First-class daughter

Chapter 1597 Give Gifts

Chapter 1597 Give Gifts

Chapter 1597 Give Gifts

"My lord didn't know about their removal, and he was anxious to follow them, so I made a mistake." Xiaoyuan said, squatting down in front of Qi Yan, and said, "My lord, I, I will carry you on my back, don't let your feet go away." It hurts."

Qi Yan glanced at Xiaoyuan, and said, "Forget it, you're about to faint, and you'll cause me to fall when the time comes, so hurry up!"

"Young master, drink some water first." Xiaoyuan took off the water bottle, unscrewed it, and handed it to Qi Yan's mouth.

Qi Yan raised his head, gulped down half a pot of water, and then continued walking.

About an hour later, the sedan chair landed at the gate of Jiuhua Temple, and Lian Siyue and Le Yan got off the sedan chair with the help of the maid.

After entering the temple, the abbot of Jiuhua Temple greeted him, clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, pay homage to Princess Heng."

"Abbot, you don't need to be too polite." Lian Siyue nodded to Abbot Jiu, and then patted Le Yan's head, "This child has gained some understanding of the Diamond Sutra in recent days, so I brought her here to see her. Once you see the abbot, let her tell you about her understanding."

Abbot Jiufang heard this, and nodded with a smile, "Little benefactor Leyan cultivates both blessings and wisdom, and has a blue heart and a heart. He is a person who has a predestined relationship with the Buddha. The Buddha will definitely bless this good boy."

"Thank you, Abbot, for your compliment." Le Yan folded her hands together, and bent towards Abbot Jiufang.

"Le Yan'er, go to worship the Buddha with the abbot first, mother is waiting for you in the Daxiong Palace." Lian Siyue looked at Le Yan with gentle eyes.

Le Yan nodded, and followed Abbot Jiu to the Buddhist hall on the other side.

Lian Siyue entered the Daxiong Palace, knelt in front of the Buddha statue, put his hands together, closed his eyes, and recited the scriptures devoutly.


"Master, why don't we go back, I'm a little scared." Xiaoyuan followed Qi Yan and sneaked into Jiuhua Temple. At this moment, the two were hiding behind a big tree outside the Buddhist hall. The corner of Qi Yan's clothes.

Qi Yan patted Xiaoyuan's hand away, "What are you afraid of, the young master is here."

"Master, that Princess Hengqin is too powerful, what if we are accidentally arrested? This is the capital, if we offend Princess Hengqin, we may not know how we will die... Ugh!"

Before Xiaoyuan finished speaking, Qi Yan stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, and Qi Yan glared at Xiaoyuan angrily, "You crow mouth, I knew I would not bring you here! This time it is at Jiuzhou In Hua Temple, even if you are caught, this young master can say that he is here to pay respects to the Buddha, so what are you afraid of! Besides, this young master hasn’t seen Liu Xian’s sister for so long, even if he is unlucky enough to be discovered by a vicious woman, That young master will die at sister Liuxian's feet."

"Yes, ah, bah bah bah! Our young master will live a long life." Xiaoyuan said hastily, "You are the lifeblood of the family, you can't say things that demean yourself like this, if the master and madam find out, .”

"Stop talking, shut up!" Qi Yan poked his head towards the Buddhist hall in front of him as he said, but he just looked at it for a while, but he couldn't see the scene in the Buddhist hall in front of him clearly.

"Xiaoyuan, squat down." Qi Yan stretched his neck and looked forward.

"Why are you squatting down?" Madoka was puzzled.

Qi Yan was speechless impatiently, "If you are told to squat, you can squat. Why are there so many words, do you want to receive this month's monthly money!"

When the words fell, Madoka squatted down without saying a word.

Qi Yan straddled the strap of the suitcase around his neck, protecting his chest like a baby, raised his foot to step on Xiaoyuan's shoulder, hugged the tree trunk next to him tightly with both hands, and swished up to the big tree in front of him. Tree.

Xiaoyuan stared at Qi Yan dumbfounded, and muttered, "Master really went all out for Ms. Zhao, and he even learned the unique skill of climbing trees."

"Go farther away, don't stay here to be an eyesore." After climbing the tree, Qi Yan pushed Xiaoyuan away.

"Then where am I going?" Madoka asked.

Qi Yan scolded impatiently, "Whoever you fall in love with, give me that box."

Xiaoyuan pursed her mouth aggrieved, and tiptoed to hand Qi Yan the box containing the rouge under the tree.

Qi Yan took the box, looked at Xiaoyuan under the tree again, and warned, "Keep your eyes brighter, don't be discovered by others, and spoil my good deed."

"Yes, sir."

Before leaving, Xiaoyuan glanced at Qi Yan reluctantly, shook the water bottle in his hand, "Do you want to drink more, young master?"

"Are you really not thinking about monthly money?"

monthly money!

Without saying a word, Xiaoyuan disappeared in front of Qi Yan as if oiling the soles of her feet.

Without Xiaoyuan, Qi Yan hid in the bushes, hugged the tree trunk, kept looking around, and murmured at the bottom, "Where is Sister Liuxian?"

After an unknown amount of time, Qi Yan was finally about to fall asleep hugging the tree trunk when he heard a familiar and pleasant voice from the entrance of the Buddhist hall not far away.


"Little benefactor Le Yan has a very thorough understanding of the Diamond Sutra today. The Buddha said that the wise will leave when they know illusions, and the fools will accept illusions as reality. Let go of one thought, and you will be at ease." Abbot Nine said.

Let go of one thought and feel at ease.

Le Yan smiled lightly, "Yes, Le Yan wrote it down."

"Thank you for the abbot today, Le Yan is going to the Daxiong Palace to find the princess first." Le Yan said.

Abbot Jiufang nodded.

After bidding farewell to the abbot, Le Yan walked in the direction of the Daxiong Palace, just stepped down the steps of the Buddhist hall, and within a few steps, there was a burst of birdsong overhead.

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo..."

Le Yan stopped, and when she looked up, she saw a big tree in front of her suddenly shake violently and shed a lot of leaves.

Immediately afterwards, with a 'bang', a figure jumped down from the tree.

"Hee hee, little sister Liu Xian."

Qi Yan stayed on the tree for a long time, and finally got to Le Yan. Now he saw the sister Liu Xian who was thinking about him. Qi Yan's heart beat violently. He straightened his clothes and patted off a few leaves from his hair. Finally, Qi Yan showed a bright and enthusiastic smile to Le Yan.

Le Yan didn't expect to meet Qi Yan here, with a trace of panic in her eyes, she walked back subconsciously.

"Sister Liuxian." Seeing Leyan's frightened look, Qi Yan hurriedly chased after her.

"Sister, don't be afraid, don't rush to leave, I'll deliver something for you, and I'll leave after delivery." Qi Yan said while handing the box he was carrying with him to Le Yan.

Le Yan paused, and looked at Qi Yan suspiciously.

"Hey, sister Liuxian, look, these are the best rouge powder in the capital, and they are also the most suitable for a cute and beautiful girl like Liuxian sister." After Qi Yan finished speaking, he opened the box, revealing a lot inside. Exquisitely styled bottles and jars.

Seeing this, Le Yan took a step back unconsciously, and waved her hand, "I'm sorry, I won't be rewarded for nothing, I can't accept it."

"Sister Liuxian, just accept it, and treat it as a gift from my brother to my sister, okay?" Qi Yan coaxed Le Yan to accept it patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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