First-class daughter

Chapter 165 They Are Here

Chapter 165 They Are Here
Chapter 165 They Are Here
"Wait a minute." Feng Yunzheng took off the white fur fox cloak on his body, walked up to her, put it on her body, tied the strap around his chin carefully, then turned around and squatted down, saying, "I'll carry you on my back."

"..." Lian Siyue was taken aback, looking at the person squatting in front of her, his broad and powerful shoulders made her feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

At that moment, she hesitated.

"Come up, with me here, there is no reason to make you go downhill, what should you do if you fall down?"

Seeing that she didn't come up, Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but get closer, took her hand, and with a little force, let her lie on his back and walk down the slope stepping on the stones under his feet.

She didn't twitch or resist, thinking that it would be faster to go back this way, so, after a pause, she hugged his neck with both hands.

From the previous life to the present, she has only Feng Qianyue alone, and she has never been close to a man other than him——

This was the first time that someone carried her like this, and truly felt the warmth from the body, even Siyue's heart beat a little faster suddenly, and her face felt a little hot.

With her on his back, Feng Yunzheng walked forward step by step, feeling the soft little body behind her, a natural faint fragrance from her body, faintly lingering in his nostrils, making his heartbeat a little disordered.

After such a long time, he finally got close to her!He really felt her, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, pursed his lips slightly, and showed a comfortable smile on his face.

"Father said that it is very likely that the Fourth Highness will ask the emperor to marry me to him during the hunting period." Lian Siyue frowned tightly and said.

"Shua..." Feng Yunzheng's foot suddenly slipped for a long distance, and with a sway on his back, Lian Siyue quickly grasped it, looked down at the long trace of the sole of his foot on the road, and asked:
"Your Highness, what's the matter, am I too heavy, please put me down."

"Cough..." Feng Yunzheng coughed lightly, concealing his embarrassment, and said, "It's not heavy, it's not heavy, you don't need to come down! I never thought that Brother Four would have the idea of ​​marrying you before you reached the age of Ji .”

Feng Yunzheng only felt a heavy stone on his heart, especially thinking about how Feng Qianyue treated Lian Siyue in his previous life, he felt very uncomfortable.

"When he was in the prime minister's mansion, he told me that he must marry me as his concubine." Lian Siyue said, with goose bumps all over her body, not to mention the real marriage, just thinking about her and his relationship. When the names appeared at the same time, she felt sick.

"Shua!" There was another sound, this time Feng Yunzheng's feet slid forward at the same time, if he hadn't stabilized in time, he and Lian Siyue would have fallen at the same time!

"Your Highness Nine!" Lian Siyue was a little surprised, "Are you too tired? Let me down."

Not far away, Ye Feng and Leng Mei watched helplessly as their master slipped twice in a row. Both of them showed incredulous expressions. Their master has always been calm and calm, and he wouldn't care if the sky fell. This young lady is I said something to him, so that I even slipped my feet.

Night Breeze felt embarrassed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "What's wrong with him? Was he hit by the eldest lady?"

Leng Mei was more calm than Night Breeze, and said, "Miss seems to have this ability."

Over there, Feng Yunzheng stabilized his pace, and explained calmly, "I'm really not tired, there are too many stones, I just focused on listening to you, I just didn't pay attention to my feet." He lowered his head and walked forward After taking a few steps, he asked——

"What about you, what do you think of Madam?" He believed that she was reborn only for revenge, and she would meet gods and gods, ghosts and ghosts!
But in the previous life, she was too obsessed with Feng Qianyue, and he was worried that she would not be able to get out, and he always refused to let him go, so that she would never be able to truly be free.

At the same time, he thought that if Lian Siyue really still had Feng Qianyue in his heart, he would feel a sharp pain in his heart and couldn't bear it.

"Hmph." Lian Siyue sneered and said, "Feng Qianyue, I don't even want to remember his name, I just want to send him to hell!"

"..." Hearing her own answer, a stone in Feng Yunzheng's heart finally fell down, a relieved smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Okay, let's send him to hell together!"

He continued to walk forward with her on his back, and after a while, he heard the sound of horseshoes kicking and kicking, as well as faint calls.

"Someone is here." Feng Yunzheng said, walking out of the woods, the journey of the two of them alone was over, and what greeted them was the ever-changing world outside, full of scheming and struggle, and every step they took was like walking on thin ice.

"Let me down." Even Siyue felt the same feeling in his heart, the moment with a faint pear fragrance, as he walked out of the woods, he was frozen in the depths of his memory.

He squatted down, put her off his back, turned around, and faced her——

She took off the cloak on her body, handed it to him, and said, "This time, I would like to thank Your Highness for helping me again."

Feng Yunzheng looked at her with eyes as clear as water and as deep as a pool, and said, "You're welcome, you forgot, we are allies."

"Yes, we are allies." Lian Siyue smiled, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the scratch on the back of his hand. Her heart trembled, and she asked, "Did you get scratched?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand to look at it casually, and said indifferently, "It's a small injury, it's not a problem, it will be healed soon." Then, he shook his hand, as if he didn't mind.

"Don't move." Lian Siyue took his hand unexpectedly, his palm was twice as big as hers, the fingers were long and slender, with well-defined joints, very beautiful, the few marks on the back of the white hand looked a bit abrupt.

"You..." Feeling her soft fingers pressed against his palm, Feng Yunzheng's hand moved slightly, and his heart throbbed like a feather brushing gently.

She lowered her head, took out her handkerchief from her sleeve, wrapped it around his palm, twisted it twice, then tied a knot in the palm of his hand, then let go of her hand, and said, "Last time, Your Highness Ninth Prince Bandaged my hand, this time I will bandage you."

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng was taken aback, "Isn't it the meaning of Liang Qing?"

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "You forgot, we are allies, so this is helping each other."

"That's still acceptable." Feng Yunzheng looked down at his neatly wrapped hands, and said with satisfaction that she was really a dexterous person, and he felt very happy to wrap up his wound so well.


"elder sister……"

"Girl! Brother Nine Emperors!"

At this time, shouts came from not far away, and the two turned around to look over——

I saw, at the gate of the woods, two horses galloped ahead, followed by several horses and galloping soldiers, they found it!
"Sister..." The horse was approaching, and Lian Jue walked in the front, and when he saw Lian Siyue, he speeded up.

"Je'er..." Lian Siyue showed a smile on her face, Feng Yunzheng watched her run towards her younger brother——

(End of this chapter)

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