First-class daughter

Chapter 1599 Going Out

Chapter 1599 Going Out
Chapter 1599 Going Out
"That's why I didn't make this trip in vain." Lian Siyue handed the handkerchief to the maid beside her, and looked at the box Qing Dai was carrying, "It smells faintly scented, it's not rouge powder, or it's something else from my daughter's home. who gave this to you?"

"It's from Jicheng... Qi Yan, for some reason, followed me here, saying that it is the best rouge powder in the capital right now..." Le Yan told Lian Siyue truthfully what happened just now.

Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and he said, "From Jicheng to Beijing, and made a name for the business in a short period of time, it seems that he is not as messy as he appears on the surface, he is a person with brains and ideas .”

Seeing the doubts in Le Yan's eyes, Qing Dai stepped forward and explained for Lian Siyue, "Miss, you don't know, since Mr. Qi left the palace that day, he sent someone to watch him, and he spent less than two In just one month, many shops have been opened in Beijing, and every family has a very popular birthday, and now he is also a well-known person in the business district of Beijing. Unexpectedly, he also specially came to give the young lady rouge and powder."

Not only that, since she knew that Qi Yan had followed all the way to the capital, she ordered to go down and investigate Qi Yan, including the entire Qi family, and they were all innocent and there was nothing wrong with it.

Is that so?Le Yan looked at the box.

"Le Yan'er, now you are in the capital, far away from Jicheng, your uncle and I will do our best to protect you, you can do what you want, don't worry about being afraid. If you think Qi Yan is good , you can do as you wish, don't worry about Zhao Liuxian's identity, Mother will arrange it for you." Lian Siyue hopes that her daughter will find her own happiness in this life.

For Le Yan, Lian Siyue always has a little more love and affection for Chengjun and Wanjun, after all, this child has suffered too much.

Now God's gift, Le Yan has returned to her side, she will not hinder Le Yan, she will protect her from the wind and rain, and let Le Yan do everything she wants to do.

"Mother, I don't want to think about this."

Le Yan understood the meaning of Lian Siyue's words, lowered her eyes slightly, and another face appeared in her mind, with a somewhat disappointed expression.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess, the abbot invites you to have a vegetarian meal." At this time, the little master came over, clasped his hands together, and said.

"Please little master lead the way." Lian Siyue returned the salute and said.

A group of people walked to the dining place, and a flash of thought flashed in Le Yan's eyes: Brother Yaotong, you left the pharmacy in a hurry, where did you go?After such a long time, will you still remember her?

She took out a malt candy from her cuff, put it in her mouth, and tasted it carefully.

Lin House.

Lin Zhiran stayed in the mansion for more than half a month, during which time she didn't even step out of the courtyard gate.

During these days, Lin Zhiran had three meals a day, eating a light diet, and applied ointment honestly every day, for fear that he would leave a trace of scar in the future.

At this time, Lin Zhiran was sitting in front of the dressing table, holding a bronze mirror, carefully examining the scars on her face.

"The scars have faded a lot, but you can still see some of them faintly, which is really annoying!" Lin Zhiran looked at the remaining scars, and threw the bronze mirror on the table a little annoyed.

When Qiufeng stepped into the yard, he heard a little maidservant report that Lin Zhiran had lost his temper again.

"Miss." Qiu Feng hurriedly walked into Lin Zhiran's room, raised his hand to straighten the bronze mirror that was thrown aside, and walked to Lin Zhiran's side.

Lin Zhiran stared at Qiufeng, "It's so early in the morning, where did you die!"

"Miss, this servant has collected two good things, miss, let's try this." Qiufeng handed two small pink round jars to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran glanced at it, and said in disgust, "What the hell?"

"It's a new rouge powder from Fuchu. It is said that it works well on the face and has a jasmine fragrance!" Qiufeng recommended it to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran happened to have not put on makeup yet, so he didn't take it seriously after hearing it, "How good is the thing brought by you, a maid, don't talk too much, and put on makeup for Miss Ben first."

Qiufeng had already gotten used to Lin Zhiran's temper, so he picked up a box of water powder, and as soon as he opened it, a scent of jasmine wafted out.

Jasmine has always been Lin Zhiran's favorite flower, and smelling the scent of jasmine now makes her feel much more at ease.

After Qiu Feng finished applying Lin Zhi's makeup, he said in amazement, "Miss, look quickly."

"What are you talking about!" Lin Zhiran rolled his eyes at Qiu Feng, and his eyes fell on the bronze mirror in front of him.

When he touched himself in the bronze mirror, Lin Zhiran stood up suddenly, moved closer to the bronze mirror, touched his face again, and a look of joy flashed across his eyes.

"I can't even see the scars on my face at all." Lin Zhiran was a little surprised.

These days, after the scars on her face faded, she used countless amounts of gouache, but they couldn't cover the scars on her face. She never thought that today's can of gouache could cover up the scars so cleanly.

Moreover, this gouache is more delicate than the ones she used to use, and it fits very well on the face.

"Qiu Feng, where did this rouge and gouache come from?" Lin Zhiran had rarely been so happy recently, and his face towards Qiu Feng also improved a lot.

Qiu Feng smiled and said, "Miss Hui, recently many shops have been opened in the capital, especially a lot of jewelry shops and makeup shops. The business is even more hot than the Jingxi shop."

"There are other things..." Lin Zhiran looked in the mirror again, and then stood up, "It just so happens that Miss Ben should change into some new jewelry."

"Qiufeng, take Miss Ben out of the mansion to have a look."

The autumn wind shook his head, but then he thought about Master Lin saying that Lin Zhiran was not allowed to go out, he hesitated, "Miss, the master said that you are not allowed to go out."

"Father's words are just angry words, not to mention that this lady is only going to buy rouge and jewelry, why can't she go out!" Lin Zhiran took a look at Qiu Feng, looked at her own attire, and went out after confirming that it was correct.

When leaving the mansion, the guard at the gate did not stop Lin Zhiran's carriage.

After not going out for a long time, Lin Zhiran felt refreshed, and the carriage stopped after less than a stick of incense.

"Miss, Langyuxuan is here." The carriage stopped in front of the newly opened jewelry shop.

Qiufeng helped Lin Zhiran get out of the carriage, Lin Zhiran glanced at the plaque of Langyuxuan, waved the silk fan in his hand, and walked in.

At the entrance of the alley not far away, two figures stood there, watching Lin Zhiran walk into Langyuxuan.

"It seems that the injury is almost healed." The man said.

"Yeah, now that the injury is healed, it's time to do something for us..."

Inside Langyuxuan, many women who came to buy jewelry gathered at this moment. Lin Zhiran looked at these people with disgust, and walked towards a corner with few people.

(End of this chapter)

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