearable all in her eyes .

"Come here, help the second young lady of the Lin family into the side hall, close the gate, and don't mention this matter to anyone, otherwise the palace will never forgive you lightly." Seeing this, Ling Yue ordered.

"Yes, empress." So, according to Lian Lingyue's instructions, everyone moved Lin Zhiran to a room in the side hall, and the imperial physician arrived soon.

"Empress Empress." The imperial physician saluted the empress.

"Emperor doctor, go and show her, why is this happening all of a sudden?" Ling Yue ordered.

"Yes, empress." The imperial physician walked into the room.

Ling Yue was sitting on the chair outside, and when she heard Lin Zhiran's painful voice from inside, she couldn't help but tightly tightened the handkerchief in her hand, her face turned pale.

"Your Majesty..." Mother Tai noticed something strange about her, so she took a step forward and called out.

Lingyue raised her head, there was mist in her eyes, her lips trembled slightly, and her palms felt cold.

"Your Majesty...have a cup of tea to calm your shock. Second Miss Lin doesn't know why she is in such a state, she frightens her." Nanny Tai raised the volume a little and put the tea in the cup. He held Lingyue's hand, looked at Lingyue, and secretly held her slightly trembling hand.

Lingyue looked up at her, held the teacup, and felt a little gentler with the warm cup wall against the palm of her hand.

Inside the hall.

After the imperial physician gave Lin Zhiran a diazepam, he ordered several maids to apply medicine to Lin Zhiran's wound.

Lin Zhiran was lying on the bed with her eyes slightly closed. When the ointment in the maid's hand touched her wound, bursts of piercing pain came. She looked away in discomfort and gasped. I couldn't help trembling all over.

She frowned tightly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the bronze mirror on the side of the side hall from the corner of her eye. When her eyes touched the person in the mirror, her face showed astonishment. After a while, she suddenly screamed——

Who is this bloodstained, disheveled female ghost in the mirror?No, it's not her. Why did she suddenly become like this?
Listening to Lin Zhiran's screams, the court ladies also had a look of disgust in their eyes. This Miss Lin was dancing the lotus-picking and flying swallow dance in the hall with a glamorous appearance earlier, obviously it was for the Queen Mother. Happy birthday, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was for the emperor to see. How could it turn into such a disgusting appearance in just a short while.

The queen empress is usually approachable and approachable, so they naturally respect and love her from the bottom of their hearts. Lin Zhiran's obvious face is disgusting in their eyes.

At this moment, her whole body was covered with shocking bloodstains, accompanied by the bloody smell of pus and blood, which really permeated people to the extreme.

The imperial doctor watched from the side, shook his head with a sigh, and warned, "Miss Lin, your injury is too serious, you must apply the medicine on time and in the right amount, and you must avoid meat and fish in your diet during these days, otherwise the wound will not heal. , if there is a scar left, it will be troublesome."

The imperial doctor was afraid of Lin Zhiran's family background, so he didn't dare to tell the whole truth, but...he thought of the person who told him, so he dared not tell the truth even more. Not only could he not tell the truth, but he even made up a story.

Miss Lin was so seriously injured today, and the wound was festering, if the medicine was not applied properly, even Hua Tuo might not be able to save her face.

After applying the needle and applying the medicine for a while, the itchy feeling slowly faded away.

Lin Zhiran propped up a little bit, and stared at the imperial physician, "What's wrong with this lady's wound? Well, why does this lady feel itchy all over her body?"

The imperial doctor paused, and said slowly, "Reporting to Miss Lin, just now the old minister took a preliminary look, Miss Lin's skin is delicate, today it may be due to pollen allergies."

"Allergy to pollen?" Lin Zhiran showed disbelief in his eyes, "How could mere pollen make this lady's face look like this?"

"Miss Lin doesn't know something..." The imperial physician stretched the ending and glanced at Lin Zhiran, "Besides, the season is coming, and the tree is covered with many grass ticks. It is not easy to be found on the tree. After the pollen is all over the body, it falls on the human skin. After being bitten by it, the whole body will soon feel unbearably itchy. If you keep scratching and biting, you will be like Miss Lin now. The skin is festered and blood seeps out."

"Really, is this lady so unlucky?" Lin Zhiran reached out and grabbed the quilt, biting her lower lip tightly, the wound on her hand felt pain, and looked at the wound on her hand again, the place looked really real Damn, Lin Zhiran's eyes became darker and darker, his eyes gradually turned red, and he suddenly shouted, "No, I don't believe it! Someone must be playing tricks, someone must be trying to kill Miss Ben! I just stood there for a while, what Will this happen?"

"Well, Ms. Lin doesn't know this. Although this bug looks small, it is surprisingly poisonous. Someone has's why..."

"No, I'm Bin! Who is it! Who is going to kill Miss Ben!" Lin Zhiran yelled hysterically, with a terrifying face, and when the maids saw each other, all of them showed disgusted expressions.

"Miss Lin, I would like to advise you to be quiet. This place is not far from the imperial study room. If you disturb the emperor and interfere with the emperor's official duties, no one will be able to save you."

Lin Zhiran looked at the court lady fiercely, and said sharply, "Tell me, who hurt me? Is it the emperor..."

"Miss Lin, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!" At this moment, a slightly vicissitudes of speech came, and then the door opened.


At this time, the door of the side hall was slowly opened.

Dressed in a red-gold brocade skirt with phoenix patterns, Lingyue walked in slowly with the support of Nanny Tai, like stars supporting the moon.

Lin Zhiran looked at such a dazzling Lingyue, and then thought of his shattered face, he clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes showed deep unwillingness.

After Lingyue sat down, Mother Tai glanced at the rest of the people in the hall.

A few people understood, and after Chao Lingyue bowed, he immediately left the side hall.

"Miss Lin, how is your injury? Is it better?" Ling Yue opened her lips slightly, looked at Lin Zhiran, and spoke softly.

Lin Zhiran sneered, "Why is the Empress so hypocritical, I'm afraid you know best how I got hurt."

"Presumptuous, how dare you disrespect the empress..." Mother Tai heard Lin Zhiran's disrespectful words, and was just about to rush over to reward Lin Zhiran with a slap in the face, but Lingyue grasped Mother Tai's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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