First-class daughter

Chapter 1594 Reinterrogation

Chapter 1594 Reinterrogation

Chapter 1594 Reinterrogation

When Lin Zhiran came out of the side hall, it was completely dark outside, Qiu Feng hurried over, held her wrist, and called out, "Miss."

"Shut up!" Lin Zhiran reprimanded angrily in a low voice.

Qiu Feng didn't dare to say any more, just lowered his head, dutifully supported Lin Zhiran, seeing the bloodstains on the young lady's face, his heart trembled.

Lin Zhiran was wearing a cloak, and walked hurriedly along the way with her head down, avoiding the palace people, thinking of everything that happened today, Lin Zhiran's eyes were red, she bit her lip tightly, and said repeatedly, " Lian Yue, bitch, bitch!"

The more Lin Zhiran thought about it, the more stuffy she became, and she just felt a tightness in her chest, and she couldn't breathe.

"Go find Purple Star!"

"Yes, miss!"

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Lin Zhiran walked to the rockery near the imperial dining room and waited, keeping her eyes on the door of the imperial dining room, and told Qiu Feng: "Be careful!"

After a while, the master and the servant finally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, Lin Zhiran winked, Qiu Feng immediately stepped forward, ran forward a few steps quickly, and grabbed a woman in a court lady's attire.Holding Zixing's hand, he whispered, "Come here, Miss is looking for you!"

Zixing had just changed shifts from the imperial dining room at this time, and was dragged to the rockery by the autumn wind. When she saw Lin Zhiran, she was astonished, "Second Miss Lin, why are you still here? Didn't you go back home?"


Lin Zhiran raised his hand and slapped Zixing across the face.

Because it was too hard, it seemed to involve her wound, and she throbbed in pain.

"Second Miss, what happened? How did you get such a serious injury?" Zixing looked at the wounds on Lin Zhiran's face and arms, and carefully supported Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran shook off Zixing's hand, looked around, stared at her, and lowered her voice, "Did you leak the secret to the queen, saying that Miss Ben moved her hands in the emperor's soup****** **I don’t dare!” Zi Xing quickly knelt down and looked up at Lin Zhiran, “This servant is loyal to the second young lady and has no different intentions!”

"If it wasn't you, who else could it be? This lady asked you, where did you go after that, why did this lady wait for you for so long and there was no sign of you? Did you hear the wind and run away?" Lin Zhi Ran viciously stared at Zixing, wishing to cut this useless thing like Zixing into pieces.

With tears in his eyes, Zixing kept shaking his head in denial, "When I went to lure Lord Sijiu away today, Lord Sijiu saw it. Later, Lord Sijiu said that the emperor was hungry, so I asked my servant to go to the imperial dining room to get some red bean cakes. , the servant was sent back to the imperial dining room. Later, when the servant came back, he didn't see you, Second Miss, and thought that you had left the palace and returned to the residence."

"Heh..." Lin Zhiran chuckled, "If it's as you said, then all this is too coincidental."

Zixing kowtowed quickly when he heard the words, and swore to the sky, "Second Miss, the servant didn't go to you because I was dismissed by Father Sijiu. I swear with my life, this servant never lied to you."

Lin Zhiran clenched her fists, "How can you prove to me that what you said is true?"

"Servant, servant..." Zixing was at a loss.

A gloomy look flashed in Lin Zhiran's eyes, and the paper that was already covered with marks showed a bit of ferocity. She stepped forward, stretched out her hand, pulled the hairpin off Zixing's head, and handed it to her. In front of him, "If you dare to insert this hairpin into your arm, this lady will believe you!"

"Second miss..." Zixing turned pale with fright, and collapsed on the ground, "Slave, slave..."

"Don't you dare? Because you lied to me, you lied to me, so I went to explain to the queen that you are also mine. I have suffered such a shame and humiliation, and you can't be alone. You and I are one!" Lin Zhi Dye aggressive.

"Servant..." Zixing took the hairpin tremblingly, her scalp was numb, and the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously.

Qiu Feng stepped forward and rolled up her sleeves, "Prick here!"

"Okay! Second Miss, this servant is loyal to you, and this servant is willing to injure himself to prove his innocence!" Zixing said, picked up the hairpin, raised her hand high, and stabbed viciously at the other wrist.

"Ah..." She stabbed hard and shouted, but...

She failed to stab, but when she looked up, she saw Lin Zhiran's face, she was holding her wrist, "Second Miss..."

A smile appeared on Lin Zhiran's face, "Zi Xing, this lady is anxious to interrogate you because of the sudden insult. I believe you."

With trembling hands, Zi Xing hurriedly said, "Thank you, Second Miss."

"You have to keep an eye on me. It's not convenient for me to reward you now, so as not to be suspected. I will reward your family well after I leave the palace, understand?" Lin Zhiran said with a slight smile.

"Yes, yes!" Zixing kowtowed again and again, but she also knew that the second lady was using her family to blackmail her.

What should she do?

Leaving the rockery, Lin Zhiran snorted, bit her lower lip, and cursed inwardly, "Damn it, then I really fell for that bitch Lian Yue!"

Speaking of Lingyue, Lin Zhiran remembered the warning Lingyue had given her, and walked quickly towards Concubine Feng's palace.

Zixing stood at the same place, looking at Lin Zhiran's back, with his eyes slightly lowered, the bruise on his waist was burning with pain.

It hurt so much, she had tears in her eyes.


two hours ago.


Zi Xing, who was working in the imperial dining room, suddenly walked in with two old ladies, supported her from left to right, and threw her into a wing room.

Zixing got up from the ground, raised his head, and saw the person sitting in front of him, his whole body was startled, he quickly changed to a kneeling position, and fell on the ground, "Slave, this servant pays homage to the empress."

Nanny Tai stepped forward and said to Lingyue, "Empress, wait for the servant to pull this lowly maid into the room and have a good talk."

In front of him, Ling Yue was sitting on a chair, looking at Zixing blankly, even so, Zixing was still in a cold sweat from fright.

"I'm waiting."

"Come here soon!" Mother Tai stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Zixing by the hair, dragged her into the room, slapped Zixing left and right, and slapped Zixing hard twice, making Zixing's eyes stare.

Hearing the voice from inside, Lingyue closed her eyes,
Zixing's cheeks were so painful from the beating, but she still knelt down obediently and asked cautiously, "Slave, I don't know what I did wrong..."

"I don't know? You little slut, your death is imminent, and you still haven't taken it seriously!" Nanny Tai stretched out her hand, and twisted Zixing's waist twice, so hard that she almost twisted the flesh off.

(End of this chapter)

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