First-class daughter

Chapter 168 The princess is here

Chapter 168 The princess is here
Chapter 168 The princess is here
Now that I think about it carefully, this Concubine Xuan must have taken the opportunity of leaving the palace to secretly meet with Feng Qianyue at Prince Yue's Palace behind her back, and Feng Qianyue, who has always been cautious, did not expect that she would cultivate it by herself and send it to the emperor. The dancing girl Youxuan is actually disobedient and even comes to him privately!
This is simply a big taboo in his attempt to become a leader!So, he made out with her and stabilized her first.

Then, be cruel and kill her!
Feng Qianyue actually secretly gave the woman he used to his father, or in other words, he actually used the woman his father had already used
Think about it, this concubine Xuan is also pitiful. She clearly loves Feng Qianyue, but she is coaxed by him as a chess piece and sent to the emperor's side to fight for his favor in the harem, frame other concubines, and implicate their princes.However, once she threatened him, she was mercilessly killed!

However, she will not sympathize with her in the slightest!

she thought, said. "Meet your wife."

Concubine Xuan opened her plump cherry mouth, and her voice was like a nightingale in the empty valley, leisurely and authentically,
"It turned out that the entire hunting ground was disturbed, and His Royal Highnesses rushed to rescue her. Even the emperor was alarmed. Miss Lian's family has such a dignified appearance. I was wrong in thinking earlier."

I thought it was a coquettish thing, but it turned out to be the opposite. It was deserted, not like someone who would do everything in his power to win favor.

Lian Siyue bowed slightly, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty congratulates me, I don't know what you want to order when you are summoned by your Majesty."

"It's nothing special. As a concubine in the harem, I want to remind you that a lady who has not left the court and is also the daughter of the prime minister must be careful in her actions. Don't get too close to the princes. , It's not as simple as you think." Concubine Xuan clearly carried a three-point warning in her exhortation.

If she hadn't seen her in Prince Yue's mansion, Lian Siyue really thought she was reminding her of etiquette, but now it seems that she is actually jealous of Feng Qianyue, because Feng Qianyue also came to chase her.

Ha ha……

These two people are really a disgusting match!
"Thank you for your reminder like the moon, and I will follow the teachings! It happened suddenly today, and several princes happened to pass by. They thought they were afraid of ruining today's bonfire dinner and spoiling the interest of the emperor and the empress. Yue has no dealings with the princes, and she will not get too close to any prince in the future." There were so many clues, and finally turned into some flawless words.

Concubine Xuan seemed very satisfied with the result of beating Lian Siyue, she finally smiled, sat up and said, "The bonfire banquet is about to start, I need to make some preparations, you go down first."

"Yes, thank you for your grace." Lian Siyue bowed, lowered her head, and slowly retreated from Concubine Xuan's tent.

As soon as she left, Concubine Xuan's face darkened, and she ordered, "Nurse Xu, send someone to investigate why that horse suddenly went berserk today, remember not to let anyone know."

"Yes, ma'am." Nanny Xu replied.

Lian Siyue stood outside the tent for a while, with a cold and sarcastic smile in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared from the corner of his eyes.

"Miss, are you okay?" Qingdai and Luzhi, who were waiting not far from the tent, came over.

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "Nothing, let's go."

A group of three people walked back, but Lian Siyue just happened to see Princess An was walking into Feng Yunzheng's tent, and at the same time brought a woman with her, the man just turned around, glanced at her slightly, and gave her a slight look. nodded --

is her.

The woman in that portrait—Liu Yanyu, the granddaughter of Liu Guogong, the concubine that Princess An was looking for for Feng Yunzheng.

Thinking about it, Princess An took her to visit His Highness the Ninth Prince.

Lian Siyue withdrew her gaze, not letting herself think about it, and quietly returned to her place.

After a while, Concubine Xuan sent someone to bring a gift, it was a red gold dot emerald Ruyi Step Rock, well-made, exquisite workmanship, Lian Siyue accepted Xie En, held it in her palm and looked at it carefully, her eyes fell on the emerald bead , one by one, the color is excellent, crystal clear.

Immediately afterwards, the Empress and Concubine Xu Xian sent gifts, which were a rare jade ruyi and a bracelet.

"Lian Siyue!" She was fascinated by looking at these rewards, and when she lamented that she had attracted the attention of others for no reason, she heard a coquettish sound, and the visitor barged in without notification, with a stick in her hand. A long riding whip.

Such a domineering, hot-tempered person, whoever it is, is Eleven Princess, Lian Siyue stroked her forehead, stood up, saluted, and said, "See Princess."

"Okay, don't be as hypocritical as that annoying brother of yours. You don't take this princess seriously at all. What kind of courtesy are you doing! Get up! Hmph!"

"... Jue'er?" Lian Siyue was slightly taken aback, "Did Jue'er offend the princess?"

Princess Eleven sat down beside her and stared at her, "It's not all because of you! Lian Siyue, let me tell you, what happened to you today has nothing to do with me, if you dare to wrong me, I will arrest you again , cut off your head, and then cut off your brother's head, and fed it to wild dogs to eat!"

After hearing this, Lian Siyue thought, maybe something happened to her suddenly, and Lian Jue misunderstood that it was the princess who did it, so she said:

"Princess, Jue'er was too impulsive and misunderstood the princess. I will tell him, he will go to the princess to apologize."

"Really? It was you who said that you want your younger brother to make amends for me!" Princess Eleven's eyes lit up suddenly, and a sly expression flashed across her face.

Her expression couldn't escape Lian Siyue's eyes. Lian Siyue sighed slightly. After all, she was still a child. She was arrogant, unwilling to bow her head, and refused to admit defeat. She suddenly envied Eleventh Princess like this He is a person who is full of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on his face, without covering up, without guarding against, and frankly.

"Why don't you speak, do you regret it?" Seeing that Lian Siyue pursed her lips and said nothing, Princess Eleven immediately stared and asked.

Lian Siyue came back to her senses and said, "This matter has nothing to do with the princess. The princess is innocent. Jue'er subjectively assumed that it was his fault without any evidence. He should go to the princess to apologize. of!"

Princess Eleven felt relieved when she heard this, and said, "If you are reasonable, this princess will forgive you! I'll wait for Lian Jue to plead guilty to me!"

"However..." Lian Siyue said again, "If the princess didn't want to shoot me and Lian Jue, I think he wouldn't have misunderstood the princess like this."

"You!" Princess Eleven blushed immediately, feeling a little guilty, but immediately said loudly and confidently, "I won't really kill you! Besides, I have never killed you when I grow up. Damn, my queen doesn’t allow me to ride a horse to hunt, I’m just having fun, I reward everyone who pretends to be prey, and those who are injured will pay double, I never let them suffer.”

(End of this chapter)

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