First-class daughter

Chapter 166 Concubine Xuan Has an Invitation

Chapter 166 Concubine Xuan Has an Invitation
Chapter 166 Concubine Xuan Has an Invitation
"Woo..." Looking at the person running over, he tightened his feet on the horse's stomach, and tightened the rein with his hands. The horse slowed down, and when Lian Siyue ran over, the horse had already stopped.

"Sister..." Lian Jue jumped off the horse neatly, and couldn't wait to run in front of Lian Siyue, holding her arm with both hands, his handsome face was full of anxiety, "Are you okay. "

Lian Siyue shook her head, stretched out her hand to wipe off the sweat on Lian Jue's forehead, and said, "Jue'er, I'm fine, His Highness Ninth Prince helped me, I'm fine at all."

"Girl, what's going on?" Here, Feng Ye also jumped off the horse, walked over a few steps, and looked at Lian Siyue worriedly, "How can such a good horse suddenly go crazy?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "I don't know what's going on, but fortunately, it's all right now." Before she got it all figured out, she didn't plan to tell anyone the truth, many things, the fewer people who know, the more it is good.

Feng Yunzheng came over, bowed his hands to Feng Ye, and said, "Brother Eighth Prince."

"Brother Nine Emperors, are you okay?" Feng Ye gave him a lot, and finally, his eyes fell on the bandage on his palm. Obviously, it was a handkerchief from a girl's house. His heart suddenly felt a little lost .

"Brother Xie Bawang, I'm fine." Feng Yunzheng replied.

"It's getting late. The news about you being taken away by the horse has spread throughout the hunting ground. Even the emperor has asked about it. Go back quickly, so as not to cause other troubles." Feng Ye swallowed the discomfort in his heart. go down and say.

"His Highness Eight is right, let's go back quickly." Lian Jue pulled the horse over and said, and then supported Lian Siyue to get on the horse, while he himself got on the other one. With the lesson just now, he will never again Not daring to let go, she held on to the reins of her horse tightly.

"Your Highness, your horse."

A guard came over and respectfully handed a maroon horse into Feng Yunzheng's hands. Feng Yunzheng jumped on the horse, followed Lian Siyue and Lian Jue, and ran towards the hunting ground. The horse raised a thick cloud of dust behind him.

Feng Ye walked at the back, he turned his head and glanced into the depths of the forest, his eyes flashed thoughtful.

Looking back again, he looked at Lian Siyue's back that was gradually moving away from him, and his usual unruly eyes were unknowingly stained with gloom——

Lian Jue is your younger brother, so he has no scruples in front of you, you are so kind and patient to him;

The fourth brother has evil intentions towards you, you treat him indifferently and speak ill of him, but that is still the real you;
Brother Nine Emperors and you, Princess Anguo's mansion, walked close to you unknowingly. Today, when the hunting ground was rescued, there was even a tacit understanding between him and you that no one else could see through;

But me, you never reveal any feelings to me, you are so polite and respectful, I can't see a little bit of your heart, even, you deliberately conceal it from me...

Feng Ye's hand holding the rein secretly exerted force, force until the horse felt uncomfortable, raised its head and let out a neigh——

Only then did he raise his whip high, slammed it on the horse's back, and galloped away in the direction he had come. The expression on his face became deeper in the night.

In the distance, Lian Siyue saw that the torches and bonfires on the hunting paddock were already burning, and people began to busy prepare for the arrival of the banquet.

There were also a lot of people waiting at the door, probably waiting for their return. Some people were looking forward to it, such as Lian Yanqing and Princess Eleven, and... the Xiao family who deliberately stood in an inconspicuous position. brother and sister.

"Jue'er, Qi Feng is dead..." Lian Siyue looked at Lian Jue on the horse beside him, and said in a heavy voice.

Lian Jue paused, and tightened his hand holding the rein. Qi Feng was a horse that had been with him for many years. It was his partner. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still said, "It's good that sister is fine, that's fine. Qifeng was fine when he came, but suddenly went berserk to death, someone must have tampered with it! I will not let those two people go!"

"Yue'er... are you alright..." When the horse finally stopped at the gate of the hunting paddock, Lian Yanqing, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried up to greet him, even the conversation between Si Yue and Lian Jue came to an abrupt end.

"Miss!" Qing Dai and Jiang Xiang rushed over, Qing Dai's face was full of tears, and helped her off the horse.

With the help of the maid, Lian Siyue walked in front of Lian Yanqing, bowed, and said, "Father is worried, daughter is fine, everything is fine."

When Lian Yanqing saw that she was safe and sound, a stone hanging in his heart finally fell, and he said, "Just go back to your tent and get ready for today's affairs. I know, I'm afraid I'll notice you during the banquet, so be careful."

Lian Yanqing now wished that Lian Siyue would be noticed by the emperor and empress, he figured it out, his daughter is a very precious life, instead of hiding it in the mansion, it is better to attend such occasions more often.

Afterwards, Lian Jue also jumped off the horse, saw the eleventh princess Feng Lingyue standing there, he paused, opened his mouth, and said, "I..."

"Hmph!" Feng Lingyue snorted coldly at him, glared at him with disdain, and then ran towards Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye, "Eighth Brother, Ninth Brother..."

Lian Jue stood where he was, seeing her disdainful look, the little bit of guilt felt like a fire being extinguished by water, and he snorted——extinguished!
He also turned around and left in disdain, and ignored the cruel princess!

"Brother, didn't you say His Highness Ninth Prince is just a waste? Why is there him everywhere! This time it's him again!" Seeing that Lian Siyue came back safe and sound, Xiao Rou said indignantly.

"It's true. His mother and concubine were deposed, and he lost his real power. I heard that he spends all day at home dancing and writing, listening to obscene music. Who knows that he seems to be okay!" Xiao Shan didn't expect that he He came up with a plan, secretly put ephedra, asarum, aconite, and licorice in Lianjue’s horse feed, which are traditional Chinese medicines that would make him suddenly excited after eating, and then took the horse to drive in the direction of Lian Siyue. Trample Lian Siyue to death!

Who knows, it will be empty again.

While thinking about it, Lian Siyue had already walked over, and when she passed by them, she stopped and looked at Xiao Rou slowly.

Xiao Rou felt her head go numb, swallowed, and pretended to be calm and said, "Lian Siyue, you are really there, and several His Highnesses went to look for you, which alarmed the whole hunting ground!"

Lian Siyue's lips twitched lightly, a half-smile appeared, and said, "Thanks to someone."

"...You!" Xiao Rou wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xiao Shan, he said to Lian Siyue, "It's good that you come back safely, otherwise tonight's banquet will not be able to be held because of you."

"Heh..." Lian Siyue chuckled, ignored their brothers and sisters, turned around, but the expression on his face was like the ice of winter!

"Miss Lian, Concubine Xuan is here to invite you." Just as Lian Siyue was about to bend down to enter the tent, she saw two nuns walking over, bowed to her, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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