First-class daughter

Chapter 163 1 Straight Forward

Chapter 163 Keep Going Forward

Chapter 163 Keep Going Forward

"Master, it's Lian Siyue, the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, who was frightened by a fierce horse. Several His Highnesses happened to see it, so they all ran to save her." Nanny Xu stepped forward and replied.

"Oh? All the highnesses have gone to rescue them?" Concubine Xuan couldn't help looking over the past with bright eyes, and she asked softly, "Did the fourth highness go down and save it?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness has also gone." Madam Xu replied.

"Oh." Concubine Xuan nodded slightly, her eyes couldn't help showing a trace of doubt, that man, he has always been cold and heartless, because he has goals that ordinary people can't reach, so he doesn't look at other people, and he never cares about others What happened today, let alone such a heroic rescue of the beauty in broad daylight?Is there anything special about this Lian Siyue?
"If Lian Siyue is safe and sound, send her to see me." Concubine Xuan confessed to the people around her. Before turning around and entering the tent, she turned and looked in Feng Qianyue's direction again, an imperceptible flash of light flashed in her gentle eyes. Bing Leng, "If it's dead, it's needless to say."


The horse ran faster, seeing that the cliff was getting closer and closer, and there were more and more people watching on the hunting ground. After a while, the news spread throughout the hunting ground. The Queen and Concubine Xu Xian, who were resting in the tent with their eyes closed, also heard about this and sent people out to find out.

Seeing the speed of the horse, everyone's hearts hung tightly in their throats.

Lian Yanqing's face was gloomy, and he secretly clenched his fists——

Yue'er is an extremely precious life, nothing can happen to her!

"They're here." Feng Yunzheng turned his head and saw Feng Ye and Feng Qianyue chasing after him, he lowered his body and whispered in Lian Siyue's ear.

Lian Siyue turned her head and looked behind Feng Yunzheng's shoulder——

"Je'er..." she whispered.

There is also Feng Ye, and...Feng Qianyue!

Her heart couldn't help shivering, and a feeling of discomfort came to her heart!That man, why is he chasing after him?It's extremely disgusting to look at!
"Sit still!" Feng Yunzheng suddenly had the idea that he didn't want to stop and wanted to keep running.

I saw the stiffness of his men pull back suddenly, and the two of them leaned back at the same time, almost lying on the back of the horse. Off to the side!
Just when the horse's hooves were about to step on the edge of the cliff, he turned around suddenly, and the horse ran towards the depths of the woods!
Seeing this, the person chasing behind was stunned for a moment. Due to the sudden incident, they had no time to quickly turn the horse's head. When the horse turned around, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue had already rushed into the depths of the woods. up!
The sound of hooves is getting smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller!
"Woo!" Feng Ye clamped the horse's belly and tightened the reins, the horse stomped on the ground, and Feng Qianyue's horse also rushed over.

The faces of the two were also tense, and their brows were slightly frowned.

Without any hesitation, Lian Jue continued to turn his horse's head and chase after him——

That horse is his mount, all right, how could it suddenly lose control?There must be something inside this, he wants to catch up, only he can control it!
"Chase!" Feng Ye also turned his horse's head and ran towards the depths of the woods.

After a moment of hesitation, Feng Qianyue also chased after her.

The horse broke into the woods and continued to run forward uncontrollably. The potholed mountain road was very difficult to walk on, but the horse continued to run forward unstoppable.

"Are you afraid?" Feng Yunzheng hugged Lian Siyue's body tightly on the rugged mountain road, and asked, the low breath lingering in her ears, making her cheeks and ears a little tense.

"Not afraid." Lian Siyue shook her head firmly.

A smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, the wind brushed their cheeks, the fragrance lingered in their nostrils, and the birdsong rang in their ears.

I hope that time will stay at this moment forever, and I hope that the horse will run forward until the end of time, and no one can stop it.

Lian Jue ran into the woods on horseback, but Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were nowhere to be seen, and Feng Qianyue and Feng Ye, who followed closely behind, also stopped——

There was an open space in front of him, but he couldn't even see a shadow. Looking around, he didn't see the figures of those two people.

"It seems that the guards are going to be mobilized to look for it!" Feng Ye said solemnly.

"Jiuhuangdi is strange. He doesn't seem to care about Concubine Liang and his own future at all. Recently, he can be seen everywhere." When Feng Qianyue mentioned Feng Yunzheng, he felt sullen.

Feng Ye looked back at Feng Qianyue, and said calmly, "It's strange, why does fourth brother seem very angry, do you know that girl very well?"

"..." Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that he hadn't hidden himself well because of Lian Siyue, he paused, and said, "That's Lianxiang's daughter."

With that said, he turned his horse's head and headed out of the woods.

"Your Highness, my sister is riding my horse, and she suddenly went berserk, there must be something hidden in it!" Lian Jue said with his brows furrowed.

"Lian Jue, don't worry, I'll dispatch people to look for him right now, and besides, there will be no danger with Brother Jiuhuang here!"

His Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng and Miss Xiangfu Lian Siyue disappeared in the woods at the same time!

The Fourth Highness, the Eighth Highness, and the Young Master Lian went to find no one in person. After the Eighth Highness came out of the woods, he sent troops to search again. Lian Xiang also led people, and went into the woods with his son to find someone.

The news quickly spread throughout the hunting ground, and even the emperor asked about it.

The horse ran wildly for an unknown amount of time, until it reached the deepest part of the woods, and finally slowed down slowly——

Feng Yunzheng saw the timing, put his arm around Lian Siyue's waist, and flew down from the horse's back steadily. The horse's limbs suddenly became weak, and the whole body fell down with a bang.

It twitched on the ground, its mouth opened wide, foaming at the mouth, and its eyes bulged to the size of Tongling.

"This is my younger brother Jue'er's horse. It is very docile on weekdays, but today it suddenly went berserk. There must be something wrong with it." Lian Siyue squatted on the ground, carefully looked at the horse's mouth, and said.

Probably because of running for too long and too fast, the exhausted and dying horse spit out a mouthful of raw food.

Feng Yunzheng frowned slightly, "There is something wrong with what it eats, look, what are these?"

Lian Siyue took the stick at the side, and poked the ball of food, only to see a piece of licorice inside, and then poked, "Liquorice, ephedra, asarum, aconite..."

"How come these traditional Chinese medicines appear in good horse feed?" Feng Yunzheng asked, counting the names of these traditional Chinese medicines like a month.

Lian Siyue threw away the wooden stick in his hand, took the handkerchief and wiped his hands, with a cold expression on his face, and said, "When these Chinese medicines are mixed together, if people eat them, they may die in three or three days. Night will be so excited that I can't close my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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