First-class daughter

Chapter 162 Concubine Xuan

Chapter 162 Concubine Xuan
Chapter 162 Concubine Xuan
A smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she said, "Jue'er, I'm a little thirsty, go get me some water, okay?"

"Okay, you wait here, I'll go right away." Lian Jue stood up, jumped off the rock, and ran towards the tent——

He is like wind and like fire.

Lian Siyue sat alone on the stone, raised her head slightly, and slowly closed her eyes. The evening wind, slightly cool, gently blew on her skin.

Two lines of tears unknowingly fell from between the eyelashes and slid down the crystal clear cheeks.

She didn't want to let Lian Jue see her crying, so she sent him away——

Maybe it was infected by the setting sun like blood, or maybe it was a person who traveled through the past and present, suddenly felt unprecedented loneliness and loneliness, she couldn't help crying, the tears were cold and bitter.

"Kick kick kick..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes behind her. She opened her eyes, wiped away the tears on her cheeks, turned her head with a smile, and called out——

"Je'er, you came back so soon, and even rode a horse..."

However, when she saw the steed galloping towards her, the smile on her face suddenly froze!
She quickly judged that this was Jue'er's horse, but this horse was out of control and was galloping towards her at the fastest speed at this moment. She was likely to be trampled to death by this horse!
She was startled, stood up abruptly, jumped off the stone, the horse suddenly flew into the air, and rushed towards her——

"Ah! Miss! Be careful!" Jiang Xiang, who just walked out of the tent, screamed in fright.

Lian Siyue's face was tense, and when the fierce horse approached, she squatted down suddenly. The horse jumped over her head, and the hairpin on her head fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding disaster ——

The black hair was blown away in the wind, a look of panic flashed across her face, and she quickly ran back to the boulder.

But the horse went completely mad, and ran towards her again "tapping and kicking". Her eyes turned cold, and a touch of coldness burst out, and she spotted the horse's running position.

"Miss, run, run!" Jiang Xiang screamed, her terrified cry attracted the attention of others, and many people ran out of the tent to look, only to see a fierce horse heading towards the girl Run past.

The servant girl tried her best to tell her to run, but she stood on the high rock, staring at the horse with firm and calm eyes, then seized the opportunity, reached out, grabbed the flying rein, flew forward, and jumped up , on horseback!
She jumped onto the horse with precision!

The horse neighed, raised its front hooves high, Lian Siyue's face was tense, his hands held the rein tightly, and his feet tightly clamped the horse's belly!
The horse turned in one direction and ran forward, and there was a cliff in front of it!If people and horses jump off——

Must die!

"Sister..." Lian Jue, who had just emerged from the tent, saw this scene, and the water bag in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap", and almost immediately, he ran towards the horse as fast as he could. .

"Ah..." They heard a burst of exclamation from the crowd again, and they saw a shadow flying from the side, jumping up and landing behind Lian Siyue.

His hands hugged her thin body tightly from behind, as if embracing his whole world, with careful but extremely powerful strength! ——

In panic, Lian Siyue felt that she had fallen into a firm embrace, a pair of strong arms embraced her, and held the reins tightly for him. Almost at that moment, she felt a strong sense of security , as if the sky could not fall down!

She looked up, and saw the perfect chin curve, it was him!

"Hold on!" His voice was full of magnetism, ringing in her ears.

There was a cliff ahead, but the horse was still running forward, showing no intention of stopping!
"You follow me and you will die!" she said loudly.

"Follow me, you won't die!" He also responded loudly, his always clear voice was full of domineering and affirmative.

Lian Siyue's heart was startled.

"Brother Jiu..." Feng Lingyue stared dumbfounded at the fierce horse running faster and faster.

"Master, the horse, the horse is coming!" Sijiu came galloping on a horse, then slid down from the horse's back, and Lian Jue jumped up. He lowered his head and stared fiercely. Feng Lingyue, who stood there in a daze, glanced at her, "Feng Lingyue, if something happens to my sister, I will never let you go!"

Feng Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her face, "Lian Jue, what do you mean?"

"I want you to pay with your life!" After saying that, Lian Jue turned his horse's head and chased in the direction of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

"That's right, it's the princess who asked that horse to trample Lian Siyue to death, what can you do to me?" Feng Lingyue ran a few steps towards the back and shouted, "It's better to trample her to death, trample to death She! Don't come back alive!"

When Lian Jue heard the curses coming from behind, he swung the whip in his hand even more vigorously.

"Your Highness, look over there! Missy is in danger." Just as Feng Ye came out of Concubine Xu Xian's tent, Yin Huai stepped forward, pointed at the place surrounded by a bunch of people, and said.

Feng Ye raised his eyes and saw the man on the horse. Immediately, that handsome face sank. He immediately snatched a horse from the passing guards, quickly got on the horse's back, and kicked the horse vigorously. He licked the horse's belly twice, and the horse neighed——

"Drive!" He shouted, and the horse galloped towards Lian Siyue.

When Feng Qianyue and Lian Yanqing came out of the tent together, the two saw that scene at the same time, Lian Yanqing's heart sank suddenly——

"Yue'er... Fourth Highness, this is..."

"Lianxiang, that's the deal with the marriage proposal. Now I'm going to save my future princess! Win Kong!"

When Lian Yanqing turned around abruptly, he saw that Feng Qianyue had already run towards his bodyguard, Ying Kong, who was leading the horse from the stable.

"Drive!" Feng Qian raised the whip high and savagely on the horse's back, only to hear the sound of the horse's hooves kicking and kicking.

His sinister eyes became deeper and deeper, but there was a determined smile on the corner of his mouth——

Brother Nine Emperors, you are meddling in your own business!

At the same time, over the emperor's bright yellow tent, the curtain was lifted, and a slim, soft and bright woman came out. She was wearing a crane cloak made of white silk and new mulberry silk, and a cloak on her head. Zhu Cui Jiu Zhai crown, slender waist, soft figure, clear and bright eyes, small mouth as small and full as a cherry.

When the people outside the tent saw her, they knelt down one after another, saying hello, "Mrs. Concubine Xuan."

Concubine Xuan's eyes fell on Feng Qianyue, looking at his proud figure, a blush appeared on her face, she asked the nurse beside her, and said:

"What happened over there?" The voice was like a nightingale, tactfully singing.

(End of this chapter)

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