First-class daughter

Chapter 167 See Your Empress

Chapter 167 See Your Empress
Chapter 167 See Your Empress
Concubine Xuan?The emperor's favorite concubine wants to summon her?

"Mommy, my young lady just came back, please change her clothes first, so as not to offend your mother." Qing Dai bowed and knelt.

Following Lian Siyue, she became more and more intelligent. This concubine Xuan has a strong background, so she summoned her suddenly, and it would be better to give the eldest lady a time to prepare.

Lian Siyue showed approval in his eyes.

The two nuns glanced at each other, and they couldn't even refuse Siyue's request, and said, "The servant is here waiting for the young lady."

Lian Siyue went in and changed her clothes, then came out, followed behind the two nuns, and walked to the outside of the emperor's tent.

"Miss, please wait a moment." Two nuns let her stand outside, and one of them lifted the curtain and went in to announce.

Lian Siyue glanced at it for a while, Jiang Keji, the leader of the guards she knew, was not there, so the emperor himself was not here at the moment, and Concubine Xuan took this opportunity to summon her.

"Miss, please..." After a while, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and the mother inside came out and said.

"Thank you, ma'am." Lian Siyue nodded and walked in.

The inside of the tent was covered with Hotan carpets and low yellow pear wood couches, showing the majesty and dignity of the emperor everywhere. Even the empress and concubine Xu Xian did not live in the same tent as the emperor. position in mind.

She raised her eyes slightly and looked at the person on the imperial concubine chair, only to see a slender, beautiful, enchanting beauty lying reclined and looking at her, she was wearing a crane cloak made of white silk and new mulberry silk style clothes, wearing a pearl and emerald Jiuzhai crown on her head, this is the emperor's favorite concubine Xuan——

Youxuan is sixteen years old.

I saw that Concubine Xuan blew Danko with ten fingers lightly, her posture was full of arrogance, she was favored at a young age, which made her defiant, even the empress dared to offend, how could she put a prime minister's daughter in her eyes.

She looked at Lian Siyue standing in front of her with lazy and haughty eyes, and said, "Raise your head and let me take a look." At the age of 16, she has been in the deep palace for two years, and she has already put the palace in the palace. I have learned the posture of being superior to others.

No wonder the emperor likes it, no matter how domineering at such a young age, there is always a rare romantic innocence.

Lian Siyue obeyed, slowly raised her head and looked at Concubine Xuan.

When her face appeared in front of Concubine Xuan's eyes, Concubine Xuan felt her heart constrict in surprise. This daughter of the Prime Minister has a clean face, thinly applied makeup, and a long skirt with a wide black and black neckline, elegant and elegant. Clean and spotless, like snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain, or orchid in empty valley.

Seeing the person in front of her, what appeared in Lian Siyue's mind was the scene she had met in Prince Yue's mansion after marrying Feng Qianyue——

As the prince of Yue, Feng Qianyue is not unique to her, she has known this for a long time, but after marrying her, there are only two concubines in the mansion, not even a side concubine, and her father is not even close to Yanqing. Compared with ten aunts, he respects her quite a bit.Moreover, he did not allow these two concubines to conceive and have children, and the two concubines respected her very much on weekdays.

In the past, she was very grateful that he took her feelings into consideration, but later she realized that what he did was actually for Lian Shiya!

One morning, she was sharing a meal with him. At this time, their daughter, Le Yan, was just three months old and was being coaxed by the nanny. She was still very weak because of heavy bleeding during childbirth, but Still insisting not to let the dining room deliver the food to the room, but come here to eat with Feng Qianyue.

While eating, the butler, Nian Bo, hurried in. Behind him was a woman in red, but the woman's head was covered with a layer of black veil, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but she could also feel it from her figure. Is a beautiful woman.

Feng Qianyue looked at this person, but stood up abruptly, with a rare panic flashing across his face, without saying a word to her, he got up and dragged the woman away in a hurry, she heard him say something to her : Come to my study!
She was a little dazed, and felt a sense of discomfort in her heart. She never cared about Feng Qianyue's affairs, but this time, a strong curiosity drove her to follow——

She saw Feng Qianyue pulling her into the study room, before the door was closed, the woman threw herself on him impatiently, but he did not push her away.

She tiptoed to the window, pierced the window paper with her fingers, and put her eyes on it——

When she saw what was going on inside, she turned around abruptly and covered her mouth!

It turned out that she saw Feng Qianyue put one arm around the woman's waist, and the two kissed together, like lovers who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and then they seemed to have some disputes, but their voices were very small, and they could only vaguely hear The woman said she couldn't stand the old man, and heard nothing else. Then, the woman's ecstatic low moan and the man's heavy breathing came from inside.

Her heart was tightly clenched into a ball, Feng Qianyue had never embarrassed her like this!Although there are concubines in the mansion, it is only a matter of etiquette, and this woman in red...

In the end, Lian Siyue walked back to the table silently, sat down and finished the meal slowly, and went to take Le Yan after the meal.

However, she always felt uneasy in her heart, and she couldn't help but pay attention to the situation in the study.Because although it was just a glance just now, she felt the deep hostility of the woman in red towards her with a woman's intuition.

Who is she?
About an hour later, the woman in red came out of Feng Qianyue's study, but she didn't leave directly, but passed in front of Lian Siyue, standing in front of her, although separated by a layer of black veil, Lian Siyue I felt the pressing gaze from behind.

With a sound of "shua", she took off the veil on her face, and it turned out to be an extremely beautiful face, so beautiful that it made people look slightly fascinated, but when those eyes looked at Le Yan, Lian Siyue felt Feeling a penetrating chill, she couldn't help but hug Le Yan a little tighter——

"Princess Yueqin, hum." She snorted coldly, her eyes full of contempt, "You are not worthy!"

Lian Siyue was stunned when he heard this, and a chill rose up his back again, and asked, "Who are you?"

And at this time, Feng Qianyue walked over in three steps at a time, pulled the woman in red, covered her head with a black gauze, took her hand, and sent her out of the house impatiently. The same as when I came, I went through the back door.

Later, she asked Feng Qianyue who this was, but Feng Qianyue still refused to tell her. He only told her that he promised that she would never see this person again in the future, and let her be at ease. princess.

About a few months after this incident, she vaguely heard that Concubine Xuan, whom the emperor loved so much, accidentally fell into a well and died, and the emperor was still sad for a while.

At that time, how could she have known that Concubine Xuan was the same person as the woman in red who appeared in Prince Yue's mansion!
(End of this chapter)

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