chapter 160
chapter 160

this arrow...

"Bang!" Feng Lingyue's hands felt numb, the bow and arrow fell to the ground, and the string jumped forward a few meters, and stuck on the ground.

Who dares to do something to her!Feng Lingyue was startled, and withdrew her painful hand.

But before Luzhi's hidden weapon had time to shoot out, she suddenly turned her head to look——

Feng Lingyue also turned her head angrily, and shouted, "Who dares to hit this princess' hand!"

However, when she saw the person clearly, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, as if she suddenly changed into a different person, she quickly ran towards the person, the fiery red riding clothes seemed A ball of flames flew up!
She exclaimed excitedly:
"Ninth brother! You are here!"

It turned out that Ye Feng, Feng Yunzheng's personal guard, was ordered to knock down the bow and arrow in Feng Lingyue's hand with a hidden weapon just now, before she let go of the string.

"How could this be?" Seeing Lian Siyue brushing shoulders with death again, Xiao Rou showed an expression of extreme disappointment on her face.

When Lian Siyue and Lian Jue heard this shout, they opened their eyes suddenly at the same time—"Sister, it's the Ninth Prince." Lian Jue said happily.

Lian Siyue was startled, he finally came?
She raised her eyes and looked at Feng Yunzheng, only to see——

He was wrapped in a silver robe, spotless, with python-shaped dark flower patterns on the side of the clothes, exuding nobility, elegance, and an incomparable demeanor. With a smile on his face, he watched Feng Lingyue running in front of him, road:

"Ninth Brother, you're here. I haven't seen you for a long time." Feng Lingyue, as the empress's own child, was very close to Feng Yunzheng when the deposed prince was in power, and the two had a very good relationship.

Because the concubine Liang was demoted and the Nine Kings were dismissed, she even went to the emperor to intercede, but was finally reprimanded by the emperor and banned for half a month.

"Yeah, Eleven, long time no see, how are you?" Feng Yunzheng asked, his voice clear and clear, but his eyes fell on Lian Siyue involuntarily, seeing her falling to the ground , he lightly shook the hand in his sleeve.

There was a gloomy flash in Feng Lingyue's eyes, but it was only a flash, and her radiant face still showed her sweet smile, and said, "I'm fine, the queen mother didn't want me to come to hunt. Yes, but I couldn't help but give in to my hard work, so I agreed."

Feng Yunzheng glanced at the frightened "prey" in the woods, lingered on Lian Siyue's body for a moment before taking it back, and said:
"Eleven, have you played enough?"

Feng Lingyue let out a chuckle, and said, "Ninth brother still understands me." Then she said to her entourage, "Chi Lie, let me go."

"Yes!" The black-clothed guard nodded to his subordinates, and those people stood up. Seeing this, the "prey" hurriedly got up from the ground and fled in all directions.

"Give each of them 100 taels as a reward." Feng Lingyue ordered to the nanny beside her.

"Yes, princess."

Feng Lingyue raised her head, and showed a bright smile to Feng Yunzheng, as if all those lives could be bought with money, and said——

"Ninth brother, don't worry, I have already prepared the money. If you are not injured, you will be given 100 taels, if you are injured, you will be given 500 taels. If you are accidentally shot to death by me, I will give 1000 taels to his family." , They were very happy with the money, no one would resent me, but they were very grateful to me."

Feng Yunzheng still had that expression on his face, sighed secretly, and said noncommittally, "Really?"

"Yeah, look at them, how happy they are to take the silver." Feng Lingyue pointed at those servants who happily forgot the fear just now with the silver, and said.

"Sister, get up." Lian Jue supported Lian Siyue to stand up from the ground, and carefully inspected her body for any signs of injury. Fortunately, except for some dust on the riding clothes, her body was basically intact.

"Jue'er, let's go." Lian Siyue flicked the dust off her body and whispered to Lian Jue, and then the two of them prepared to leave silently.

"Hey, you two stop for me, you don't take this princess seriously! You two are not allowed to leave without my princess' permission!"

Feng Lingyue saw that the two siblings didn't say a word of gratitude or courtesy to her, and even ignored her as if she was empty, leaving aside Feng Yunzheng, and walked forward a few steps, expressing dissatisfaction.

Lian Siyue said expressionlessly, "We had an appointment with the princess first, and now that the princess has lost, she should let us go, or did the princess decide to break the agreement in front of everyone?"

Feng Lingyue was about to die of anger from Lian Siyue's cold attitude, "Huh! Although the arrow missed you, but mine didn't go out at all, it was blocked by Brother Jiu, so you are not considered to have escaped." My arrow!"

"The princess only said that we won if we didn't get shot. No matter it was His Highness who shot your bow and arrow, or we avoided it ourselves, Jue'er and I were not shot." Lian Siyue said coldly. .

"Does the princess want to play tricks? If so, it would be ridiculous." Lian Jue, who was always standing beside Lian Siyue, also said in a cold voice.

"You!" Princess Eleven, who was used to being tricky and domineering, was choked up by the two sisters who were fearless today.

"Let's go, Jue'er." Lian Siyue didn't say anything, and left with Lian Jue.

Feng Lingyue's eyes flashed, she took two steps forward, and said loudly, "You two, stop for this princess! This princess orders you to stay and accompany me and Brother Jiu."

Lian Siyue brushed her body, and said neither cold nor hot, "The status of a minister is low, how dare you play with the princess, absolutely not."

Feng Lingyue heard this, and said, "You contradict me so much, even if I dare to fight against you, why don't you dare play with me?"

"It's not that you don't dare, it's that you don't deserve it, princess!" Lian Jue said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"..." Feng Lingyue clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were slightly cold, and the expression on her face darkened, she said, "Lian Jue, are you laughing at me?"

"Don't dare. Sister, let's go." Lian Jue gently supported Lian Siyue, turned around, and left.

Feng Yunzheng stood where he was, his eyes fixed on Lian Siyue's back.

Seeing their backs going away, Feng Lingyue stomped her feet, her cheeks flushed with anger, and said, "What's the big deal, there are so many people who are willing to play with this princess, so it's up to you two?"

She ran in front of Feng Yunzheng and said, "Brother Jiu, do you think so?"

"Yes." Feng Yunzheng smiled and nodded.

"Princess, I'll play with you." Seeing that Lian Siyue escaped, Xiao Rou was very annoyed, but said to Feng Lingyue with a smile on her face.

"Who asked you to accompany me? This princess hates you the kind of person who sows dissension and fears that the world will not be chaotic. You are really ugly! Don't come near me!" Unexpectedly, Feng Lingyue didn't give Xiao Rou any face at all. Facing the faces of many servants, he whipped and sarcastically said mercilessly.

"I..." The expression on Xiao Rou's face turned red and then white.

(End of this chapter)

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