First-class daughter

Chapter 1595 Crazy

Chapter 1595 Crazy
Chapter 1595 Crazy
Zixing lay limp on the ground in pain, she naturally knew the reason why she was here, but how dare she admit this kind of thing, once she admits it, not only will she die without a place to bury her, but she may also implicate her family.

Zixing couldn't help crying, "I don't know this servant, so please ask the empress to learn from me!"

"You're such a bitch, you dare to pretend to be stupid, if that's the case, then you can't help it!" After finishing speaking, Nanny Tai walked aside, picked up a small bowl, and walked in front of Zixing.

"This is the soup that the Empress rewarded you, drink it!"

Looking at the steaming bowl of soup in front of him, Zi Xing widened his eyes in horror and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no..."

"Pa..." It was another slap, which turned Zixing's face to the side.

"How dare you say no to the things that the empress rewarded you! You think your life is too long, don't you? Every one of you knows how to make a fuss, drink it quickly!" Mother Tai exhausted her patience and took a He grabbed Zixing's jaw and poured the soup down Zixing's throat.

Zixing struggled constantly, twisted his body, and the soup flowed out from his throat, "Pfft, cough..."

"Forgive me, my empress, please spare my life! This servant will not dare anymore, you should spare this servant!" Zixing struggled to break away from Nanny Tai, and crawled to the side, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Seeing that she finally let go and begged for mercy, Mother Tai snorted coldly and put the bowl in her hand aside.

"Take her to the empress's side."


Zixing was brought in front of Lingyue,

Ling Yue, who hadn't spoken all this time, looked down at Zi Xing who was kneeling at her feet, held her hands tightly, and looked at her quietly, "What's the matter with the emperor's decoction?"

Sure enough, there was something wrong with the decoction for the emperor, a trace of panic flashed across Zixing's eyes, and he lowered his eyes, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

On the left is the Empress Empress, and on the right is the Second Miss Lin, neither of which is someone she can offend, what should I do!

"Say it!" Nanny Tai roared, rolled up her sleeves, and strode towards Zixing.

Zixing was terrified of being beaten, and looked at Lingyue in horror, "Yes, it was Miss Lin who added something to the emperor's soup, but, but the maidservant didn't know what Miss Lin added to it. I said before, I won’t hurt the emperor!”

"Oh, it won't hurt, but it still hurts after all." Ling Yue stared at Zixing, her voice was as calm as water, but Zixing's heart was jumping in fear.

"Empress, you should spare this servant. The servant was also threatened by Miss Lin to do something. I really can't help myself!" Zixing fell on the ground, constantly begging for mercy.

Seeing Lingyue's pale face, Mother Tai sighed distressedly, lowered her body slightly, and whispered in Lingyue's ear, "Empress, being kind to these wicked people is being cruel to yourself. For the sake of our emperor, You must not be soft-hearted."

"Mommy, I'm a little tired, I'll leave this to you." Lingyue suddenly felt a headache, stood up, and glanced at Nanny Tai.

Nanny Tai nodded, "Don't worry, Madam Empress, this old servant will handle the matter well for Madam."


After Lingyue left, Mother Tai looked at Zixing, "If you want to spare your life, then I will give you a chance to live. If you grasp it well, you will naturally have your life to stay. If you fail to grasp it..."

"Sister, please tell me, the servants will definitely do it!"


When Lin Zhiran arrived at the gate of the palace, the carriage ordered by Lingyue was parked there. Just as she was about to get into the carriage, a figure came running from the dark.

"Miss Lin, please stop!"

Lin Zhiran paused, looked back, and saw that the person who came seemed to be the prince of Concubine Feng's palace.

After running close, Wang Gonggong took a few breaths, and slightly curtly greeted Lin Zhiran, "Miss Lin left the concubine's place in a hurry, and the concubine was thinking that the missy danced today and sprained her foot, so she specially asked the old slave to bring a A bottle of good medicine for bruises, and a high-quality Snow Ganoderma lucidum for Miss Lin."

After Wang Gonggong finished speaking, he took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve, and handed the brocade box containing Xue Lingzhi to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran looked at the porcelain bottle, thinking about what happened today, her eyes turned cold, but because she was Princess Feng's person, she put on a smile, and personally took the things in Wang Gonggong's hand.

"Thank you, father-in-law. Please go back for me to thank the concubine for her kindness. Zhiran will definitely visit the concubine in the palace someday."

Wang Gonggong nodded with a smile, and when his eyes touched the bloodstains on Lin Zhiran's face and hands, he was surprised, but it was fleeting, "The old slave will leave first."

After Wang Gonggong left, the smile on Lin Zhiran's face disappeared immediately, and he threw the porcelain bottle and snow ganoderma lucidum in his hand to Qiufeng who was beside him.

"Go home!"

Sitting in the carriage, Lin Zhiran thought of Concubine Feng, couldn't help but sneered, and murmured, "I've lived in the palace for most of my life, but I'm just a concubine in the end."

"When I was young, I was crushed to death by Empress Duanwen. After Empress Duanwen died, I couldn't compete with the current Empress Dowager. If it weren't for the emperor's youth and kindness, I'm afraid he would have moved to such a cold place like Jingxin Hall by now. lived."

"Auntie, if I become the emperor's concubine, I won't be as useless as you! Perhaps, one day, I will become the empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or the queen mother of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

Thinking of this, Lin Zhiran finally felt a little better after a gloomy day. With the green hills still there, he didn't have to worry about no firewood.

She Lin Zhiran, young and beautiful, had a lot of good times.

She believed that one day, the emperor would find her beauty and accept her as his concubine willingly.


Lin House.

"You still have the face to come back! You almost lost the face of me, Lin, today!" Master Lin has been waiting for Lin Zhiran in the mansion since he left the palace. , and immediately went to the courtyard where Lin Zhiran lived.

"Father..." Lin Zhiran hadn't sat down yet, but when he heard Master Lin's voice, he looked aggrieved.

Master Lin approached, and after seeing Lin Zhiran clearly, he froze in place with a look of horror on his face, "You, what's the matter with your face?"

"Daughter, daughter..." Lin Zhiran was a little hard to say, but he still told Mr. Lin the whole story.

"Slap!" Master Lin slapped Lin Zhiran hard on the face.

Stretching out his hand, he pointed at Lin Zhiran tremblingly, "You bastard, you almost ruined the entire Lin family!"

"Father, my daughter cares about the emperor, and she only wants to be the emperor's concubine. It's the empress who is too cunning..." Lin Zhiran covered her face aggrievedly, with fear in her eyes.

"How dare you talk nonsense!" Lord Lin was full of anger, looking at Lin Zhiran who was covered in injuries, he felt distressed and angry at the same time.

"Tell me about you. Today, at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, falling off the lotus platform is already a shame. I never thought that you would dare to plot against the Emperor. If the Empress hadn't kindly spared your life, what would you do now?" I still have my life to return to the Lin Mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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