First-class daughter

Chapter 164 The World Lights Up

Chapter 164 The World Lights Up
Chapter 164 The World Lights Up
As she spoke, she looked up, and there happened to be two birds flying over the top of the tree, fluttering their wings, during which a fallen leaf slowly fell and landed on the horse.

"Heh, even the horses are not spared. In order to deal with you, they really do everything they can." Feng Yunzheng watched the horse gradually close its eyes and die. Murderous, said, "How do you want to repay them?"

She said he did.

"This horse's name is Qifeng. It's Jue'er's favorite horse. Naturally, it can't die in vain." She walked aside, picked three wild chrysanthemums, put them in front of the horse, stood up, and looked at her lips. Qifeng surrounded by white foam, her eyes are sharp and determined.

"Then it will be paid by life." Feng Yunzheng looked at the three flowers and said calmly, they were gently swaying in the wind.

"The horse is dead, now we can only walk out of the woods." Lian Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the sky. It was getting dark, and they had to get out of the woods before dark.

If they didn't show up at the usual bonfire banquet at night, there would probably be a lot of gossip. She wasn't afraid, but what she was afraid of was getting Feng Yunzheng involved. After all, he was a prince, and there was a good concubine in the palace to take care of.

"Okay, let's go." Walking out with her on foot, Feng Yunzheng's heart suddenly became a little excited.

The road in the woods is sometimes flat and sometimes rough, and the two stop and go along the way.

Lian Siyue was in front, Feng Yunzheng was behind, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on her body, casting a long, long shadow.

He walked slowly, keeping his gentle gaze on her back—in her young body, there was a heart that had gone through two lifetimes.

They are both the same, old and young.

As he walked, there were more trees in front of him, so Feng Yunzheng walked forward quickly, spreading the thorny branches and thorns to the sides with his hands, leaving a large enough space for Lian Like the moon can walk through unscathed.

After walking for a long time like this, the back of his hand was accidentally scratched by thorns, he quietly hid his hands in his sleeves, and let Lian Siyue walk in front of him.

Neither of them spoke, but there was an inexplicably tacit atmosphere.

"Are you thirsty?" After walking a few steps, Feng Yunzheng asked suddenly.

I didn't think so, but when he asked this, Lian Siyue felt thirsty, so he said, "I'm a little thirsty, let's go faster."

"Wait." Lian Siyue turned her head and saw a childlike innocence on Feng Yunzheng's face, "Stand here and don't move, wait for me for a while."

Under her suspicious eyes, Feng Yunzheng walked under a pear tree full of fruits. He was so tall, so he stretched out his hand and pulled a pear tree branch in front of him. He smiled and looked back even as if At the first glance of the moon, three pears were picked from the tree.

He wiped the pear carefully with his sleeve, then handed it to her, and said, "Eat it, I won't make you thirsty anymore."

Lian Siyue looked at the pear in his big palm, stretched out her hand, took the pear over, held it in her hand, lowered her head, and took a bite lightly, the plump juice slipped into her mouth, it was sweet and delicious, and it radiated from between her lips and teeth. A faint pear fragrance, she nodded slightly, a smile appeared on her face.

"Is it delicious?" He asked with a smile in his eyes, seeing her seriously eating pears.

"It's very sweet, very fresh, and very thirst-quenching." She showed a satisfied expression on her face——

"That's good, eat slowly, don't worry, don't choke." He watched her eating the pears he picked with his own hands, and he felt that this was the happiest thing in the world.

Behind the hidden woods, Leng Mei saw this situation, so he wanted to lift the branches and go out, telling them the current situation on the other side of the hunting ground.

"Wait." However, Night Breeze stopped her with outstretched hands, and said, "It's best not to show up now."

Looking at him suspiciously with cold eyebrows, he said, "Why? Someone will find him soon."

"I think about it every day. There are several portraits hanging in the study, all drawn by His Highness himself. There are eight, nine, 12, 14, and older ones. See He looks like a 30-year-old. I don't know why he likes to draw people so old. Is this a special hobby?

Not only that, but having rejected one marriage after another, it seems that he has made up his mind to guard his body for the young miss for the rest of his life. Now that he finally has some time to be alone, he must hope that time will stop here.So, if we ran out to disturb him at this time, would he want to kill us? "Night Breeze folded his arms around his chest and said with a smile.

Lengmei understood the meaning of Ye Feng's words, so he slowly retracted the foot that had stepped out, and continued to follow behind not far or near, protecting himself from leaks.

Yes, Your Highness really cares about the eldest lady!
Lian Siyue lowered her head and finished eating a pear. When she looked up, she found that Feng Yunzheng had been looking at her with a smile. She hadn't eaten anything. Her face suddenly felt a little hot. How long has he been looking at her like this?

She dodged her eyes for a moment, and handed back the remaining one to him, "Aren't you going to eat it? This pear tastes really good, even better than any pear I've ever eaten."

"Okay, I'll eat." Feng Yunzheng took the pear, took a big bite, and took half of the pear in one bite, and said with a smile, "Well, the taste is really good, and it also quenches your thirst."

Lian Siyue saw that he was always laughing, never stopped, and couldn't help but said, "I never knew that His Highness Ninth Prince likes to laugh so much."

In her past impressions, Feng Yunzheng always looked calm and breezy, never taking everything in the world to heart, how could she ever laugh like this all the time.

"Really? Have I been laughing?" He squeezed his face with two fingers and said with a smile, "Why don't I know?"

For such a tall man, when he pinched his own face, it was really... a bit against the law.

"You always laugh, people who don't know, think we are on a picnic." Lian Siyue stroked his forehead, isn't they equivalent to "escape from disaster" now?He is really more optimistic than her, who has seen through two lives.

"Is that so?" He touched his face that was full of anger, and said, "Then let's treat it as an outing."

"..." Lian Siyue suddenly felt that the man in front of her was innocently like a child at the moment, so her mood relaxed, and a smile appeared on her pretty and clear face, and she said, "Then continue the outing."

She laughed!
When she smiled, he suddenly felt that his whole world lit up.

The two continued to walk forward. When going downhill, there were many stones on the road, and Lian Siyue's feet were unstable, and he slipped forward——

"Be careful!" Feng Yunzheng immediately reached out and grabbed her hand, holding it between his big palms.

"It's okay, the road is a bit steep, and I accidentally stepped on a stone." She stroked her heart with her hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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