First-class daughter

Chapter 1596 Give Gifts

Chapter 1596 Give Gifts

Chapter 1596 Give Gifts

"During these days, it's my father who has neglected to discipline you. From now on, you will stay in this yard for me, and think about your mistakes behind closed doors. If you don't have my father's permission, you are not allowed to go out a step! Otherwise, my father will interrupt you leg!" Master Lin was furious, and he closed the door of Lin Zhiran's room forcefully, and walked out.

He was cautious in the court, but this daughter was so impatient, which really annoyed him.

I only hope that after this beating, I have learned enough lessons, and I can restrain myself in the future,

Lin Zhiran stood where she was, her head was swollen, and she felt extremely aggrieved, so she raised her hand and lifted the vase on the shelf to the ground.


"Bang bang..."

One by one, Lin Zhiran crazily threw the expensive porcelain vases in the room to the ground, and then covered his head in pain, his whole body trembling violently.

Not reconciled!
She is not reconciled!

"I just want to be the emperor's woman. This is what every woman wants. I, Lin Zhiran, also thought, what's wrong with me? The harem is so big, why can I only stay for a month! This is against the norm. Lun, the person who is at fault is obviously Lian Yue, not Miss Ben!"

"Lianyue, Lianyue, Miss Ben really wants to eat your flesh and drink your blood! One day I will pull you down from your current position and make you irreparable, only then can I relieve my hatred."

Qiufeng came in from the outside with food, and was startled when he saw the mess all over the place, and then saw Lin Zhiran with a ferocious face, walked over quickly, put down the food, and tried hard to persuade, "Second miss, the imperial doctor said , now you have to go and heal your wounds, and your emotions should not fluctuate too much, otherwise it will be bad if you leave scars on your face."

leaving scars...

Lin Zhiran was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, hurried to the dressing table, grabbed the bronze mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, Lin Zhiran's heart sank, if it left scars, it would become unbearably ugly , What are you using to fight with Lian Yue? At that time, the emperor will not even look at her.

"That's right, Miss Ben needs to apply the medicine well and heal her wounds well. Don't leave any scars. Miss Ben still wants to keep her beauty and enter the harem!" Lin Zhiran said after waking up, stroking the marks on her face with her hands.

"Yes, miss, come and apply the medicine to the lady again, and then eat these meals properly. These are brought by the lady, let the lady get a good sleep after eating." Qiu Feng comforted Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran nodded slightly, and calmed down a little. With Qiufeng's support, she went to sit in front of the bronze mirror, and let Qiufeng apply the cold ointment on her face.


Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue accompanied Cheng Jun and Wan Jun to sit and play in the gazebo in the garden, listening to the message from Nanny Tai, her eyes slightly lowered, and she said coldly, "Young and vigorous, it's not worth mentioning."

When she got to this point, she had seen as many ghosts and monsters as a cow's hair, and Lin Zhiran's tricks were not taken seriously at all, but the person who had to face Lin Zhiran was Ling Yue, so things were not that simple.

Standing on the side, Qing Dai was also a little worried about Ling Yue, "Princess, should we act first and clean up this bitch for the empress..."

Lian Siyue raised her hand and said indifferently, "No need, now that Ling Yue'er is favored by the emperor, she is the only concubine in the entire harem, and some of them are worried about by ghosts and goblins. There are some things that Ling Yue'er should be ruthless and learn to deal with by herself." Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince the public. Besides, now that Mother Tai is by her side, I feel relieved."

Qing Dai nodded slightly, and said, "Before, the princess always said that she was worried that the empress would be wronged if she sat in this position."

"In life, if you want to get something, you will always give something. How can it be so perfect? ​​If you figure it out, you will become better. If you figure it out, you will be able to live a smooth life."

"What Wangfei said is true." Qing Dai nodded and said.

"By the way, what is Le Yan'er doing?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Miss is reading calligraphy and painting in the room, and also works as a maid." Qing Dai replied.

"Go call her, the weather is so nice, I'll go out with her for a walk." Lian Siyue knew that Leyan didn't like to go out, and she was afraid of boring her, so she said.

"Yes, Wangfei, I will go now." Qing Dai turned and left.

Lian Siyue bent over and played with the two children.

"Mother..." After a while, Le Yan came to the back garden, and after seeing Lian Siyue in the gazebo, she quickened her pace a little, walked over, and called softly.

Seeing Le Yan, Lian Siyue showed a gentle smile on his face, "Le Yan'er, are you here?"

"Yes, mother." Le Yan said.

"Le Yaner, let's go to Jiuhua Temple. Abbot Jiufang told you about the Diamond Sutra last time. I heard you have a new understanding these days, so go talk to Master Abbot." Lian Siyue said gently .

This was exactly what Le Yan was thinking, so she nodded and said, "Mother, I'll go get ready."

"Okay." Lian Siyue nodded.

After a while, two sedan chairs, one in front and one behind, left the gate of the palace.

"Okay." Lian Siyue nodded.

After a while, two sedan chairs, one in front and one behind, left the gate of the palace.

"Master, Master! Miss Zhao is out!"

In the corner outside Prince Heng's Mansion, Xiaoyuan excitedly grabbed Qi Yan's arm, looking at the sedan chair not far away, with a happy expression on her face.

"Be quiet, don't be heard!" Qi Yan reached out and patted Xiaoyuan's head vigorously.

Xiaoyuan quickly reacted and covered her mouth, "Yes, what the young master said is true."

"After waiting for so many days, sister Liuxian finally left the house, but..." Qi Yan frowned, looked at the large box of rouge and gouache in his arms, and became a little worried.

He has been waiting here for several days, waiting for the opportunity to deliver these rouge and gouache to Liu Xian'er himself. Today, he finally waited for Liu Xian's sister to leave the house, but... that vicious woman... …

"Master, the sedan chair in front belongs to Princess Heng. Princess Heng doesn't like the young master approaching Ms. Zhao. What should I do?" Xiao Yuan also became worried for her young master.

Qi Yan frowned and thought for a moment, seeing the sedan chair getting farther and farther away, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said hastily, "Follow up first, and see where they are going, I must give Liuxian the best rouge powder in the capital today Sister, she has to use the best."

"Yes, master!" Xiaoyuan replied.

Therefore, Qi Yan and Xiao Yuan left Prince Heng's mansion, avoided it from a distance, and followed behind their sedan chair.

After walking for a long time, both of them were out of breath.

"Master, are you tired? Let me carry it for you." Xiaoyuan said while panting, rubbing the sweat on her face.

"No, no, this, this is a good thing for my sister, you, you are clumsy, what if you fall, what if you break it?" Qi Yan said out of breath, but did not let go of the box, He still complained, "Where is that vicious bad woman going to take Liuxian? It almost made me faint from exhaustion. If I knew it, Ben, I also hired a carriage, so I don't need to use it." It's been so hard."

(End of this chapter)

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