Chapter 161

Chapter 161

"Hurry up and get out of my princess' sight, and don't appear in front of me again, or I won't be polite." Feng Lingyue unceremoniously drove Xiao Rou out, Xiao Rou had to leave resentfully, she didn't expect Not only failed to punish Lian Siyue with the help of Princess Eleven, but was reprimanded in public instead!
Feng Lingyue didn't care about Xiao Rou's feelings at all, and ran back to Feng Yunzheng, saying, "Brother Jiu, do you recognize that trick?"

"I'm not familiar with the son of the prime minister's mansion, but it's coming soon." Feng Yunzheng replied, what appeared in his mind was the look of the young man who was determined to risk his life for his sister, his eyes were so enthusiastic, and he had no hesitation. The eyes are so familiar.

Feng Lingyue folded her arms around her chest, raised her haughty chin slightly, blinked her eyes, and said with a sly smile on her face, "I don't believe that the princess can't take him down."

"Eleventh, what do you want to do?" Feng Yunzheng caught the look on her face, and asked.

Feng Lingyue looked innocent, and said seriously, "I don't want to do anything, Brother Nine, I'm very obedient, and I will never mess around."

Feng Yunzheng shook his head helplessly, but his tone seemed to have no room for discussion, and said, "Anyway, don't mess with Lian Siyue, or Brother Nine will not let you go."

Feng Lingyue was startled, turned her head, and stared at him with big eyes, "Why? Ninth Brother, what do you mean by that?"

In her impression, this Ninth Brother has always been a celestial being, cold and inhuman, and has never seen him have a crush on any woman, but now he deliberately favors that cold, inhuman Lian Siyue .

The corners of Feng Yunzheng's lips curled up slightly, and he said, "It means that she is mine now, and no one can touch her."

"Ah..." Feng Lingyue was stunned, and she suddenly felt that when his gentle ninth brother talked about Lian Siyue, there was something in his bones that made all women in the world crazy and overwhelmed by it—overbearing .

She suddenly found that the man in front of her was no longer the gentle and refined man in her impression.

"Then if you didn't arrive in time just now, wouldn't I have accidentally killed her? In other words, she is too stubborn, too impulsive, and too immature, to bet her life with me for a slave." She almost failed Brother Ninth's affection." Feng Lingyue still wanted to complain about Lian Siyue's behavior.

But Feng Yunzheng said, "Even if I don't arrive in time, you can't hurt her." He has absolute confidence that Lengmei's hidden weapon can knock down her bow and arrow.

"Why?" Feng Lingyue asked.

"Because...your archery is notoriously bad, you will definitely miss it." Without telling the truth, Feng Yunzheng said flatly.

"Ninth brother, you!" Feng Lingyue's face flushed suddenly, and she said unruly, "My archery skills are not so bad, I have improved a lot!"

After all, Xiao Rou is also the apple of the eye of the Xiao family, she has never suffered such humiliation, when she came out from Eleven Princess' place and saw Xiao Shan, she couldn't help but fell on his body and started to cry.

Xiao Shan was startled, "Little sister, what's the matter? I just saw that Lian Siyue and her younger brother left together, safe and sound."

"Don't mention it! On the way, the Ninth Prince came out to meddle in his own business and rescued Lian Siyue." Xiao Rou wiped her tears angrily.

"Ninth Prince?" Xiao Shan was taken aback, "His mother and concubine were deposed, and he himself was expelled. How can a trash care about such things?"

"Also, Princess Eleven is really the most moody person I've ever seen. She obviously had a good time with me, but in the blink of an eye she scolded me in public and told me not to appear in front of her in the future."

"How did this happen?" Xiao Shan's eyes showed surprise, "Does she not care about your status as the daughter of General Xiao Zhenhai at all? It stands to reason that everyone will give father some face now."

"I don't give you any face. I was humiliated by her and almost got into the ground. Isn't everyone afraid of my father's identity now? Why don't the eleven princesses care?" Xiao Rou thought of the humiliation she had received, and was angry. Red eye circles.

"Maybe she's too young to be sensible. It's just that this time it's cheap again!" Xiao Shan clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.

"Brother, what should we do now? Is this the way to go? Don't you take revenge on your aunt and cousin?" Xiao Rou asked with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Shan's eyes slowly gathered a cloud of haze. He looked at the hunting ground. There were many tall horses there. Good on the battlefield.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he said, "Little girl, don't worry, the hunt has just begun, we still have a lot of opportunities."

"Sister, I think it's that Xiao Rou and Xiao Shan who deliberately brought Qing Dai to the cruel princess to force you to come forward today, so that you will either be punished by the cruel princess or offend the cruel princess."

After leaving the eleventh princess's place, the two of them didn't go back to the tent directly, but walked along the roadside to look at the scenery, and Lian Jue said angrily, "I'm going to teach these two brothers and sisters a lesson!"

"Aunt Xiao is far-sighted. Knowing that she can't deal with me alone, she arranged for the two brothers and sisters to deal with us while hunting. I'm afraid that at this moment, she is waiting to hear bad news from us in the west courtyard. What?" Lian Siyue said with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"There is a saying that a worm of a hundred beetles is dead but not stiff. I think Aunt Xiao will linger on for a while."

"For so many years, she has made a lot of preparations in order to seek the position of mother's mistress. Although it seems that her life is exhausted now, it is not us who can completely bring her down with this little effort. It will take a long time, and we will compete Let's see who is more patient."

"But I always feel that this hunting will not be very peaceful, sister, we have to be more careful." Lian Jue's bright and enthusiastic eyes showed a strong sense of coldness.

Lian Siyue stared at the sky in front of him, the setting sun fell like blood, and the whole hunting ground was bathed in a red glow, a kind of heroic beauty that made people want to cry, "Jie'er, where are we sitting here?" For a bar."

"Okay, let's sit here." There happened to be two boulders in front, and Lian Jue and Lian Siyue sat side by side, and the rays of the setting sun fell on them.

Lian Siyue's eyes were a little blurred, looking at the other side of the day, under the setting sun, everything in the world had a sense of peace and tranquility, including Lian Jue beside him.

She suddenly wanted to cry, and murmured:

"Even though it's been a lifetime, the setting sun still hasn't changed, even the temperature is the same."

"Sister..." Lian Jue was slightly stunned, and turned to look at Lian Siyue, her face was bathed in the sunlight, her skin was as translucent as jade, and her eyelashes formed a shadow under her eyelids.

(End of this chapter)

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