First-class daughter

Chapter 1598 Mr. Qi's obsession

Chapter 1598 Mr. Qi's obsession
Chapter 1598 Mr. Qi's obsession
Le Yan bit her lip and shook her head, "No, I can't take it."

She can't accept Qi Yan's things for nothing. First, she is not the Zhao Liuxian in Qi Yan's heart. Second, she doesn't want to have anything to do with Qi Yan and cause any trouble for the emperor and mother. She is in this world. , which is redundant.

Seeing that Le Yan was unwilling to accept her, Qi Yan felt a little frustrated, but if he just flinched, it wasn't Qi Yan anymore. He came to the capital to open a shop to do business just to keep his younger sister. .

"Ouch, ouch..." Qi Yan suddenly covered his stomach, then bent over and hugged his legs, and sat on the ground.

Seeing Qi Yan's sudden look of pain, Le Yan hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Qi Yan raised his head, looked at her with an aggrieved face, and said coquettishly, "I carried this box of things today and ran from the city to the outside of the city. It was broken, and I didn’t eat any food when I was hungry. Good Liu Xian’er, good sister, just accept these things for the sake of my hard work, okay?”

Le Yan lowered her eyes, felt a little sympathy for him in her heart, and sighed, "Well, I can accept these things."

After hearing this, Qi Yan was overjoyed and wanted to deliver the box immediately.

"But I can't take it in vain." Le Yan said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Qi Yan was puzzled.

Le Yan took out a purse from her sleeve, took out a bank note from the purse, and handed it to Qi Yan, "I bought it with you, take the bank note, and give me the rouge and gouache."

Seeing that Le Yan wanted to give him money, Qi Yan's whole face collapsed, and he said unwillingly, "Sister Liuxian, do you have to be so clear with me? This is a gift from me. This They are all the best in my shop, I have no other intention, just want to give you..."

"If you don't accept the money, then you can take the gouache back." Le Yan was firm.

After all, Qi Yan couldn't hold back Le Yan, sighed, glanced at the bank note in Le Yan's hand, and suddenly had an idea, "Sister Liuxian, if you insist on paying me, it's not impossible, but I don't lack money. Why not..."

"Why not?" Le Yan asked.

Qi Yan rolled his eyes and drew the end of his voice, "Why don't you write your name on my clothes?"

"What does this mean?" Le Yan was puzzled.

"Hehe, why is such a vulgar thing like silver? If my clothes had Sister Liuxian's name on it, then the meaning of the clothes would be different. Sister Liuxian would treat it as a name for me. You I'll just treat it as courtesy, how about it?" Qi Yan said, looking at Le Yan with bright eyes.

"My name..." Le Yan hesitated.

"No, no, no..." Qi Yan came back to his senses, "I definitely can't write Liuxian's own name. If someone sees you and wants to say my sister, you can write my name. Qi Yan, Qi who goes hand in hand, The Banquet of the Banquet of the Chief Horn."

Le Yan thought about it carefully, and seemed to feel that there was nothing wrong, so she nodded.

"Okay, sister Liuxian, wait here for me, I'll go find a pen, you must not leave." After Qi Yan finished speaking, he ran away like he was having fun.

Le Yan waited at the same spot, picked up a box of gouache, took a look at it, and put it back again. The gouache has a mild fragrance, smelling it, it feels very good, it seems that it is really the best of the best.

Soon, Qi Yan ran back with paper and pen in his hand, "Sister Liuxian, come on, just sign my cuff."

"Okay." Le Yan took the pen and wrote the word "Qi Yan" on Qi Yan's cuff. The handwriting is beautiful and graceful.

"Great, sister Liuxian, go back and try these rouge gouache as soon as possible, it must be very suitable for you." Qi Yan said, it is used up, you tell me, I will bring it to you next time. "

Le Yan twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, "Thank you."

Seeing Le Yan smiled at him, Qi Yan blushed inexplicably, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, "Then, sister Liuxian, I'll go first."

Le Yan nodded slightly, Qi Yan turned around and left, turned around in three steps, and when he saw Le Yan gone, he quickened his pace and ran away.


"Master, you finally came out. I'm so worried about you. I'm afraid that you will be skinned alive by Princess Heng." Xiaoyuan has been staying at the gate of Jiuhua Temple. Seeing Qi Yan's figure at this moment, she was very excited. greeted him.

Qi Yan didn't bother to pay attention to Xiaoyuan at all at the moment, he just put his right hand on his chest from time to time, and then showed a satisfied smile.

"Master, Master." Looking at Qi Yan's abnormal appearance, Xiaoyuan thought that Qi Yan was bewitched, so she couldn't help but push Qi Yan.

"What are you doing, looking for death!" Qi Yan, who was interrupted in his fantasy, frowned displeasedly and shouted angrily.

Xiaoyuan shrank her neck back, "I'm asking, has the young master's gift been delivered yet?"

"Naturally." Qi Yan raised his eyebrows proudly, waved his sleeves, and pointed to the name on it, "Not only did I send it out, but I also got the name written by Liuxian's sister!"

Thinking of this, Qi Yan couldn't help laughing again.

Xiaoyuan looked at Qi Yan as if he had seen a ghost. He has been with Qi Yan for so long, and he has never seen Qi Yan so happy. Is this just because he got a name?
The young master is really stupid.

It would be fine if Miss Zhao is interested in the young master, but if she keeps being cold to the young master, what should the young master do?Seeing her young master smiling like a fool, Xiaoyuan couldn't help but feel sad for him.

After bidding farewell to Qi Yan, Le Yan held a box of rouge and gouache, and strenuously walked in the direction of the Daxiong Palace.

Lian Siyue knelt and worshiped the Buddha in front of the Daxiong Palace, she closed her eyes, her expression was indifferent and calm, and she muttered softly.After about an hour, she slowly opened her eyes and bowed to the Bodhisattva three times.

Qing Dai hurried over, helping her up with both hands.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"It's just past noon." Qing Dai said.

"Abbot and Le Yan, it's about time. Go outside and wait." Lian Siyue walked outside the Daxiong Palace, and as soon as she stepped out of the door, she saw Le Yan holding a box of things, walking Walk here slowly.

"Miss Le Yan, come here, slave." Qing Dai hurried over and took the box from Le Yan's hand.

"Mother." Seeing Lian Siyue, Le Yan showed a smile.

Because she carried the suitcase for a certain distance, beads of sweat appeared on her nose, and her cheeks flushed.

Lian Siyue approached, took out a silk handkerchief, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from Le Yan's forehead, and said, "The ceremony to Buddha is over?"

"Yes, mother, it's just over. Listening to Abbot Jiufang's words, Le Yan was puzzled for a long time, and she suddenly realized." Le Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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